Antiphysical and Antichemical Antitheses.  To contrast the anticulture of antiphysical bound psyche and the anticivility of antiphysical free soma with the antibarbarism of antichemical bound soma and the antiphilistinism of antichemical free psyche, as one would contrast the anti-artificial with the antinatural across the relative gender divide - antimale and antifemale - of the subservient positions (duly subversive of the hegemonic ones under pressure from noumenally inclusive axial factors) of the southwest and southeast points of the intercardinal axial compass. Therefore to contrast the antiknowledge and antipleasure of antiphysical bound psyche and the anti-ignorance and antipain of antiphysical free soma with the antistrength and antipride of antichemical bound soma and the antiweakness and antiwoe of antichemical free psyche, as one would contrast sin and folly with goodness and punishment, the former pairing appertaining to Antiman the Antifather/Anti-earth the Unholy Soul and the Antison of Antiman/the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth; the latter pairing to Antiwoman the Antimother/Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit and the Antidaughter of Antiwoman/the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory. In brief, both the sinfulness of antiphysical bound psyche and the goodness of antichemical bound soma are dark, that is to say, they appertain to contrary types of binding, whereas both the folly of antiphysical free soma and the punishment of antichemical free psyche are bright, which is to say, they appertain to contrary types of freedom. The former antitheses correspond to contrary orders - psychic and somatic - of work, whereas the latter antitheses correspond to contrary orders - somatic and psychic - of play. And, being phenomenal, they are relatively exclusive, appertaining, as noted above, to contrary axes, of which, as also noted, they are the subverting subservient factors - antiphysics under chemistry (at the behest of metaphysics over antimetachemistry) as antimass under volume, and antichemistry under physics (at the behest of metachemistry over antimetaphysics) as antivolume under mass.