1.   To conceive of the plane of space - and this contrary to how I had formerly thought - as the plane of culture par excellence, and the plane of time as the plane of race par excellence.


2.   Therefore to conceive of salvation for noumenal males (upper class) from metaphysical race to metaphysical culture, as from sequential sensuality to spaced sensibility in time-space subjectivity, and of damnation for noumenal females (upper class) from metachemical culture to metachemical race, as from spatial sensuality to repetitive sensibility in space-time objectivity.


3.   Thus from metachemical culture over metaphysical race in the sensuality of space and time to metaphysical culture over metachemical race in the sensibility of space and time.  A rise in time-space subjectivity from ears to lungs for metaphysical males, and a fall in space-time objectivity from eyes to heart for metachemical females.


4.   To conceive of the plane of volume - and this contrary to how I had formerly thought - as the plane of civilization par excellence, and the plane of mass as the plane of nationhood par excellence.


5.   Therefore to conceive of salvation for phenomenal males (lower class) from physical nationhood to physical civilization, as from massive sensuality to voluminous sensibility in mass-volume subjectivity, and of damnation for phenomenal females (lower class) from chemical civilization to chemical nationhood, as from volumetric sensuality to massed sensibility in volume-mass objectivity.


6.   Thus from chemical civilization over physical nationhood in the sensuality of volume and mass to physical civilization over chemical nationhood in the sensibility of volume and mass.  A rise in mass-volume subjectivity from phallus to brain for physical males, and a fall in volume-mass objectivity from tongue to womb for chemical females.


7.   It may be that we have a distinction, then, between beautiful culture and true culture in space, but between true race and beautiful race in time, so that salvation is from true race to true culture, as from the metaphysical Father to the metaphysical Son in time-space subjectivity, whereas damnation is from beautiful culture to beautiful race, as from the metachemical Daughter to the metachemical Mother in space-time objectivity.


8.   Likewise, we may have a distinction between strong civilization and knowledgeable civilization in volume, but between knowledgeable nationhood and strong nationhood in mass, so that salvation is from knowledgeable nationhood to knowledgeable civilization, as from the physical Father to the physical Son in mass-volume subjectivity, whereas damnation is from strong civilization to strong nationhood, as from the chemical Daughter to the chemical Mother in volume-mass objectivity.


9.   Thus we can distinguish, on the noumenal planes of space and time, the evil culture and good race of sensual and sensible Devils in space-time objectivity from the foolish race and wise culture of sensual and sensible Gods in time-space subjectivity.


10.  Likewise we can distinguish, on the phenomenal planes of volume and mass, the evil civilization and good nationhood of sensual and sensible women in volume-mass objectivity from the foolish nationhood and wise civilization of sensual and sensible men in mass-volume subjectivity.


11.  Hence the evil culture of the eyes vis-à-vis the wise culture of the lungs in space, but the foolish race of the ears vis-à-vis the good race of the heart in time.


12.  Hence the evil civilization of the tongue vis-à-vis the wise civilization of the brain in volume, but the foolish nationhood of the phallus vis-à-vis the good nationhood of the womb in mass.


13.  One could - and indeed should - substitute generation, in the sense of propagation, for nationhood, so that the plane of mass, which embraces the sensuality of the phallus (foolish) and the sensibility of the womb (good) is identified with generation and this, in turn, with nationhood - at least as an expression or consequence of generation.


14.  However that may be, distinguishing between race and culture in the one case, and generation (nationhood) and civilization in the other case on the above basis permits us a more comprehensive flexibility in contrasting the noumenal planes of space and time with the phenomenal planes of volume and mass, so that the sensibilities of salvation remain as distinct, in culture and civilization, as Gods and men, or space and volume, while the sensibilities of damnation remain as distinct, in race and generation (nationhood), as Devils and women, or time and mass.


15.  Thus good race would line up metachemically, in 'Kingdom Come', behind good generation, wise civilization, and wise culture, viz. heart behind womb, brain, and lungs in the mass, volume, and space of Eternity, as germane to what has been described as the triadic Beyond of chemical, physical, and metaphysical sensibilities, wherein good strength, wise knowledge, and wise truth would be served from the administrative aside, in Time, of good beauty.


16.  Therefore whereas sensible race is of the Devil, sensible generation (nationhood) is of woman, sensible civilization of man, and sensible culture of God, with metachemical, chemical, physical, and metaphysical implications that stretch, in Elemental terms, from fire and water to vegetation (earth) and air.


17.  Do not oppose the sensible Devil, the damned Devil of good race.  Indirectly oppose, if you will, the sensual Devil, the blessed Devil of evil culture, and precisely by electing, as a metaphysical male, a cursed God of foolish race, to be saved from ears to lungs in time-space subjectivity, thereby achieving the sensible Godhead of wise culture and effectively inflicting damnation, in the process, upon metachemical females, so that they are obliged to turn, or fall, from evil to good, as from sensual culture to sensible race, descending in space-time objectivity from eyes to heart, and in the most devolved manifestation of sensible fundamentalism at that, a manifestation commensurate in its elemental wavicles, or the religious absolutism of an elemental-wavicle disposition, with 'Kingdom Come' and the administrative service, in consequence, of a triadic Beyond, embracing wise Gods, wise men and good women, the Gods of culture, the men of civilization, and the women of generation, none of whom can be served without the most good Devil(s) of race.