aphoristic philosophy






Of A Bound Genius

Philosophical Aphorisms by John O'Loughlin

Which can be previewed via the link below the following Centretruths editorial:–


Beginning with doubts about a certain number too often used in religious connections, this title progresses through a development of John O'Loughlin's own religious theories and numbers towards a conclusion which, whilst not entirely removed from the magical number cited at the beginning of the work, endorses a rather larger figure when once the numbers attaching to his divisions and subdivisions of each axis - descending and ascending, female and male - have been multiplied by four in relation to what has been regarded as the principal stages of both death and life as applying, as in previous texts, to element-conditioned environmental means, from the cosmos and nature to mankind and cyborgkind, the latter of which is already here, if rather more on sensual than sensible terms at present.  Nevertheless, this project is about a lot more than numbers, however significant or insignificant one chooses to regard them, being an extension of and refinement on Mr O'Loughlin's habitual axial theorizing which, frankly, leaves little or nothing to be desired - at least not in terms of the way and extent to which everything conclusively adds up in what must be a definitive comprehensiveness that takes his philosophy-cum-theosophy to an all-time peak and establishes if not proves, once and for all, his pre-eminence as arguably the foremost metaphysical thinker not only of this age but of virtually any age, a self-taught thinker and literary outsider whose corporeal existence remains bound to his time even as his largely ethereal thoughts range freely over the entire compass of devolutionary and evolutionary actuality or possibility, from the alpha-most point of Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit to the omega-most point of God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul, as from metachemical free soma to metaphysical free psyche. – A Centretruths Editorial



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The Free Testament PREVIEW





Email: john-oloughlin@centretruths.com


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