And the Devil said: 'Let there be a new darkness in the world' and, behold! there was Lenin, chief architect and beneficiary of the Bolshevik Revolution, a revolutionary who knew better than to directly hand power over to the people, like a naive Marxist, when they were in need of leadership.  For the leadership of the people by a revolutionary vanguard is of the very essence of Bolshevism, Lenin bringing a sort of quasi-fascist centralism to bear on a predominantly anarchic philosophy, saving the people from mass-participatory chaos - except in war - while simultaneously damning them to a life of communist darkness - the proton-particle equivalent to an anti-supernatural materialism.

     Interesting how Lenin was so often made to appear as a kind of Genghis Khan in Soviet iconography, features dynamic with nihilistic intent, beard more pointed and dark eyebrows more arched ... than ever the historical Lenin's were, although he was arguably far from saint-like in appearance!   Rather, something inherently diabolic and malevolent there - a twentieth-century manifestation of the Devil, determined to overthrow bourgeois civilization wherever it was to be found, implacably opposed to 'God building'.... This isn’t really surprising, since the Devil can hardly be expected to do God’s work, knowing little of and caring nothing for the spiritual.  Only dialectical materialism, and the more of that the better - darkness throughout the world the diabolic ideal, all bourgeois realism overthrown, proletarian barbarism gloatingly triumphant over a burnt-out materialistic planet, red everywhere the order of the day, a flame-like ardour intermingled with yellow to confirm diabolic allegiance, only a people as traditionally backward or, more accurately, snowbound as the Russians ... capable of being led along this path to any appreciable extent - 'Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise' (Gray).

     Well, devilish or not, an historical destiny, inescapable as Attila the Hun, whose barbarous hordes put decadent Roman civilization to the sword, indirectly paving the way for the cultural flowering, in the centuries that followed, of the Catholic Middle Ages.  The World (First World) and the Not-World, whether beneath and diabolic (Second World) or above and divine (Third World).  But while the Devil may be busy in the world and have his day, so, too, will God be busy there, erecting a new civilization in the name of the Second Coming, furthering the transcendent among those peoples he has chosen to lead the way towards the light of the Holy Spirit.  Not for God to save the World; for that is doomed.  But he will save his own from socialist materialism and elevate them, in the process, to the divine superidealism in the ultimate global religion of Social Transcendental Centrism.

     Against this, the Devil will be powerless, obliged to await the final reckoning with God, the final settling of accounts, the inevitable unification of the globe in divine oneness.  Lenin had hoped for the opposite, for global communism.  But the Divine does not permit of a diabolic absolutism - world evil more applicable to a pagan age than to an incipiently transcendental one, when, on the contrary, world good is the most logical goal for evolutionary progress to achieve.

     Formful, as befits the diabolic, Lenin lies entombed in his giant mausoleum, a mere shell devoid of soul, the lowest-common-denominator of physical appearance.