1.   From the way I use and refer to words like evil, good, folly, and wisdom, it should be evident that I am not in favour of completely eliminating evil or folly in the interests of good and wisdom, but that I accept the totality of factors as indicative of the broad nature of reality.


2.   I may be more in favour of metaphysics than of physics, and of physics than of chemistry (I am of course male), and of chemistry than of metachemistry, but I do not subscribe to the view that metachemistry should be totally eliminated from life or the world or society or even the individual.


3.   I accept that life is a composite of all four main Elements - fire, water, vegetation (earth), and air - and I therefore accept the complementary existences of evil, good, folly, and wisdom, as of the will, the spirit, the ego, and the soul, both in relation to the Elements generally and to each one in particular.


4.   But I obviously prefer, in my self-styled capacity of Messianic philosopher, soul to ego, and ego to spirit, and spirit to will, which is essentially the standpoint of metaphysics, the discipline par excellence of philosophy.


5.   And because I am more disposed to wisdom than to folly, and even more disposed to goodness than to evil, I broadly prefer to think in terms of sensible manifestations of soul, ego, spirit, and will than of their sensual counterparts, which, as the reader will know, I identify with barbarism and philistinism as opposed to culture and civilization, or, put differently, with barbarity and nature as opposed to nurture and civility.


6.   I am, if you will, an advocate of culture and civilization on a new and altogether higher basis to whatever may have passed for such in the Christian past, and that is why I have invented the concept of a triadic Beyond, together with its administrative aside in 'Kingdom Come'.


7.   I do not say that there should be only higher orders of culture and civilization, as if 'Kingdom Come' should be reduced to only the top tier of the triadic Beyond and its administrative aside, but that the Beyond in question, being triadic, must also embrace lower orders of culture and civilization as germane to a 'new earth' and to a 'new purgatory' for persons of mostly Protestant descent.


8.   Yet such lower orders of culture and civilization would be coloured and influenced by the higher manifestations thereof, equivalent to a 'new heaven' and (in the administrative aside of higher civilization) to a 'new hell', and would not therefore be a mere rehash of the Christian - and in particular Roman Catholic - past.


9.   No Element is lacking from 'Kingdom Come', nor can any Element reasonably be ignored, as though something to avoid ... except insofar as one may have specific parameters relative to one's peculiar status in the coming 'Kingdom', whether in relation to the triadic Beyond or to its administrative aside.


10.  Every Element is accounted for in 'Kingdom Come' - fire in the administrative aside to the triadic Beyond no less than water, vegetation, and air in the three-tier structure itself, so that Time may defer to Eternity, and to an Eternity composed of Mass, Volume, and Space within the sensible parameters, by and large, of this new civilization/culture complex.


11.  And even each tier of the triadic Beyond would be subdivisible three ways, so as to allow for chemical, physical, and metaphysical distinctions within each of the prevailing Elements, with nonconformist, humanist, and transcendentalist implications both individually and collectively.


12.  For the triadic Beyond would be ministering to people of both Protestant and Catholic denominational descent, and to be able to do so properly it requires that not only should the genders be segregated along chemical and physical lines, but that males themselves should be divided between physical and metaphysical on each tier level, so as to allow for the more subjective distinction, above spirituality, between intellectuality and emotionality, knowledge and truth, as befitting a structure in which, for virtually the first time in Western history, transcendentalism would be given its sensible due, and humanism and nonconformism be obliged to subordinate themselves to it in the interests not only of a new knowledge (earth) and a new strength (purgatory) but of that ultimate truth which it would be the duty of Social Transcendentalism, as the ideological philosophy of 'Kingdom Come', both in its political (with especial reference to the administrative aspects of 'the Centre' [see, for example, Opus D'Oeuvre] in a Gaelic federation) and religious manifestations, to uphold ... for all Eternity.