1.   Man has made a god out of himself, and the deplorable result has been the humanistic stultification of religion and its reduction to the lowest-common-denominator of prayerful superstition.


2.   Take the 'Lord's Prayer', with its 'give us this day our daily bread' (hardly the stuff of religion, much less of God!) and 'lead us not into temptation' (as if 'the Lord' would do such a thing!), 'but deliver us from evil' (not to mention folly as well!), 'for Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory' (but evidently not the form and the contentment!) 'for ever and ever....'


3.   The only part of the 'Lord's Prayer' that I really like is 'Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done ...' (which, however, remains to be seen) 'in Heaven as it is on earth' (which latter, alas, I am still not altogether convinced about, though I live in hope).


4.   As for the concept of a 'living God' (not associated with the above prayer), it is incontestably the case that the only God to fit that description is 'the Father', and not so much as the Sun (which in any case is more of a Satanic parallel as 'fallen angel') as of the ears, the order of God which accords with 'supreme being', albeit in relation to folly and unholiness rather than to those aspects of godhead which accord with such being in relation to wisdom and holiness, since of the lungs and the breath as opposed to the ears and the airwaves, and therefore having reference to salvation from metaphysical sensuality to metaphysical sensibility, as from the aforementioned Father to the Son or, at any rate, to a Son commensurate with the Second Coming, and having more reference, metaphysically, to the Self than to the Not-Self.


5.   Thus not so much lungs and breath, sensibly metaphysical will and spirit, as germane to a secondary God and Heaven, as ego and soul of, in sensibly metaphysical terms, a primary order of God and Heaven - namely, the Wise Ego of God-the-Son and the Holy Soul of Sensible  Heaven.


6.   For the Wise Will of God-the-Father and the Holy Spirit of Sensible Heaven, the lungs and the breath, are there to be utilized by the Wise Ego of God-the-Son, the sensibly metaphysical ego, in the interests of His 'resurrection', on the recoil from self-annihilation at the hands, so to speak, of the out-breath ... of the Holy Spirit of Sensible Heaven ... to and as the Holy Soul of Sensible Heaven, the redemption of a primary God in a primary Heaven, which is the raison d'être of transcendental meditation and justification of ultimate Godhead.


7.   Thus in broad sensual/sensible metaphysical terms, one can distinguish Father from Son and Son from Father, but in specific terms both contexts can be thought of in relation to a Father and a Son, not to mention a Spirit and a Soul, except that in sensual metaphysics Godhead (whether primary or secondary) is characterized by folly, and Heaven (whether in primary or secondary terms) by unholiness, whereas in sensible metaphysics both orders of Godhead are wise and both orders of Heaven holy.


8.   Consequently the latter are constitutive of salvation from the former, and such a salvation is germane to the Second Coming, Who is the Son, or egoistic order of Godhead (primary), Whose consciousness is attuned to the will of the lungs to breathe and Who, in meditating, effectively utilizes this will, the Wise Will of God-the-Father, to be borne-up on the out-breath wings of the Holy Spirit of Sensible Heaven, only to recoil, in self-preservation, to self more profoundly ... than would otherwise have been the case ... as the Holy Soul of Sensible Heaven, the redemptive primary Heaven of a primary God whose release from ego, no matter how temporary or intermittently, is blissful.


9.   Thus there is a Father here (the lungs) and a Son here (the metaphysical ego), together with a Spirit (the breath) and a Soul (the innermost self), but all of this inner metaphysical reality can be subsumed under the general rubric of the Son, the Second Coming, Who in broad terms is no secondary Son to a primary Father, like the First Coming (Christ) or, in not-self terms, brain to phallus, secondary grace to primary sin, but, on the contrary, very much a primary Son to a secondary Father, as, in not-self terms, lungs to ears, primary grace to secondary sin.


10.  Thus, with the Second Coming, grace moves to the fore as the primary aspect of things due to transcendental meditation, whereas with the First Coming - as, indeed, the Catholic Church - it is merely secondary, in prayerful contrition and/or verbal absolution, to a sinful fulcrum in the phallus (or focus of the flesh), which can be anthropomorphized as the Father per se, which is to say, a primary manifestation of this order of Godhead or, rather, man (since godliness attaches neither to the sensual nor to the sensible manifestations of physics, but only to those manifestations of metaphysics, as already discussed).


11.  Thus Father and Son are merely manly, or of man, with the physical religion of humanism, viz. Christianity, whereas with the metaphysical religion of transcendentalism, by contrast, they are godly, or of God, and this whether on foolish or wise terms, according to whether sensuality or sensibility is the prevailing orientation.


12.  Social Transcendentalism, as taught by me, is primarily the religion of metaphysical sensibility, and thus of wise orders of God (Father and Son) and holy orders of Heaven (Spirit and Soul).  It is also the religion, lower down its pluralistic hierarchy, of wise orders of man (father and son) and holy orders of the earth (spirit and soul), as well, in relation to the bottom tier of my projected triadic Beyond, as good orders of woman (mother and daughter) and unclear orders of purgatory (spirit and soul).


13.  It is even, in relation to the administrative aside to the triadic Beyond, a context of good orders of Devil (Mother and Daughter) and unclear orders of Hell (Spirit and Soul).  For you cannot have Heaven without Hell, nor the earth without purgatory, any more than you can have God without the Devil, or man without woman.


14.  If this is 'Kingdom Come', as I believe, then 'Kingdom Come' is very much a combination of administrative aside and triadic Beyond, with all four Elements duly accounted for and reasonably integrated.