





Comprising Aphorisms and Maxims by John O’Loughlin

Which can be previewed via the following brief Centretruths editorial:–


Following on from his previous title So There, this work also takes the form of a mixture of aphorisms and maxims, or brief discursive observations on a variety of subjects of interest or concern to the author coupled to numbered sequences of systematically-structured conclusions about salient aspects of the overall philosophy which, in this book, succeed those parts (one and three) specifically given to the aphoristic material, as though to sum-up or clarify, on a more philosophically intensive basis, what had been more discursively observed. Of course, there is more to it than that, and we would be lying if we didn't also add that this title both refines upon and extends beyond some of the observations and conclusions of the previous one, thereby in a sense bringing this phase of John O'Loughlin's philosophy to what he holds to be a summational peak, beyond which he has no intention or indeed possibility of going, since little or no progress could be made short of one's adopting the philosophical equivalent of wings and flying off into space. Therefore we believe he has reached the end of his intellectual journey, summing up, in a nutshell, what it has taken him the best part of four decades to arrive at, experience coupled to observation leading to truly conclusive results. – A Centretruths Editorial



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