1.   From a cultural standpoint, whether sensual (evil) or sensible (wise), the racial are likely to appear philistine, whether as males (sensual/foolish) or as females (sensible/good).


2.   From a civilized standpoint, whether sensual (evil) or sensible (wise), the generative are likely to seem barbarous, whether as males (sensual/foolish) or as females (sensible/good).


3.   Thus philistinism can be viewed as the underside, so to speak, of a noumenal dichotomy between culture and race, while barbarism can likewise qualify as the underside of a phenomenal dichotomy between civilization and generation.


4.   The cultural are no less superior to the civilized with whom they share either a sensual or a sensible bias ... than, conversely, the racial are inferior to the generative of a similar sensual or sensible disposition.


5.   Thus just as Devils are objectively superior, in sensuality, to women, so Gods are subjectively inferior there to men.


6.   And just as Gods are subjectively superior, in sensibility, to men, so Devils are objectively inferior there to women.


7.   The noumenal daughter is objectively superior, in sensuality, to the phenomenal daughter, whereas the noumenal mother is objectively inferior, in sensibility, to the phenomenal mother.


8.   This is because the noumenal daughter, corresponding to the eyes, is the per se mode of the Daughter, whereas the phenomenal daughter, corresponding to the tongue, is a secondary mode of the Daughter.  Conversely, the phenomenal mother, corresponding to the womb, is the per se mode of the Mother, whereas the noumenal mother, corresponding to the heart, is a secondary mode of the Mother.


9.   The noumenal father is subjectively inferior, in sensuality, to the phenomenal father, whereas the noumenal son is subjectively superior, in sensibility, to the phenomenal son.


10.  This is because the noumenal father, corresponding to the ears, is a secondary mode of the Father, whereas the phenomenal father, corresponding to the phallus (flesh), is the per se mode of the Father.  Conversely, the phenomenal son, corresponding to the brain, is a secondary mode of the Son, whereas the noumenal son, corresponding to the lungs, is the per se mode of the Son.


11.  Thus while the cultural are always superior to the civilized, the racial are always inferior to the generative.


12.  To contrast the sensual superiority of the noumenal daughter (eyes) vis-à-vis the phenomenal daughter (tongue) with the sensual inferiority of the noumenal father (ears) vis-à-vis the phenomenal father (phallus).


13.  To contrast the sensible inferiority of the noumenal mother (heart) vis-à-vis the phenomenal mother (womb) with the sensible superiority of the noumenal son (lungs) vis-à-vis the phenomenal son (brain).


14.  Just as there is no objective sensuality like that of the noumenal daughter, the Daughter-of-Daughters, and no subjective sensuality like that of the phenomenal father, the Father-of-Fathers, so there is no objective sensibility like that of the phenomenal mother, the Mother-of-Mothers, and no subjective sensibility like that of the noumenal son, the Son-of-Sons.


15.  From the per se Daughter of the metachemically Blessed to the per se Son of the metaphysically Saved via the per se Father of the physically Cursed and the per se Mother of the chemically Damned.


16.  From the Risen Virgin to the Second Coming via the Father and the Mother of Christian tradition, as from metachemical crime to metaphysical grace via physical sin and chemical punishment - from alpha to omega via the world ... of the mass-oriented masses.