




by John O'Loughlin

Which can be previewed below the following brief Centretruths editorial:–


The only reason there is an orange notebook 3 and not a green notebook 3 in this literary project having markedly philosophical overtones is that the first orange notebook was already over two-thirds full with previous literary material when I began to use it for this project, and that, since I wanted a balance, as far as possible, between the green and orange notebooks, both in terms of length and amount and quality of material contained within each of them, I opted to fill about two-thirds of a third orange notebook in my possession in order to compensate for the comparative brevity of the first notebook, thereby presenting the reader with approximately as much orange notebook material overall as green notebook material, but without any intention of suggesting a bias towards the orange at the expense of the green simply on account of the partially-filled additional orange notebook. The results, overall, are pretty interchangeable, in any case, since I did not consciously attempt to think or write, from an Irish standpoint, in a more 'green' way with the green notebooks or in a more 'orange' way with the orange ones, even if sometimes a bias towards one or the other tendency could be inferred. What I wanted, and I believe achieved, was a framework that allowed me to think and write freely without undue concessions to either colour (or ethnicity), and somehow I succeeded, even at this late stage in my literary vocation, in both correcting a fairly long-standing philosophic error of logic (which need not be addressed here, since it will become fairly self-evident later on) and extending my philosophy to embrace an entirely new perspective which I believe to be of seminal importance in both understanding and defining contemporary civilization as an extension of Western civilization, whether or not one relates to it or has any ancestral connections with it. And I have achieved all this within a relatively short project, one which transcends the conventional printerly book bias towards volume, not to say mass, in the interests of aphoristic brevity and metaphysical credibility within a literary framework more suited, I believe, to eBook publication on the Internet, not to say to philosophical truth, even with other considerations, often of a quite literary and even entertaining nature, that had to be considered along the largely time/pseudo-space way in which the subject of 'reservations', amounting to the thematic leitmotif of this project, was duly investigated from a number of angles in both the orange and green notebooks, with a view to enhancing my understanding of what it means to be 'reserved'. – A Centretruths Editorial



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Reservations in Orange and Green PREVIEW







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