metaphysical philosophy






That Unlock the Gates of Social Theocracy

Metaphysical Philosophy by John O’Loughlin

Which can be previewed via the link below the following brief Centretruths editorial:–


This is not a book for 'the Many', but one for a few of 'the Few' who will lead most of 'the Many' into the 'Kingdom of Truth'. That said, probably no book has ever investigated and analysed class and gender relationships as comprehensively and categorically as this one, which not only distinguishes between a hegemonic class and a subordinate pseudo-class on both alpha and omega terms within both what the author describes as upper- and lower-order contexts, but logically demonstrates the disciplinary implications of the subversions of class and pseudo-class positions from either 'above' (with upper-order control of society) or from 'below' (with lower-order control of society), with contrasting approaches to civilization in each case, whether of the female-dominated alpha or of the male-dominated omega. To put it bluntly, this is simply one of the crowning achievements of John O'Loughlin's philosophical oeuvre, of his quest for philosophical perfection through the pursuance and comprehension of Truth, whether interpreted specifically in relation to Metaphysics or more generally in relation to each of the atomic and pseudo-atomic options, and one can only add that if there was ever a book more comprehensively exacting and logically consistent within terminological frameworks that are often if not usually unique, then it would have to be this one, for which we must all be both amazed and, I guess, thankful. For books like this are the end-product of decades of intellectual progress which, by dint of their highly complex nature, can only appeal, to a small minority of people, albeit to those who value Truth (in whatever sense) above all else. – A Centretruths Editorial



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Keys to the Kingdom of Truth PREVIEW







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