1.   Truth is not for everybody - as the world constantly demonstrates by its refusal to acknowledge it and/or subversive arrogation of it by the Lie.


2.   'Beauty is Truth, Truth ... Beauty' (Keats); what could be less true than that?  But, then, the poet, especially in the West, has always felt entitled to play God!


3.   As I have often said, poets and philosophers are, if genuine, like Devils and Gods towering over the men and women of fiction and drama, viz. novels and plays.


4.   Of course, the world won't take any notice or pay much heed to what I say, because it is a lie that fights shy of truth, including the 'truth' about a variety of literary and similar cultural alternatives, in the interests of its own commercial aggrandisement.


5.   I don't expect anything from the world, nor do I allow the world to expect very much - excepting truth - from me.


6.   For I have judged the world, both in its phenomenal and noumenal, lower class and upper class, manifestations, and those whom I have judged would know whether they were destined for salvation or damnation in relation to the projected three-tier structure of 'Kingdom Come' and its administrative aside which characterizes my best works.


7.   Thus in one sense Judgement has already come to pass, whilst in another sense - the actual coming of the 'Kingdom' attendant upon a democratically expressed majority mandate for religious sovereignty - it has still to come.


8.   Some people, I know, will think me mad.  But what does that prove?  Great things always encounter opposition from the small-minded.