




Aphoristic Philosophy by John O'Loughlin

Which can be previewed below the following brief Centretruths editorial:–


John O'Loughlin would like to confess that, since he is not beholden to triangles, as to the moral limitations of 'tripartite' thinking, to use a term associated with Arthur Koestler,, but represent a kind of 'fourth dimension' beyond anything triangular (and thus rooted, in a manner of speaking, in the 'Devil'), he is, as a serious thinker, a self-taught philosopher, obliged to publish himself, since self-publishing is really par for the course of being 'beyond the pale' of 'Devil'-rooted or derived triangularity, ruled over, as it usually is, by persons for whom rectilinear pediments and the like are taken for granted and anything approximating the curvilinearity of a dome is only acceptable if it prostrates itself, so to speak, before the said pediment in subordinate – one might even say 'sonofabitch'-like – vein, thereby confirming the hegemonic rule of autocracy in all too 'once-born', God-denying fashion (although, since the people will never, so we are told by no less a luminary than Eugene Ionesco, 'demystify themselves', God-denial would be the last thing to which they would ever admit!). Be that as it may, self-publishing is only to be expected for thought that is, to any extent, true and honest and, hence, more genuinely philosophic. And therefore whilst anyone can, in theory, read this author, only the best will appreciate what he has to say and – who knows? – even undertake to review his book and spread the 'good news' that not every branch of literature exists within the commercially-orientated moral constraints imposed by triangular control, and that if philosophy is to be true to its vocation as both a truth-seeker and revealer of 'higher truths' not altogether dissociated from a credibly comprehensive interpretation of the world, it must continue to distance itself from the 'market place' of those who knowingly exploit writers – particularly poets, novelists, and dramatists – for self-enrichment through the various channels of worldly commerce. For few if any commercial writers escape the rectilinear pediment other than via the debasement of the dome, and that is a fate John O'Loughlin can happily leave to what certain other notable independently-minded free-lance thinkers of the past would have identified with the 'professors of philosophy'! – A Centretruths Editorial



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