1.      Western civilization has long been subject to moral relativism, not simply in terms of Christianity having been overhauled by secular modernity, like the Church by the State (without, however, the Church, or Christianity, ceasing to exist and to play at least some role in religious affairs), but also in terms of the centuries-old schism in the Church between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, not to mention the mini-schism, as it were, within Protestantism between Anglicanism and Nonconformism, including the denominational distinction, in the latter case, between Puritanism and Presbyterianism.


2.   But even the Bible, the scriptural 'holy book' of Western civilization, is subject to a split which, manifesting in Old and New testaments, smacks of moral relativism, as between the sensual culture and civilization, but especially culture, of the Old Testament, and the sensible civilization and culture, but especially civilization, of the New Testament, thereby signifying a scriptural dichotomy between cultural beauty and civilized knowledge, the Creator (Jehovah) and Christ, the so-called Son of God, Whose father is actually less germane to the Old Testament than to the New ... as a sort of epitome of racial unholiness, or metaphysical unrighteousness.


3.   Thus the so-called Holy Bible is divisible between the cultural clearness of the Old Testament and the civilized holiness of the New Testament, the alpha-most and, in relative terms, omega-most extremes of this scriptural justification of and even mirror to moral relativism.


4.   For the cultural clearness of Jehovah, as First Mover, contrasts with the civilized holiness of Christ, as paganistic beauty (though this is frankly to exaggerate the organic significance of the context in question) with Christian knowledge, and thereby pits a female cultural perfection against male civilized perfection, the former metachemically upper-class and the latter physically lower-class.


5.   But the righteousness of female cultural perfection, being clear, is absolutely evil and therefore immoral, whereas the righteousness of male civilized perfection, being holy, is relatively wise and therefore moral.


6.   There is no absolute wisdom, and hence morality, in the Bible by dint of the existence there of absolute evil in the righteousness of cultural clearness, which precludes the opposite - and refutation - of itself.  The New Testament goes no further than the relative wisdom of the righteousness, in Christ, of civilized holiness.  That is as much holiness, and wisdom, as the Old Testament, by its very existence as the greater part of the so-called Holy Bible, permits to the New.


7.   Interestingly, the racial truth of metaphysical sensuality, or the absolute folly of the unrighteousness of racial unholiness, finds an ecclesiastical parallel in the traditional monopoly of Italians on the papacy, as though the most suitable symbol of the metaphysical Father, Who is the New Testament Creatoresque equivalent to the metachemical Jehovah (though organic parallel in the ears to Satan as 'fallen angel' from metachemical to metaphysical, as from stellar to solar), vis-à-vis the civilized holiness of the physical Son, viz. Christ.


8.   But, of course, the metaphysical Father is only equivalent to Jehovah in the sense of Creator, not in relation to the absolute evil of cultural clearness and the female righteousness thereof.  The New Testament Father is not even entitled to identification with righteousness, given His racial folly in metaphysical sensuality.  That dubious privilege can only be accorded to the Risen Virgin, Who towers above the metaphysical Father, in the organic supremacy of eyes over ears, pretty much as Jehovah above Satan, the stellar above the solar, in inorganic primacy, and therefore in terms of the sensual beauty of cultural clearness.


9.   Ironically, whereas the paganistic perfection (absolute) of the Old Testament has more relevance to the so-called New World (America), with its upper-class sensual values, as in eyes and ears, not to mention, more inorganically, of stellar and solar cosmic primacy, the Christian perfection (relative) of the New Testament would seem to have traditionally had more relevance to the so-called Old World (Europe), with its lower-class sensible values, as in womb and brain, as applying, in particular, to the Catholic Church.


10.  However that may be, the Bible is an agent of moral relativism, and should be repudiated by all who seek the ascendancy of cultural truth (as germane to transcendental meditation) and the coming of absolute holiness to the world in the guise (top tier) of 'Kingdom Come'.


11.  The sooner the Bible is officially consigned to the rubbish bin of religious history, the sooner will the People be delivered from moral relativism and encouraged to embrace the moral righteousness (for males) and moral unrighteousness (for females) of 'Kingdom Come', in which sensibility will blossom anew in the light (truth) of the ultimate Son, the Second Coming of male righteousness in the cultural holiness of Social Transcendentalism and its advocacy, for those who are entitled to it, of transcendental meditation.