1.   Listening to Ponty, one is made painfully conscious of the deplorable extent to which an excess of technique fails to compensate for a lack of soul.


2.   Rock never went away, because the record shops never allowed it to....


3.   Spectacles can do more damage to eyes than opticians or eye doctors would be prepared to admit.


4.   Recording one's thoughts is a form of vanity, but it is not the worst kind.


5.   Nowadays thoughts are censured more vigorously than ever before - largely because the age abhors truth.


6.   They have made a god out of beauty and a heaven out of love, but they are the ones who have to live with the consequences!


7.   Self-delusion is the key to populism, for the populist is one who can't or won't face up to his self.


8.   The world thrives on self-deception and self-delusion, for it is the public face of things that counts, and he who is most removed from his self is least strange to the other.


9.   They have divided the world between evil and good, never imagining, for a moment, that folly and wisdom are just as much a part of the overall equation.


10.  Most people are not interested in saving their souls but only in saving their money.  In fact, the more one is into saving money, the less appeal will the salvation of the soul have ...


11.  Strictly speaking, the soul is not saved; it is achieved as a redemption of the ego, and never more so than in relation to the context of sensible, or inner, metaphysics.


12.  But, then, the redemption of the self from ego to soul in inner metaphysics is only for those who, as a certain type of higher male, would be capable of such a metaphysical redemption anyway.