Once again I have transcribed from my notebook a collection of weblogs spanning a wide range of both poetical and philosophical subjects, with some autobiographical and other topics included for good measure, and refashioned them for publication in both eScroll and eBook formats, the former of which, being italic writerly, accords with my metaphysical fulcrum as a self-taught philosopher, or thinker, and the latter with a concession to conventional printerly publication, that is to say, of text presented in corporeal printerly as opposed to ethereal italic-writerly terms, so that it could be said, with no little justification, that the distinction is rather akin to the Biblical notion of 'on earth as it is in heaven', with the eBook conforming to an 'earthly' extrapolation, as it were, from the eScroll, whose ethereal presentation could be said to accord with a certain 'heavenly' status deriving from both a largely metaphysical subject-matter and a textural presentation which is arguably metaphysical in the noumenal, or ethereal, subjectivity of its particular approach to font and style which, as noted above, can only be italic writerly. Rest assured, however, that the content of both presentations, whether corporeal or ethereal, 'on earth' or 'in heaven' is identical, and that what one reads in the one context is exactly the same as what one can read in the other, assuming one has an interest in writings which, by their very nature, are essentially non-commerical and even highly abstract in character. Believe me, I wouldn't have it otherwise, because it is precisely through this more metaphysical approach to writing that I was able to vindicate my having embarked upon a literary vocation in the first place by actually satisfying myself that I had arrived at and understood what metaphysical truth is, irrespective of what stands in its way or strives, vainly, to replace it from positions, also well-documented in my writings, either contrary to or falling well short of it in some intermediate realm better suited to those for whom anything metaphysical could only be described as lying 'beyond the pale' of their human-all-too-human limitations. In this collection of revised and reformatted weblogs, such limitations have little or no place, and the reader capable of broaching the text in all its various permutations will be the freer in his mind for having done so. For what is that other Biblical saying about 'the truth shall set you free' if not a pointer towards metaphysical freedom from worldly and netherworldly limitations?

John O'Loughlin, London 2012
