1.   As we may contrast, on the noumenal axis of space-time objectivity, the evil doing of the metachemical Daughter with the good doing of the metachemical Mother, so we may contrast, on the phenomenal axis of volume-mass objectivity, the evil giving of the chemical Daughter with the good giving of the chemical Mother.


2.   And just as we can contrast, on the phenomenal axis of mass-volume subjectivity, the foolish taking of the physical Father with the wise taking of the physical Son, so we can contrast, on the noumenal axis of time-space subjectivity, the foolish being of the metaphysical Father with the wise being of the metaphysical Son.


3.   The evil doing of the metachemical Daughter is the focus of absolute barbarism (barbarity), and the good doing of the metachemical Mother the focus, by contrast, of absolute civilization (civility).


4.   The evil giving of the chemical Daughter is the focus of relative barbarism, and the good giving of the chemical Mother the focus, by contrast, of relative civilization.


5.   The foolish taking of the physical Father is the focus of relative philistinism (nature), and the wise taking of the physical Son the focus, by contrast, of relative culture (nurture).


6.   The foolish being of the metaphysical Father is the focus of absolute philistinism, and the wise being of the metaphysical Son the focus, by contrast, of absolute culture.


7.   Barbarism is never more evil than in connection with doing, and civilization never more good than in connection with giving.


8.   Philistinism is never more foolish than in connection with taking, and culture never more wise than in connection with being.


9.   Just as metachemical doing is an attribute of the Devil, whether for better (good) or worse (evil), so chemical giving is an attribute of woman, whether for better (good) or worse (evil).


10.  Just as physical taking is an attribute of man, whether for better (wise) or worse (foolish), so metaphysical being is an attribute of God, whether for better (wise) or worse (foolish).


11.  Doing, giving, taking, and being exist, of course, in every Element, from fiery metachemistry and watery chemistry on the objective side of the gender divide to vegetative physics and airy metaphysics on its subjective side, but the per se manifestation of doing - and hence the will - only exists in relation to metachemistry; the per se manifestation of giving - and hence the spirit - in relation to chemistry; the per se manifestation of taking - and hence the ego - in relation to physics; and the per se manifestation of being - and hence the soul - in relation to metaphysics.


12.  Whether doing and giving are evil or good, and taking and being foolish or wise will depend, of course, on the sense of the Element to which they are principally attached, i.e. whether that sense is outer, and sensual, or inner, and sensible.


13.  Outside of metachemistry, the elemental context of the will per se, evil recedes, on sensual primary and sensible secondary terms, from the most evil doing of metachemistry to the least evil doing of metaphysics via the more (relative to most) evil doing of chemistry  and the less (relative to least) evil doing of physics.


14.  Outside of chemistry, the elemental context of the spirit per se, good recedes, on sensual secondary and sensible primary terms, from the most good giving of chemistry to the least good giving of physics via the more (relative to most) good giving of metachemistry and the less (relative to least) good giving of metaphysics.


15.  Outside of physics, the elemental context of the ego per se, folly recedes, on sensual primary and sensible secondary terms, from the most foolish taking of physics to the least foolish taking of chemistry via the more (relative to most) foolish taking of metaphysics and the less (relative to least) foolish taking of metachemistry.


16.  Outside of metaphysics, the elemental context of the soul per se, wisdom recedes, on sensual secondary and sensible primary terms, from the most wise being of metaphysics to the least wise being of metachemistry via the more (relative to most) wise being of physics and the less (relative to least) wise being of chemistry.


17.  Whatever the Element, the will is a manifestation of evil and, hence, power - from the first-rate power of metachemistry to the fourth-rate power of metaphysics via the second-rate power of chemistry and the third-rate power of physics.


18.  Whatever the Element, the spirit is a manifestation of good and, hence, glory - from the first-rate glory of chemistry to the fourth-rate glory of physics via the second-rate glory of metachemistry and the third-rate glory of metaphysics.


19.  Whatever the Element, the ego is a manifestation of folly and, hence, form - from the first-rate form of physics to the fourth-rate form of chemistry via the second-rate form of metaphysics and the third-rate form of metachemistry.


20.  Whatever the Element, the soul is a manifestation of wisdom and, hence, contentment - from the first-rate contentment of metaphysics to the fourth-rate contentment of metachemistry via the second-rate contentment of physics and the third-rate contentment of chemistry.