1.   I do not intend to discuss Antidaughters and Antimothers on the one hand, and Antifathers and Antisons on the other, except to say that all such negative reference-points have relevance to that which precedes the organic as its inorganic precondition.


2.   Since everything that pertains to the organic is supreme in its positivity, whether that positivity be metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, so all that pertains to the inorganic is primal in its negativity.


3.   Thus anything cosmic (noumenal) and/or geologic (phenomenal) assumes the negative characteristics of inorganic primacy, and stands in an inferior relationship to the personal (phenomenal) and/or universal (noumenal) characteristics of organic supremacy, which are ever positive.


4.   Since supremacy can only be found in the organic, it follows that nothing inorganic, whether cosmic or geologic, will have reference to supremacy but only, as noted, to primacy, and thus to primal modes of doing, giving, taking, and being, as germane to negative manifestations of metachemistry, chemistry, physics, and metaphysics.


5.   One should not confound the supremacy of universal modes of doing and being with the primacy of cosmic modes of doing and being, nor the supremacy of personal modes of giving and taking with the primacy of geologic modes of giving and taking.


6.   No more than one should confound the devils of metachemical supremacy with the antidevils (negative devils) of metachemical primacy, or the gods of metaphysical supremacy with the antigods (negative gods) of metaphysical primacy, or the women of chemical supremacy with the antiwomen (negative women) of chemical primacy, or the men of physical supremacy with the antimen (negative men) of physical primacy.


7.   For there is as much difference between antidevils and devils as between ugliness and beauty, and as much difference between antigods and gods as between falsity (illusion) and truth, and as much difference between antiwomen and women as between weakness and strength, and as much difference between antimen and men as between ignorance and knowledge.


8.   The positivity of organic supremacy means that the doing of devils, whether sensual or sensible, will always be supreme (beautiful) rather than primal (ugly); that the being of gods will always be supreme (truthful) rather than primal (false, or illusory); that the giving of women will always be supreme (strong) rather than primal (weak); and that the taking of men will always be supreme (knowledgeable) rather than primal (ignorant).


9.   That which is supreme has reference to fundamentalism when metachemical, to nonconformism when chemical, to humanism when physical, and to transcendentalism when metaphysical, whereas that which is primal has reference to materialism when metachemical, to realism when chemical, to naturalism when physical, and to idealism when metaphysical.


10.  Hence to contrast the materialism of antidevils with the fundamentalism of devils in respect of negative and positive modes of metachemical doing, or doing per se; to contrast the realism of antiwomen with the nonconformism of women in respect of negative and positive modes of chemical giving, or giving per se; to contrast the naturalism of antimen with the humanism of men in respect of negative and positive modes of physical taking, or taking per se; and to contrast the idealism of antigods with the transcendentalism of gods in respect of negative and positive modes of metaphysical being, or being per se.


11.  The primacy of materialism is no less inferior to the supremacy of fundamentalism than the primacy of realism to the supremacy of nonconformism, or the primacy of naturalism to the supremacy of humanism, or the primacy of idealism to the supremacy of transcendentalism.


12.  In such fashion we esteem - at any rate if sufficiently organic and, hence, sane - beauty above ugliness, strength above weakness, knowledge above ignorance, and truth above illusion, never forgetting, however, that in the distinction between sensual and sensible manifestations of each positive value it is the sensible one which always accords, whether relatively or absolutely, with wisdom and/or goodness as opposed to folly and/or evil.


13.  But even positive evil and folly are preferable, from an organic standpoint, to negative evil and folly, just as sensual beauty and truth are preferable to sensual ugliness and falsity, their noumenal inorganic counterparts, or sensual strength and knowledge (carnal) preferable to sensual weakness and ignorance, their phenomenal inorganic counterparts, which, of course, are negatively evil or foolish on relative terms.


14.  Be that as it may, those of us who esteem wisdom and goodness above folly and evil will not make the mistake of preferring their negative manifestations in inorganic primacy to those modes of wisdom and goodness which accord with organic supremacy, but will know that there is as much difference between truth and falsity or beauty and ugliness or strength and weakness or knowledge and ignorance in sensibility as ever there is, or was, in sensuality, and that only in the sensible modes of organic supremacy is wisdom and goodness, whether relatively in the phenomenal or absolutely in the noumenal, positively genuine.