cyclic philosophy





Cyclic Philosophy by John O'Loughlin

Which can be previewed via the link below the following Centretruths editorial:–


Last (W)rites returns us, after a brief interlude during which John O'Loughlin wrote some chronologically numerical philosophy, to the cyclical style adopted in From Punishment to Grace (1994), albeit with the use of side titles rather than numerals principally, and with a view to bringing to completion a task which really began several years ago ... when he boldly set out on the long and often difficult path that leads to Truth.  Little did he realize, at the time, that not only would he eventually get to the Truth (which, in any case, we maintain no-one had previously done to anything like the same extent) but ... actually overhaul it, in what seems in places like a literary parallel to Heaven or, at any rate, to a sort of literary heaven, albeit one that is still far from definitive in relation to his entire oeuvre and therefore still, believe it or not, leaves something, in retrospect, to be desired, despite his high claims for it at the time (1995).  For, in point of fact, Last (W)rites, despite the pun of the title, was far from being Mr O'Loughlin's final work, coming in at opus 61 in a 122-opus oeuvre that has since embraced weblogs and, additionally, eBook-oriented reformatted and revised weblogs that further extend the overall corpus of his literary output. – A Centretruths Editorial



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