Metachemical and Metaphysical Antitheses.  To contrast the superbarbarism (noumenal barbarism) of metachemical free soma and the superphilistinism (noumenal philistinism) of metachemical bound psyche with the superculture (noumenal culture) of metaphysical free psyche and the supercivility (noumenal civility) of metaphysical bound soma, as one would contrast the supernatural (noumenal natural) with the super-artificial (noumenal artificial) across the absolute gender divide - female and male - of the hegemonic positions of the northwest and northeast points of the intercardinal axial compass. Therefore to contrast the beauty and love of metachemical free soma and the ugliness and hatred of metachemical bound psyche with the truth and joy of metaphysical free psyche and the illusion and woe of metaphysical bound soma, as one would contrast evil and crime with grace and wisdom, the former pairing appertaining to Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit and the Daughter of the Devil/the Clear Soul of Hell; the latter pairing to God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul and the Son of God/the Holy Spirit of Heaven. In brief, both the evil of metachemical free soma and the grace of metaphysical free psyche are bright, that is to say, they appertain to contrary types of freedom, whereas both the crime of metachemical bound psyche and the wisdom of metaphysical bound soma are dark, which is to say, they appertain to contrary types of binding. The former antitheses correspond to contrary orders - somatic and psychic - of play, whereas the latter antitheses correspond to contrary orders - psychic and somatic - of work. And, being noumenal, they are absolutely exclusive, appertaining, as noted above, to contrary axes, of which, as also noted, they are the hegemonic factors - metachemistry over antimetaphysics as space over antitime and metaphysics over antimetachemistry as time over antispace.