1.   Race and culture stand above nation and civilization like, I guess, fire and air above water and vegetation, or rhythm and pitch above harmony and melody, or Devils and Gods above women and men, and so on.


2.   That is not to say, however, that Social Transcendentalism is solely about race and culture, even though they would figure prominently as the noumenal aspects of 'Kingdom Come', but rather that it recognizes the significance of both race and culture as upper-class parallels to nation and civilization, pretty much as time and space to mass and volume.


3.   One of the great ironies of history on these islands is that the Celtic Irish, who effectively escaped the Romanization of Western Europe and its catastrophic effects upon race and culture, subsequently succumbed to Roman Catholicism and were culturally pegged, in Irish nationhood, to mass and volume, viz. Mary and Christ, womb and brain.


4.   As Celts they traditionally related, more usually, to Celtic Christianity, with its greater emphasis on personal attainment of grace through individual effort, but as Irish nationhood developed from the combination and cross-fertilization of Celtic and Anglo-Norman traditions or factors, they gradually fell under the influence of Roman Catholicism and succumbed to nation and civilization, those phenomenal shortfalls from and oppositions to race and culture such as their less mongrelized Celtic ancestors, in particular, had escaped, albeit in a largely naturalistic and even paganistic context.


5.   Yet race and culture are higher than nation and civilization, as percussion and wind are higher, in musical instrument terms, than keyboards and guitars and/or strings, like fire and air above water and vegetation.


6.   Paradoxically, the classical music of Western civilization stands on a lower plane or, rather, on lower planes to the best traditional and folk music of the Celtic fringe, as, in effect, a worldly and lower-class type of music vis-à-vis an otherworldly and effectively upper-class type of music, a music not of volume and mass so much as of time and space, with more rhythm and pitch, particularly in percussion and wind or pipes, than harmony and melody, particularly in keyboards and strings.


7.   Surprisingly, Celtic culture partly survived the Romanization of Ireland by civilized nationhood and tended to co-exist with it as a noumenal, or abstract, alternative to phenomenal, and concrete, Western norms, and pretty much on the paradoxical terms of a west/east divide on the island of Ireland as a whole.


8.   But under the prevailing influence of Roman Catholicism it ceased to be anything but peripheral to the worldly norm, which ever tends to a mundane reduction of life, in mass and volume, to Marian and Christic, national and civilized, means.


9.   To the civilized, the racial/cultural integrity of the Otherworldly appears as a mark of backwardness and even barbarism, whereas to the cultured, the national/civil integrity of the Worldly seems base and even philistine.


10.  Yet, in reality, the cultured should not be judged by civilized standards, any more than the civilized should be judged by cultural ones!


11.  The racial/cultural integrity, or noumenal dichotomy in time and space, is largely divisible between beauty and truth, whereas the national/civil integrity, or phenomenal dichotomy in volume and mass, is largely divisible between strength and knowledge.


12.  Beauty without reference to truth is philistine, and philistine are they who emphasize race to the virtual exclusion of culture.


13.  Strength without reference to knowledge is barbarous, and barbarous are they who emphasize nationhood without reference to civilization.


14.  In 'Kingdom Come', however, beauty would serve not only the truth of culture but the strength of nationhood and the knowledge of civilization, since the beauty of race would be akin to the administrative aside to the triadic Beyond, and the Beyond in question would be composed of nation, civilization, and culture, viz. strength, knowledge, and truth.


15.  Social Transcendentalism is primarily concerned with race and culture, beauty and truth, and only secondarily with nation and civilization, strength and knowledge.  For the noumenal must take precedence over the phenomenal if the world is to be overcome and otherworldly values, germane to 'Kingdom Come', predominantly prevail, in keeping with the hegemonic positions of time and space over volume and mass.


16.  Yet both race and culture, no less than nation and civilization, will be more artificial than naturalistic, as befitting the overhaul of naturalistic traditions by artificial modernity, and the almost infinite transmutability of both environment and society which such artificiality portends.


17.  Western civilization is, by and large, already artificial, since the naturalistic forms of nation and civilization were superseded by their artificial counterparts quite some time ago.  What will distinguish 'Kingdom Come' from this will be the addition of artificial manifestations of race and culture to form a superstructure in which nation and civilization will undergo further modifications in line with the general advancement of artificial criteria.


18.  National Socialism in Hitlerian Germany did much to highlight and revive the significance of race and culture vis-à-vis nation and civilization, albeit from a largely sensual perspective in which race took precedence over culture, and to a virtually philistine degree.


19.  Social Transcendentalism must ensure that the omega rather than the alpha of race and culture is emphasized, so that one has less of an artistic and more of a religious perspective in which culture is big, so to speak, and race small.


20.  Likewise, civilization should be big and nation, or nationhood, small, and this contrary to the triumph of nationhood at the expense of civilization which tended to characterize those Western nations in the twentieth century which fell into barbarism, or fascism.


21.  Mature democracies, on the other hand, tended to remain more civilized than nationalistic, the omega-oriented counterpart to those theocracies, for want of a better term, which remained more cultural than racial, if, in Roman Catholicism, with a mainly worldly emphasis. 


22.  Thus, in general terms, the mature democracies, being of the State, tended to be more of the Mother than the Daughter, while their theocratic counterparts, being of the Church, tended to emphasize the Son rather than the Father.  But this wasn't so much on a noumenal as on a phenomenal, and therefore lower-class, basis, as befitting the mundane integrities of both parliamentary liberalism and Roman Catholicism.


23.  I speak rather of a new civilization and a new culture, a new earth and a new heaven, as germane to 'Kingdom Come'.