1.   It could be said that, in general terms, purgatory and the earth, or women and men, precede hell and heaven, or devils and gods, in relation to 'the world' vis-à-vis the prospect of 'Kingdom Come', with its triadic Beyond and administrative aside, as outlined by me in both this and previous texts.


2.   Be that as it may, there could be no question of 'Kingdom Come', should it actually come to pass, being solely composed of hell and heaven, or devils and gods, since, as I have shown, the triadic Beyond must also minister to reborn women and men, or new forms of purgatory and the earth, as specifically germane to persons of Nonconformist and Anglican descent should they opt for religious sovereignty come 'Judgement', if it is to do both proper justice to 'the world' and, more importantly, to itself as a viable structure.


3.   Thus no more than 'the world' excludes devils and gods now, least of all in relation to sensuality, can men and women be excluded from the otherworldly context of 'Kingdom Come' when and if the time comes for people of all denominational persuasions to opt, in a paradoxical election enabling them to seek deliverance - should a majority mandate be forthcoming - from both criminal and sinful forms of political sovereignty to graceful and punishing forms of religious sovereignty, for deliverance in salvation and/or damnation from the sensual status quo to a more sensible prospect in which, without undue fanaticism or compulsion, civilization and culture would 'blossom anew' under the leadership of the Second Coming, and the Son and the Mother tend, on whatever elemental basis, to take official precedence over the Father and the Daughter.


4.   For just as the Father is something or someone to be saved from (to the Son), so the Mother is something or someone to be damned to (from the Daughter), if sensibility is to 'blossom anew' and civilization and culture be both extended (in relation to the administrative aside to and top tier of our projected triadic Beyond) and renewed (in relation to the bottom and middle tiers of the Beyond in question).


5.   Only thus will the 'winter' and 'spring' of Western civilization be overshadowed, as it were, by its 'summer' and 'autumn', as purgatory and the earth are renewed in the presence of a 'new hell' and a 'new heaven' up above, like the darkness and heaviness of 'the world', corresponding to strength and knowledge, being upstaged and modified by the light and lightness of the 'overworldly above', corresponding to beauty and truth.


6.   For only under the damnation and/or salvation, depending by and large on gender, of Catholics to the administrative aside and/or top tier of the triadic Beyond ... can Protestants be damned and/or saved to the bottom and/or middle tiers thereof, passing from the darkness of sensual strength (relative evil) and the heaviness of sensual knowledge (relative folly) to the darkness of sensible strength (relative good) and the heaviness of sensible knowledge (relative wisdom), just as their Catholic counterparts would pass from the brightness of sensual beauty (absolute evil) and the lightness of sensual truth (absolute folly) to the brightness of sensible beauty (absolute good) and the lightness of sensible truth (absolute wisdom).


7.   And in passing from sensual beauty and truth to their sensible counterparts, Catholics would be damned from the noumenal Daughter (commensurate with the Risen Virgin) to the noumenal Mother (commensurate with the most sacred - or elemental wavicle - heart of the Second Coming) and saved from the noumenal Father (commensurate with 'the Father' of New Testament reference) to the noumenal Son (commensurate with the soulful aspect, viz. Holy Soul of Heaven, of the Second Coming), while Protestants, in passing from sensual strength and knowledge to their sensible counterparts, would be damned from the phenomenal Daughter (commensurate with Nonconformist or 'free church' Protestantism) to the phenomenal Mother (commensurate with a 'new purgatory' of Social Transcendentalist strength) and saved from the phenomenal Father (commensurate with that which, as Anglicanism, stands in Established allegiance at the base of an inverted triangle of so-called 'Protestant solidarity') to the phenomenal Son (commensurate with a 'new earth' of Social Transcendentalist knowledge).


8.   Either way, whether one's fate is to be damned or saved to noumenal or phenomenal orders of sensibility in 'Kingdom Come', the outcome would be the rebirth of civilization and culture and the downgrading and even marginalization (within reason) of those forms of barbarism and philistinism which typify 'heathenistic modernity' and the triangular norms which constitute the basis of freedom.


9.   Thus freedom, far from being something to revel-in, after the fashion of morally ignorant crooks and/or sinners, is something to be saved and/or damned from, according to gender (real or effective) to the graces and punishments of that more sensible arrangement of society which we have equated with 'Kingdom Come'.


10.  Obviously not all peoples can be saved and/or damned to moral righteousness (virtue) in binding, whether directly (to male self) or indirectly (to constraints upon female not-self), at this point in time, which is why I have 'chosen' or earmarked the Gaelic countries principally of Ireland, Scotland, the Isle of Man, and even Wales to democratically take a lead in this respect (not least of all in relation to the prospect of a united Ireland achieved on the basis of their overall federation under a 'God-King', viz. the Second Coming), since they are generally more favoured, both climatically and culturally, to take such a lead in the first place.


11.  Many are called (to life) but few are chosen (for Eternity), and that is as it should be, bearing in mind that one requires a capacity for sensibility that would be quite lacking in those persons or peoples habituated to a more sensual climate, who worship - effectively if not literally - the sun in consequence, and would be unwilling and even unable to turn against their sensual grains and embrace not simply sensibility but, where applicable, new and higher orders of sensibility to boot!


12.  Most of the world is not in a position, alas, where such a resolve could reasonably be inferred.  But we should not allow that to deter us from pressing ahead with what we - as Gaels - are mostly capable of; for unless we take a lead, few if any peoples will eventually be in a position to follow.