No such accusation could be levelled at the German psychologist Wilhelm Reich, whose politics was unequivocally socialist, and I mean socialist in a purely Marxist rather than in either a Soviet or a democratic way.  Indeed, his brand of proletarian socialism, with its advocacy of the workers literally owning the means of production themselves and being their own political masters, would not have looked out-of-place in The Socialist Standard in Britain or in the no-less politically radical La Cause du Peuple in France, so hostile was it to any Bolshevik suggestion of hierarchical control of the masses through revolutionary vanguards or elites such as have, until quite recently, prevailed throughout the whole of Eastern Europe.

     To be sure, Soviet Communism struck Reich as equivalent to 'Red Fascism', given its autocratic control of the people through a professional revolutionary organization with a built-in hierarchy.  He would much rather have seen the people free to organize and express themselves, not least of all sexually.... Which fact brings us to the other side of the in-many-ways prophetic Reich - namely his advocacy, as a clinical psychologist, of sexual promiscuity as an antidote to neurosis and depression.  In short, his unequivocal condemnation of celibacy and asceticism, and wholehearted commitment to heterosexual activism, to the pursuit of mental and bodily health through natural sex.  For in regular, emotionally-charged heterosexual practices there lay, according to Reich, the key to sanity, which alone would open the door upon human maturation and freedom from guilt.

     To enter the 'promised land' of perfect all-round health one had only to fuck regularly, though preferably with someone whose looks and temperament inspired mutual love, since the key to sanity lay in the orgasm, not in any old orgasm, whether involving masturbation or sodomy, but in the purely heterosexual orgasm of a loving couple who, during the moment of orgasmic fulfilment, were put directly in touch with the cosmic scheme-of-things, became one with the Universe, and thus acquired life-renewal energy.  In such fashion, they would be replenished by the orgasmic feedback of mutual oblivion, their spiritual batteries in turn recharged with a cosmos so rich in the type of basic energy - Reich termed it the 'orgone' - with which  loving couples were alone able to get in touch, and thus avoid the physical pitfalls and psychic delusions attending celibacy or perversion which, so Reich contended in The Mass Psychology of Fascism, led to ideologies like National Socialism - a manifestation, in Reich's view, of sexual perversion and celibacy, the ideological concomitant of widespread sexual repression in the masses, which can only find perverse expression in the topsy-turvy world of fascist politics, where demented leaders - men who, like Hitler, had never experienced genuine mutual love or orgasmic feedback - canalized and exploited this repression to further their own imperialist, tyrannical, and bloodthirsty ends!

     Such was how Reich saw fascism, i.e. through the distorting lens of his own sexological, not to say atomic, philosophy, and the result could only be extremely partial and opposed to a transcendental perspective.  If ever there was a man who lacked a transcendental perspective ... it was Wilhelm Reich, for whom mysticism and transcendentalism were symptomatic of sexual repression rather than manifestations of idealistic evolutionary progress.

     Not that National Socialism was brimming-over with genuine transcendentalism - far from it!  To some extent Reich was justified in attacking the false mysticism he perceived in the adulation of the Führer.  Yet sexual deprivation alone hardly suffices to explain fascism, and neither does it square with the fact that many top Nazis, including Goebbles, Speer, and Bormann, were highly sexed - indeed, oversexed ... if the size of their families was anything to judge by!  But Reich didn't see this, preferring, in his capacity of Freudian psychologist, to impose his own extremely partial value-judgements upon an ideology which he evidently couldn't understand, not least of all in light of his Marxian communism, and to cast a sex-smear over all idealism.

     Even Christ had to undergo Reichian modification in order to fit into his salvation-through-sex philosophy, all idealism discredited in the interests of a starkly realistic - even materialistic - view of the Saviour which, in The Murder of Christ, focuses on Christ's status as a sexual being, a man who had and endorsed regular fornication in contradistinction to any spiritualistic asceticism, such as the Catholic Church has upheld down the centuries to the detriment, in Reich's view, of Christ's true message of sexual love, a message which the Church has denied, thereby effectively murdering Him.

     Clearly, if the decadent West requires a new view of Christ to accord with its sexual promiscuity and ongoing materialism, then Reich is the man to provide it, so that salvation-through-sex can be pursued on the authority of the Saviour Himself, and no-one need ever doubt the spiritual validity of their copulatory devotions again!  Christ, too, can be transmuted to suit the quasi-pagan Zeitgeist, and no degree of transmutation is impermissible, seemingly, so long as it contributes to the endorsement of thoroughly sensual behaviour.

     So much for Wilhelm Reich, Germany's rather more sophisticated, intellectualized, and all-too-earnest equivalent of D.H. Lawrence, for whom sex is the key to salvation, a salvation achieved here below rather than in any perverse mystical Beyond.  And so lacking in theocratic perspective was he, that even Soviet Communism, with its totalitarian control of the masses, was unacceptable because largely alien to him, a 'Red' manifestation of fascism and therefore symptomatic of general sexual deprivation among the Soviet masses.  No wonder that the Soviets, who were a lot closer to being fascist Reds than vice versa, took a dim view of his books and accordingly had them banned in the Soviet Union!  Not being partial to Western decadence themselves, they had every reason to protect the Soviet masses from the kind of anarchistic and orgiastic nonsense which passes for wisdom among many so-called enlightened people in the West!

     Doubtless, an Irish Social Transcendental Centre would take an even dimmer view of Reich than did the (former) Soviet Union, and I fancy that his name would be anathema wherever superidealistic men prevailed.  Even the Americans deserve some respect for having dealt with this dangerous and lunatic subversive in the manner they did - namely by incarceration.  More's the pity that it wasn't in a mental institution, where Reich could have expounded his 'orgone' mysticism and no-less false mysticism of sex to fellow inmates without fear of censure!