




A Poetico-Philosophic Project by John O'Loughlin

Which can be previewed below the following brief Centretruths editorial:–


All the articles in this fifth collection of revised and reformatted weblogs originally hosted by date, like the previous collection, from 2012. Unlike before, however, the author has been careful to ensure that the original chronology of weblogs has been replaced by one more sensitive to similar types of subject matter, so that one can proceed through the material with a growing sense of thematic continuity and structural enhancement, two crucial advantages of eSroll or eBook publication over what may often appear to be the disjunctive if not chronologically-unrelated nature of blogging. Even so, he has usually tended to approach weblogs from a standpoint centred in his metaphysically-oriented philosophy of Social Theocracy and/or Social Transcendentalism and intended, as far as possible, to achieve some kind of ideological continuity in spite of the formal limitations of blogging, and we believe that, here as in previous such compilations, he has largely succeeded in producing a body of work that not only adds up, but also seems quite inter-related and even cohesive, partly, we suspect, because few of his weblogs were ever written in situ but, like previous such texts, usually derive from prior notes which he was then able to copy-in and upgrade or 'beef up', preparatory to downloading them to a local file which would subsequently serve as the basis, following extensive revision, for a new eScroll and/or eBook. Hopefully, this latest eBook is as good as if not better than each of the previous ones, including its immediate precursor, Ahead in the Clouds, which launched him in a more poetic direction than had hitherto been the case, and in this latest addition to John O'Loughlin's considerable oeuvre he has scaled greater heights of metaphysical certitude, not only in relation to the 'philosophic flights' of the title but also in terms of the 'poetic fancy' that sometimes launched such heights, thereby bringing the long struggle, or 'journey', towards Truth, which was the original motive for everything of significance that he has ever written, to some kind of definitive completion. – A Centretruths Editorial



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Philosophic Flights of Poetic Fancy PREVIEW







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