1.   Consider well the status of strength and knowledge down in between beauty and truth or, conversely, the status of beauty and truth up either side of strength and knowledge.


2.   Consider well the status of pride and pleasure down in between love and joy or, conversely, the status of love and joy up either side of pride and pleasure.


3.   Consider well the status of women and men down in between devils and gods or, conversely, the status of devils and gods up either side of women and men.


4.   Consider well the status of femininity and masculinity down in between devility and divinity or, conversely, the status of devility and divinity up either side of femininity and masculinity.


5.   Consider well the status of purgatory and the earth down in between hell and heaven or, conversely, the status of hell and heaven up either side of purgatory and the earth.


6.   Consider well the status of molecular particles and wavicles down in between elemental particles and wavicles or, conversely, the status of elemental particles and wavicles up either side of molecular particles and wavicles.


7.   Consider well the status of electrons and neutrons down in between photons and protons or, conversely, the status of photons and protons up either side of electrons and neutrons.


8.   Consider well the status of water and vegetation (earth) down in between fire and air or, conversely, the status of fire and air up either side of water and vegetation.


9.   Consider well the status of volume and mass down in between time and space or, conversely, the status of time and space up either side of volume and mass.


10.  Consider well the status of sculpture and literature down in between art and music or, conversely, the status of art and music up either side of sculpture and literature.


11.  Consider well the status of descending and ascending diagonals down in between horizontal and vertical lines or, conversely, the status of horizontal and vertical lines up either side of descending and ascending diagonals.


12.  Consider well the status of sitting and kneeling down in between lying and standing or, conversely, the status of lying and standing up either side of sitting and kneeling.


13.  Consider well the status of punishment and sin down in between crime and grace or, conversely, the status of crime and grace up either side of punishment and sin.


14.  Consider well the status of goodness and folly down in between evil and wisdom or, conversely, the status of evil and wisdom up either side of goodness and folly.


15.  Consider well the status of unclearness and unholiness down in between clearness and holiness or, conversely, the status of clearness and holiness up either side of unclearness and unholiness.


16.  Consider well the status of giving and taking down in between doing and being or, conversely, the status of doing and being up either side of giving and taking.


17.  Consider well the status of chemistry and physics down in between metachemistry and metaphysics or, conversely, the status of metachemistry and metaphysics up either side of chemistry and physics.


18.  Consider well the status of spirit and ego down in between will and soul or, conversely, the status of will and soul up either side of spirit and ego.


19.  Consider well the status of glory and form down in between power and content(ment) or, conversely, the status of power and content(ment) up either side of glory and form.


20.  Consider well the status of realism and naturalism down in between materialism and idealism or, conversely, the status of materialism and idealism up either side of realism and naturalism.


21.  Consider well the status of nonconformism and humanism down in between fundamentalism and transcendentalism or, conversely, the status of fundamentalism and transcendentalism up either side of nonconformism and humanism.


22.  Consider well the status of radios and stereos down in between televisions and computers or, conversely, the status of televisions and computers up either side of radios and stereos.


23.  Consider well the status of audio cassettes and compact discs (CDs) down in between video cassettes and digital versatile discs (DVDs) or, conversely, the status of video cassettes and digital versatile discs up either side of audio cassettes and compact discs.


24.  Consider well the status of plays and novels down in between poems and essays or, conversely, the status of poems and essays up either side of plays and novels.


25.  Consider well the status of drama and fiction down in between poetry and philosophy or, conversely, the status of poetry and philosophy up either side of drama and fiction.


26.  Consider well the status of speaking and writing down in between reading and thinking or, conversely, the status of reading and thinking up either side of speaking and writing.


27.  Consider well the status of quantity and quality down in between appearance and essence or, conversely, the status of appearance and essence up either side of quantity and quality.


28.  Consider well the status of phenomenal objectivity and subjectivity down in between noumenal objectivity and subjectivity or, conversely, the status of noumenal objectivity and subjectivity up either side of phenomenal objectivity and subjectivity.


29.  Consider well the status of generation and civilization down in between race and culture or, conversely, the status of race and culture up either side of generation and civilization.


30.  Consider well the status of village and town down in between farm and city or, conversely, the status of farm and city up either side of village and town.


31.  Consider well the status of darkness and heaviness down in between brightness and lightness or, conversely, the status of brightness and lightness up either side of darkness and heaviness.


32.  Consider well the status of coldness and hardness down in between hotness and softness or, conversely, the status of hotness and softness up either side of coldness and hardness.


33.  Consider well the status of politics and economics down in between science and religion or, conversely, the status of science and religion up either side of politics and economics.


34.  Consider well the status of winter and spring down in between summer and autumn or, conversely, the status of summer and autumn up either side of winter and spring.


35.  Consider well the status of the supernatural and natural down in between the unnatural and subnatural or, conversely, the status of the unnatural and subnatural up either side of the supernatural and natural.


36.  Consider well the status of the superconscious and conscious down in between the unconscious and subconscious or, conversely, the status of the unconscious and subconscious up either side of the superconscious and conscious.


37.  Consider well the status of skirts and pants down in between dresses and zippersuits or, conversely, the status of dresses and zippersuits up either side of skirts and pants.


38.  Consider well the status of harmony and melody down in between rhythm and pitch or, conversely, the status of rhythm and pitch up either side of harmony and melody.


39.  Consider well the status of free nature and natural determinism down in between psychic determinism and free psyche or, conversely, the status of psychic determinism and free psyche up either side of free nature and natural determinism.


40.  Consider well the status of the mother and father down in between the daughter and son or, conversely, the status of the daughter and son up either side of the mother and father.


41.  Consider well the status of weakness and ignorance down in between ugliness and falsity or, conversely, the status of ugliness and falsity up either side of weakness and ignorance.


42.  Consider well the status of humility and pain down in between hatred and woe or, conversely, the status of hatred and woe up either side of humility and pain.


43.  Consider well the status of promiscuity and barbarism down in between tribalism and philistinism or, conversely, the status of tribalism and philistinism up either side of promiscuity and barbarism.


44.  Consider well the status of antiwomen and antimen down in between antidevils and antigods or, conversely, the status of antidevils and antigods up either side of antiwomen and antimen.


45.  Consider well the status of woodlands and lakes down in between grasslands and caves or, conversely, the status of grasslands and caves up either side of woodlands and lakes.


46.  Consider well the status of impersonality and personality down in between polyversality and universality or, conversely, the status of polyversality and universality up either side of impersonality and personality.


47.  Consider well the status of pianos and strings down in between percussion and wind or, conversely, the status of percussion and wind up either side of pianos and strings.


48.  Consider well the status of keyboards and guitars down in between drums and brass or, conversely, the status of drums and brass up either side of keyboards and guitars.


49.  Consider well the status of operas and symphonies down in between ballets and concertos or, conversely, the status of ballets and concertos up either side of operas and symphonies.


50.  Consider well the status of pop and rock down in between jazz and folk or, conversely, the status of jazz and folk up either side of pop and rock.


51.  Consider well the status of watercolours and engravings down in between paintings and drawings or, conversely, the status of paintings and drawings up either side of watercolours and engravings.


52.  Consider well the status of figures and busts down in between bas-reliefs and carvings or, conversely, the status of bas-reliefs and carvings up either side of figures and busts.


53.  Consider well the status of sculptors and writers down in between artists and musicians or, conversely, the status of artists and musicians up either side of sculptors and writers.


54.  Consider well the status of fish and animals down in between insects and birds or, conversely, the status of insects and birds up either side of fish and animals.


55.  Consider well the status of concrete impressionism and expressionism down in between abstract impressionism and expressionism or, conversely, the status of abstract impressionism and expressionism up either side of concrete impressionism and expressionism.


56.  Consider well the status of collectivism and competition down in between individualism and co-operation or, conversely, the status of individualism and co-operation up either side of collectivism and competition.


57.  Consider well the status of rectangles and ellipses down in between quadrangles and circles or, conversely, the status of quadrangles and circles up either side of rectangles and ellipses.


58.  Consider well the status of oblongs and ovals down in between cubes and spheres or, conversely, the status of cubes and spheres up either side of oblongs and ovals.


59.  Consider well the status of slowness and loudness down in between quickness and quietness or, conversely, the status of quickness and quietness up either side of slowness and loudness.


60.  Consider well the status of boiled and baked food down in between fried and grilled food or, conversely, the status of fried and grilled food up either side of boiled and baked food.


61.  Consider well the status of mind/subspirit determinism down in between ego/soul freedom or, conversely, the status of ego/soul freedom up either side of mind/subspirit determinism.


62.  Consider well the status of will/spirit freedom down in between id/superego determinism or, conversely, the status of id/superego determinism up either side of will/spirit freedom.


63.  Consider well the status of phenomenal analytic and synthetic down in between noumenal analytic and synthetic or, conversely, the status of noumenal analytic and synthetic up either side of phenomenal analytic and synthetic.


64.  Consider well the status of subrural and suburban down in between rural and urban or, conversely, the status of rural and urban up either side of subrural and suburban.


65.  Consider well the status of boiled and scrambled eggs down in between fried and poached eggs  or, conversely, the status of fried and poached eggs up either side of boiled and scrambled eggs.


66.  Consider well the status of political collectivism and economic competitiveness down in between scientific individualism and religious co-operativeness or, conversely, the status of scientific individualism and religious co-operativeness up either side of political collectivism and economic competitiveness.


67.  Consider well the status of sea and land travel down in between rail and air travel or, conversely, the status of rail and air travel up either side of sea and land travel.


68.  Consider well the status of moderate left and right down in between extreme left and right or, conversely, the status of extreme left and right up either side of moderate left and right.


69.  Consider well the status of relative libertarianism and conservatism down in between absolute libertarianism and conservatism or, conversely, the status of absolute libertarianism and conservatism up either side of relative libertarianism and conservatism.


70.  Consider well the status of youth and life down in between birth and death or, conversely, the status of birth and death up either side of youth and life.


71.  Consider well the status of sport and sex down in between war and peace or, conversely, the status of war and peace up either side of sport and sex.


72.  Consider well the status of polytheism and pantheism down in between monotheism and atheism or, conversely, the status of monotheism and atheism up either side of polytheism and pantheism.


73.  Consider well the status of socialism and capitalism down in between communism and corporatism or, conversely, the status of communism and corporatism up either side of socialism and capitalism.


74.  Consider well the status of marines and infantry down in between mechanized and paras or, conversely, the status of mechanized and paras up either side of marines and infantry.


75.  Consider well the status of the lunar and planetary down in between the stellar and solar or, conversely, the status of the lunar and planetary up either side of the stellar and solar.


76.  Consider well the status of republicanism and (parliamentary) liberalism down in between totalitarianism and authoritarianism or, conversely, the status of totalitarianism and authoritarianism up either side of republicanism and (parliamentary) liberalism.


77.  Consider well the status of tasting and touching down in between seeing and hearing or, conversely, the status of seeing and hearing up either side of tasting and touching.


78.  Consider well the status of drinking and eating down in between smoking and sniffing or, conversely, the status of smoking and sniffing up either side of drinking and eating.


79.  Consider well the status of crying and laughing down in between scowling and smiling or, conversely, the status of scowling and smiling up either side of crying and laughing.


80.  Consider well the status of fact and fiction down in between illusion and truth or, conversely, the status of illusion and truth up either side of fact and fiction.


81.  Consider well the status of backstroke and front crawl (freestyle) down in between breaststroke and butterfly or, conversely, the status of breaststroke and butterfly up either side of backstroke and front crawl.


82.  Consider well the status of the tongue and/or womb and the phallus and/or brain down in between the eyes and/or heart and the ears and/or lungs or, conversely, the status of the eyes and/or heart and the ears and/or lungs up either side of the tongue and/or womb and the phallus and/or brain.


83.  Consider well the status of saliva and/or amniotic fluid and sperm and/or thought down in between optic rays and/or blood and airwaves and/or breath or, conversely, the status of optic rays and/or blood and airwaves and/or breath up either side of saliva and/or amniotic fluid and sperm and/or thought.


84.  Consider well the status of antipurgatory and anti-earth down in between antihell and antiheaven or, conversely, the status of antihell and antiheaven up either side of antipurgatory and anti-earth.


85.  Consider well the status of the pharmacological and epistemological down in between the technological and ontological or, conversely, the status of the technological and ontological up either side of the pharmacological and epistemological.


86.  Consider well the status of molecular electron/electrino and neutron/neutrino particles and wavicles down in between elemental photon/photino and proton/protino particles and wavicles or, conversely, the status of elemental photon/photino and proton/protino particles and wavicles up either side of molecular electron/electrino and neutron/neutrino particles and wavicles.


87.  Consider well the status of evil and/or good women and foolish and/or wise men down in between evil and/or good devils and foolish and/or wise gods or, conversely, the status of evil and/or good devils and foolish and/or wise gods up either side of evil and/or good women and foolish and/or wise men.


88.  Consider well the status of clear and/or unclear purgatories and unholy and/or holy earths down in between clear and/or unclear hells and unholy and/or holy heavens or, conversely, the status of clear and/or unclear hells and unholy and/or holy heavens up either side of clear and/or unclear purgatories and unholy and/or holy earths.


89.  Consider well the status of chemically impersonal and physically personal nature down in between metachemically impersonal and metaphysically personal nature or, conversely, the status of metachemically impersonal and metaphysically personal nature up either side of chemically impersonal and physically personal nature.


90.  Consider well the status of chemically polyversal and physically universal psyche down in between metachemically polyversal and metaphysically universal psyche or, conversely, the status of metachemically polyversal and metaphysically universal psyche up either side of chemically polyversal and physically universal psyche.


91.  Consider well the status of the phenomenal forms of chemistry and physics down in between the phenomenal forms of metachemistry and metaphysics or, conversely, the status of the phenomenal forms of metachemistry and metaphysics up either side of the phenomenal forms of chemistry and physics.


92.  Consider well the status of the noumenal modes of chemistry and physics down in between the noumenal modes of metachemistry and metaphysics or, conversely, the status of the noumenal modes of metachemistry and metaphysics up either side of the noumenal modes of chemistry and physics.


93.  Consider well the status of the chemical and physical forms of not-self down in between the metachemical and metaphysical forms of not-self or, conversely, the status of the metachemical and metaphysical forms of not-self up either side of the chemical and physical forms of not-self.


94.  Consider well the status of the chemical and physical modes of self down in between the metachemical and metaphysical modes of self or, conversely, the status of the metachemical and metaphysical modes of self up either side of the chemical and physical modes of self.


95.  Consider well the status of the supernatural and natural forms of the phenomenal down in between the unnatural and subnatural forms of the phenomenal or, conversely, the status of the unnatural and subnatural forms of the phenomenal up either side of the supernatural and natural forms of the phenomenal.


96.  Consider well the status of the superconscious and conscious modes of the noumenal down in between the unconscious and subconscious modes of the noumenal or, conversely, the status of the unconscious and subconscious modes of the noumenal up either side of the superconscious and conscious modes of the noumenal.


97.  Consider well the status of the supernatural and natural phenomena of the not-self down in between the unnatural and subnatural phenomena of the not-self or, conversely, the status of the unnatural and subnatural phenomena of the not-self up either side of the supernatural and natural phenomena of the not-self.


98.  Consider well the status of the superconscious and conscious noumena of the self down in between the unconscious and subconscious noumena of the self or, conversely, the status of the unconscious and subconscious noumena of the self up either side of the superconscious and conscious noumena of the self.


99.  But do so with class and gender predilections in mind, whether with regard to the standpoints of natural primacy or to those of civilized supremacy, which is to say, whether with respect to Nature or Civilization, depending on the context, so that you remain faithful both to the impersonality and/or personality of yourself (phenomenal) and to the polyversality and/or universality of your self (noumenal).



LONDON 2002 (Revised 2012)