Antimetaphysical and Antimetachemical Antitheses.  To contrast the anti-supercivility (noumenal anticivility) of antimetaphysical free soma and the anti-superculture (noumenal anticulture) of antimetaphysical bound psyche with the anti-superphilistinism (noumenal antiphilistinism) of antimetachemical free psyche and the anti-superbarbarism (noumenal antibarbarism) of antimetachemical bound soma, as one would contrast the anti-superchristian (noumenal antichristian) with the anti-superheathen (noumenal antiheathen) across the absolute gender divide - antimale and antifemale - of the subservient positions of the northwest and northeast points of the intercardinal axial compass. Therefore to contrast the anti-illusion and antiwoe of antimetaphysical free soma and the antitruth and antijoy of antimetaphysical bound psyche with the anti-ugliness and antihatred of antimetachemical free psyche and the antibeauty and antilove of antimetachemical bound soma, as one would contrast pseudo-folly and pseudo-sin with pseudo-punishment and pseudo-goodness, the former pairing appertaining to the Antison of Antigod/the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven and Antigod the Antifather/Antiheaven the Unholy Soul; the latter pairing to the Antidaughter of the Antidevil/the Unclear Soul of Antihell and Antidevil the Antimother/Antihell the Unclear Spirit. In brief, both the pseudo-folly of antimetaphysical free soma and the pseudo-punishment of antimetachemical free psyche are bright, that is to say, they appertain to contrary types of freedom, whereas both the pseudo-sin of antimetaphysical bound psyche and the pseudo-goodness of antimetachemical bound soma are dark, which is to say, they appertain to contrary types of binding. The former antitheses correspond to contrary orders - somatic and psychic - of play, whereas the latter antitheses correspond to contrary orders - psychic and somatic - of work. And, being noumenal, they are absolutely exclusive, appertaining, as noted above, to contrary axes, of which, as also noted, they are the subservient factors - antimetaphysics under metachemistry as antitime under space, antimetachemistry under metaphysics as antispace under time.