From Superbarbarism and
Superphilistinism to Superculture and Supercivility. If the distinction -
excluding for the moment the paradoxical emphases of axial subversion - between
chemistry and physics in the sensuality and sensibility of phenomenal
relativity is one of barbarism and philistinism in free soma and bound psyche
vis-à-vis culture and civility in free psyche and bound soma, then the
distinction between metachemistry and metaphysics in
the sensuality and sensibility of noumenal absolutism could be described as one
of superbarbarism and superphilistinism in free soma and bound psyche vis-à-vis
superculture and supercivility in free psyche and bound soma. Clearly, if
barbarism appertains to chemical free soma and philistinism to chemical bound
psyche, then civility must appertain to physical bound soma and culture to
physical free psyche, civility being the bound-somatic antithesis of barbarism
no less than culture the free-psychic antithesis of philistinism. Likewise, if
superbarbarism appertains to metachemical free soma and superphilistinism to
metachemical bound psyche, then supercivility must appertain to metaphysical
bound soma and superculture to metaphysical free psyche, supercivility being
the bound-somatic antithesis of superbarbarism no less than superculture the
free-psychic antithesis of superphilistinism. So far so good! But we also have underplane, or secondary, positions to bear in mind where
each point of the intercardinal axial compass is
concerned, namely antimetaphysics under metachemistry at the noumenal northwest, antiphysics under chemistry at the phenomenal southwest,
antichemistry under physics at the phenomenal southeast, and antimetachemistry
under metaphysics at the noumenal northeast, the actual
state-hegemonic/church-subordinate and church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial
differentials being established on a northwest to southeast basis on the one
hand, and on a northeast to southwest basis on the other hand, with the
noumenal heights more or less dictating the terms of the phenomenal positions
below. So much for that! What we have now to establish is that the secondary or
'anti' positions are less equivalent to the primary or 'pro' positions directly
hegemonic over them than contrary to their corresponding primary or 'pro'
positions in sensuality or sensibility, as the gender case may be. Hence it
makes logical sense to regard antimetaphysics as
anti-supercivil and anti-supercultural rather than,
like metachemistry, as superbarbarous
and superphilistine, since metachemistry is superheathenly supernatural and antimetaphysics
anti-superchristianly anti-superartificial, after the
respective fashions of noumenal objectivity and noumenal anti-subjectivity.
Similarly it makes logical sense to regard antiphysics
as anti-cultural and anti-civil rather than, like chemistry, philistine and
barbarous, since chemistry is heathenly natural and antiphysics
anti-christianly anti-artificial, after the
respective fashions of phenomenal objectivity and phenomenal anti-subjectivity.
Crossing to the sensible side of the phenomenal axial divide, it makes logical
sense to regard antichemistry as anti-barbarous and anti-philistine rather
than, like physics, as civil and cultural, since physics is christianly
artificial and antichemistry anti-heathenly anti-natural, after the respective
fashions of phenomenal subjectivity and phenomenal anti-objectivity. Similarly
it makes logical sense to regard antimetachemistry as anti-superphilistine and
anti-superbarbarous rather than, like metaphysics, supercultural and
supercivil, since metaphysics is superchristianly super-artificial and
antimetachemistry anti-superheathenly anti-supernatural, after the respective
fashions of noumenal subjectivity and noumenal anti-objectivity. Thus, in
overall axial terms, metachemistry and antimetaphysics form a gender-conditioned polarity with
antichemistry and physics on the basis of somatic opposition between superbarbarism
and anti-barbarism on primary state-hegemonic terms (free somatic metachemistry to bound somatic antichemistry) and
anti-supercivility and civility on secondary state-hegemonic terms (free
somatic antimetaphysics to bound somatic physics), with
a corresponding psychic opposition between superphilistinism and
anti-philistinism on primary church-subordinate terms (bound psychic metachemistry to free psychic antichemistry) and
anti-superculture and culture on secondary church-subordinate terms (bound
psychic antimetaphysics to free psychic physics).
Contrariwise, metaphysics and antimetachemistry form a gender-conditioned
polarity with antiphysics and chemistry on the basis
of psychic opposition between superculture and anti-culture on primary church-hegemonic
terms (free psychic metaphysics to bound psychic antiphysics)
and anti-superphilistinism and philistinism on
secondary church-hegemonic terms (free psychic antimetachemistry to bound
psychic chemistry), with a corresponding somatic opposition between
supercivility and anti-civility on primary state-subordinate terms (bound
somatic metaphysics to free somatic antiphysics) and
anti-superbarbarism and barbarism on secondary
state-subordinate terms (bound somatic antimetachemistry to free somatic
chemistry). Superculture is the salvation of anti-culture no less than
supercivility the salvation of anti-civility for those who, as antiphysical,
are neither cultural nor civil in physical fashion and therefore are in with
the prospect of their noumenal counterparts. But if metaphysics is the
salvation, in church and state, of antiphysics,
then antimetachemistry is most assuredly the
counter-damnation (a counter fall from hegemonic ascendancy in relative gender
sync to antimetachemical underplane subservience in
absolute gender upendedness) of chemistry, since anti-superphilistinism is the
counter-damnation of philistinism no less than anti-superbarbarism the
counter-damnation of barbarism for those who, having been philistine and
barbarous in the phenomenal relativity of an equivocal hegemony, will be denied
their noumenal counterparts in the absolutism of an unequivocal subjection to
the metaphysical ascendancy of superculture and supercivility, the 'father' and
'son' of the super-artificial superchristianity of the truly blessed (with
complete gender sync).