aphoristic philosophy





The Next Totalitarianism

Philosophical Aphorisms by John O'Loughlin

Which can be previewed via the link below the following Centretruths editorial:–


Once again John O'Loughlin must swallow his words and put aside claims to any given work being the 'omega point of his oeuvre', as has been suggested on more than one occasion in the recent past.  For Ethnic Universality takes his philosophy to an even more definitive level in relation to those attributes of each of the Elements which make will, spirit, ego, and soul possible and cause them to jostle for primacy or supremacy, according to the context, in individuals both separately and collectively, in civilization as a reflection of one sort of society or another, depending on a variety of factors, not least of all environmental.  But this title is equally definitive in relation to its understanding of what the author calls 'people's civilization' and why, despite appearances to the contrary or what anybody might have to say, such a largely urban civilization, built around the proletariat, can only be totalitarian and is, even now, totalitarian in what most characterizes it and what Mr O'Loughlin holds to be the precondition of an ultimate totalitarianism, as alluded to in the subtitle, which will take this civilization to its omega point and therefore definitive realization. – A Centretruths Editorial



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Ethnic Universality PREVIEW







Email: john-oloughlin@centretruths.com


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