1.   Since culture takes precedence over race, as space over time, and civilization precedence over generation, as volume over mass, it follows that the noumenal daughter and son take precedence over the noumenal father and mother, while the phenomenal daughter and son likewise take precedence over the phenomenal father and mother.


2.   Thus the per se mode of the Daughter and the per se mode of the Son, corresponding to cultural beauty and cultural truth, take precedence, in space, over the secondary mode of the Father and the secondary mode of the Mother, corresponding to racial truth and racial beauty, as germane to the plane of time.


3.   Contrariwise, the secondary mode of the Daughter and the secondary mode of the Son, corresponding to civilized strength and civilized knowledge, take precedence, in volume, over the per se mode of the Father and the per se mode of the Mother, corresponding to generative knowledge (carnal) and generative strength, as germane to the plane of mass.


4.   Thus while culture always takes precedence over race, and civilization precedence over generation, it is only with culture, whether of the evil or the wise variety, that the per se manifestations of the Daughter and the Son are hegemonic; with civilization, on the other hand, it is the secondary manifestations of the Daughter and the Son which are hegemonic, in volume, over per se manifestations of the Father and the Mother, Who of course correspond to the foolish and good varieties of generation, as germane to phallus and womb on the plane of mass.


5.   Whatever the case, the existence of a per se Daughter in cultural clearness precludes the coming to pass of a per se Son in cultural holiness; for the Alpha-of-Alphas, corresponding to spatial space, precludes the possibility of the Omega-of-Omegas, corresponding to spaced space, just as, in a relative sense, the lesser alpha, so to speak, of the secondary daughter precludes the lesser omega of the secondary son so long as she is freely hegemonic over the per se Father, and no salvation for males has accordingly taken place.


6.   Translated into religious or Biblical terminology, this means that unless males elect for salvation from Father to Son, whether in the physical context of the First Coming or in the metaphysical context of the Second Coming, whether in temporal or eternal, phenomenal or noumenal terms, they continue to be ruled by the Daughter and in no position to lead or constrain the Mother.


7.   Hence damnation of females from Daughter to Mother is correlative with salvation of males from Father to Son, and in the case of metaphysics, wherein we are concerned with Eternity, this means that if there is to be an end to the domination of foolish race by evil culture, of the secondary father by the primary daughter, the relevant males (noumenal) must elect to rise, in salvation, from time to space, as from the ears to the lungs, in order to achieve wise culture (through transcendental meditation) in the primary son and simultaneously damn noumenal females to the good race of the secondary mother, as from eyes to heart.


8.   Only thus can noumenal morality come to pass, and if noumenal morality can come to pass, then there is no reason why a contemporary mode (artificial) of phenomenal morality should not follow, to re-establish a sensible order of civilization and generation, as germane to the middle and bottom tiers of what I have called the triadic Beyond.


9.   The so-called Holy Bible is rooted, clearly, in the righteous immorality of cultural clearness, in the cosmic First Mover, or Jehovahesque Creator, as applicable to the Old Testament, while the New Testament, rather more partial to organic supremacy than to inorganic primacy, provides for the upstaging of the Father, a secondary and unrighteous father of racial folly, by the Risen Virgin, Who becomes the organic equivalent, in the eyes, of the stellar Jehovah, or cosmic First Mover.  Either way, though especially with regard to the Old Testament, cultural evil prevails, and a per se order of the Daughter, so to speak, is able to rule over a secondary order of the Father, viz. Satan in the Old Testament and the so-called Christian Father, or father of Christ, in the New Testament, with disastrous consequences for males!


10.  For the male who is dominated by cultural evil is in no position to be saved from racial folly to cultural wisdom, and thus experience holiness.  Even the traditional relative holiness permitted by Christ to those who have elected to follow in his footsteps and seek salvation from generative folly has seemingly been eclipsed and upstaged by both the Protestant opposition to phenomenal sensibility in the inverted triangularity of phenomenal sensuality, with its forked tongue over phallus, and the Catholic retreat from the phenomenal sensibility of brain over womb, Christ over Mary, the secondary son over the primary mother, to the pyramidal triangularity dominated by noumenal sensuality, as the eyes, aided and abetted by the Sacred Heart of the so-called Risen Christ, take precedence over the ears in the symbolic guise of Risen Virgin over Father.


11.  But a sensual predominance is precisely that which allows for the possibility of salvation and/or damnation, depending on gender, to sensibility, and the coming to pass, in consequence, of both righteous and unrighteous modes of morality.  It is this prospect which the Second Coming holds out to both Protestants and Catholics alike, and it is only in relation to a majority mandate for religious sovereignty that its fulfilment, in 'Kingdom Come', can be achieved.


12.  Willy-nilly, deliverance from the righteous immorality of both cultural evil and civilized evil is highly desirable for those who, as males, would be capable of righteous morality in both civilized wisdom and, most especially, cultural wisdom, and the only way they can ever achieve such a deliverance is by abandoning the unrighteous immorality of both generative folly and racial folly by electing to be saved from that to their righteous counterparts in physical and metaphysical sensibility.  Only thus will the Evil be brought low to their damnation in the unrighteous morality of generative goodness and racial goodness, to defer thereafter to the Wise, whether on relative (phenomenal) or absolute (noumenal) terms.


13.  Let my will be done, and may 'Kingdom Come' actually come to pass as the solution to the reign of immorality in the contemporary so-called Christian world, especially with regard to that part of it (as outlined by me in previous texts) where both Catholics and Protestants have such need of a Social Transcendentalist deliverance from their sins and/or crimes to the graces and/or punishments of the 'Kingdom' in question, where not freedom, but binding will be the order of the day. 



LONDON 2001 (Revised 2012)