101.   But, of course, that human stage of religion which we identify with  Christianity was further hampered and even scripturally hamstrung by the persistence of approaches to religion in both the Cosmos and nature that were anything but metaphysical and/or antimetachemical, being  implicitly if not, in the Old Testament, explicitly metachemical and/or  antimetaphysical, so that an implicit transcendentalism in the grace of verbal absolution - short, though it be, of the more genuinely upper-class grace of transcendental meditation - had to contend with the rather more explicit fundamentalism and even materialism more specifically, antitranscendentalism and even anti-idealism more specifically, of those freely somatic entities which bear all the hallmarks of Devil the Mother and the Antison of Antigod, whether in respect of the stellar/solar Cosmos or of the blossom/fruit on certain trees in what would be nature's  upper-class sensual guises, so to speak.


102.   Held back through Scripture by the tyrannical power of 'the Almighty', of the cosmic First Mover, of Devil the Mother hyped as God, the Catholic clergy were in no position to explicitly affirm God the Father, least of all in respect of the transcendental meditation of Buddhism, which is the human stage of religion that achieves the most authentic and highest form of transcendentalism, albeit still as something that falls short of what I hold to be its per se manifestation in the coming cyborgization of proletarian life to a sensible peak within the framework of the extension of globalization towards a genuinely universal point which will be neither Western nor Eastern but the logical development beyond both, as each, in turn, is democratically overhauled by global universality in a civilization that, to all intents and purposes, is neither lower class nor upper class but a combination, for the foreseeable future, of both lower- and upper-class elements in which the lower are led by the upper and the upper is conceived as the ideal to which all may expect to be more permanently raised in the course of time or, rather, eternity.


103.   For it has always been the intent of the diagonally rising axis, the axis of church-hegemonic criteria, to bring the lower to an accommodation with the upper, to save the antimasculine and feminine meek from their sins and pseudo-crimes to the divine grace and antidiabolic pseudo-punishment which the virtuous circle of metaphysics and antimetachemistry has to offer, and that intent can only be stepped up and brought to an altogether new and more radical pitch when once the axis in question is resurrected in relation to synthetic artificiality and everything that now takes its synthetically artificial modes of somatic immorality for granted, whether for virtuous better or vicious worse, is called into question and brought to judgement, exposed for the war-mongering lie it fundamentally is and gradually undermined and rendered untenable, prevented from pursuing its unreasoning course of global expansion at the expense of the meek, and all because they will be given every encouragement, short of outright coercion, to prefer the prospect of religious salvation to the contemporary and all-too-prevalent factual dominion which science holds over them to the detriment of their rightful destiny in truth, to the detriment, in a word, of their meekness.


104.   For this hegemonic science, aided and abetted by the illusorily false religion of antimetaphysics, is able to exploit their moral weakness in the psychic binding of an ignorant and/or a weak anti-peacefulness which is ever vulnerable to free soma, and to do so, moreover, in terms of the pro-war brutality of somatic barbarism, as evidenced by the never-ending plethora of expletive-barbed violent films which, through its predilection towards evil, America, in particular, spews out of its nightmarish film industry of synthetically artificial drama with a terrible vengeance upon the world, so that, even with the most anti-American political bias, it would be difficult to convince oneself that there wasn't a lot more wrong with America than just its government or political rulers!


105.   Frankly, America is the country where the contemporary manifestations of Devil the Mother and her Antison of Antigod 'fall guy' are most in evidence in the world, and although countries like Britain and Israel are not without similar failings, they cannot be compared, for sheer scale and degree of somatic licence, with this remaining superpower which currently rules the descending axis of state-hegemonic society in the most shamelessly metachemical and antimetaphysical fashions, with a fatally destabilising influence on Britain's traditional preference for physical and antichemical predilections which, never characteristic to any appreciable extent of America, she increasingly finds herself sacrificing to the evil and pseudo-foolish fatal attractions of somatic freedom, as she follows America on its barbarous course of world conquest and dominion over other nations.


106.   Remember what I said about female hegemonies!  They do not rein themselves in and put a stop to their somatic aggression and expansion, despite occasional - and politically expedient - appearances to the contrary.  It was precisely what she inherited from Britain, as the colonial offshoot in large measure of Britain, which made America capable of conquering her continent and of becoming the great and terrible power, the superpower that she is today.  But it is not something that can be turned on and off at will, as though the political system that gave rise to it can suddenly decide to dissolve itself into a church-hegemonic system and, having changed axes as though in a conversion from one ethnicity to another, opt for peace instead of war, for psyche instead of soma, whether in terms of anti-peace or pro-peace or, indeed, a Catholic-like alternation between the two. 


107.   America remains the land of the Liberty Belle, of the Statue of Liberty, and that statue is not male but decidedly female, and the starry reality of its 'stars and stripes', its national flag, is not male but fundamentally female - akin to the stellar 'first mover' in the cosmic scheme of things that makes a 'fall guy' out of the solar 'fallen angel', be he Satanic or Luciferian, or in successively more devolved manifestations of a metachemical ascendancy over antimetaphysics (excluding for the sake of structural convenience the antimetachemical component of perpendicular triangularity), the Saulian 'first mover' in the natural scheme of things who makes a 'fall guy' out of David, pretty much like blossom vis-à-vis fruit on certain trees, or, for the humanized New Testament, the so-called Father who exists under a so-called Risen Virgin pretty much as ears under eyes, or, indeed, beyond the New Testament in the cyborg New World secularity properly characteristic of things American, more like a bugging device or a microphone than a camera, and much more likely to be a Democrat than a Republican, where this antimetaphysical 'fall guy' for a metachemical slating is concerned.


108.   Frankly, it can be said that if Britain is female with an antichemical bias for good and punishment, America is female with a metachemical bias for evil and crime, the exact immoral opposite of Britain, where it could be argued that the majority, according with phenomenal sensibility, are innocent until proven guilty, innocent of somatic freedom but not, alas, of virtuous immorality!  Unfortunately, with America it can only be assumed that the majority, according with noumenal sensuality, are guilty until proven innocent, guilty of somatic freedom and, thus, of vicious immorality, of evil and/or pseudo-folly, crime and/or pseudo-sin.


109.   And yet, for all her civil and pseudo-cultural innocence, her championing of the good and the pseudo-wise, the punishing and the pseudo-graceful, Britain shares with America and one or two other countries the guilt of being immoral in her state-hegemonic orientation towards soma at the expense of psyche, towards not-self at the expense of self, and thus, in her fallen status from church-hegemonic criteria, prone to a refusal to take morality seriously but to carry-on struggling for and against her own somatic fatality towards war, which makes the achievement of lasting peace all but impossible.


110.   The British are not a happy people, nor have they ever been; for no people can be happy whose system precludes the attainment of lasting peace through its refusal or inability to entertain church-hegemonic criteria in Catholic vein because, in consequence of a heretical tradition in Protestantism, it is overwhelmingly dominated and subverted by female criteria and in no position to put politics and religion, but especially religion, above economics and science.  It is not the Last things but the First things which characterize Britain, and what is true of the so-called 'Land of Hope and Glory' is even more characteristic of America, the 'Home of the Brave' whose inability to achieve lasting contentment derives in no small part from her colonial past as an offshoot of Britain and even more somatically flawed nation which is only too ready to act as the standard-bearer of Western civilization while being tragically unaware of the extent to which the freedom it stands for is not the freedom of psychic expression in grace and pseudo-punishment but the freedom, by contrast, of somatic impression in evil and pseudo-folly, in which a female hegemony is more directly involved in determining the course of immoral events to a vicious end.


111.   If the greater part of the world, of the global community, fingers Britain and America at the present time as the chief threat to global peace and unity, it is demonstrably correct to do so!  The Anglo-American alliance is bad for the world of peace-loving peoples, for such peoples are characterized by a male bias and lead of society, whereas the Anglo-Americans are the very opposite of such a bias and lead, and are not, in consequence, capable of converting from war to peace, whether on 'pro' or 'anti' terms.  They, together with their principal allies overseas, are the ones for whom freedom - and therefore civilization - is primarily perceived as somatic, whether for, as in America, or against, as traditionally (though to a lesser extent these days) in Britain, whose parliamentary/puritan opposition to its own forms of somatic freedom in royalism/high anglicanism has hitherto prevented it from following America all the way back up the diagonally descending axis to a point of unbridled materialism and fundamentalism with consequences for war-mongering which put anti-war predilections in the virtuous shade, even though Britain herself is far from innocent of immorality, both 'pro' and 'anti', as her imperial record as creator of the world's greatest empire to-date adequately attests, an empire upon which it was not altogether unreasonably said that 'the sun never sets' and for which she was prepared to wage war with every major continental and overseas threat to her island or imperial security that came to pass.


112.   But the ultimate solution, of course, to the problem of the so-called democratization and capitalization of the globe is not to play Britain and, especially, America at their own imperialist game, which one is bound, sooner or later, to lose, being of a less aggressive stamp, but to join together in the development of a new self-orientedness which can overhaul the old manifestations of church-hegemonic criteria, whether Christian or otherwise, and make it obvious to even the most purblind of war-mongering reactionaries that peace must be the proper end of life, and that such peace is only achievable on the basis of respect for self, for a psychic orientation which requires that the worldly meek should be saved from sin and pseudo-crime, according to gender, to grace and pseudo-punishment as the diagonally rising axis is renewed in what I have called Social Theocracy, and ceases to be anachronistically at a disadvantage, whether in Catholicism or Buddhism, to the state-hegemonic crusaders of democratic capitalism and capitalistic democracy who, in their protestant-cum-secular waywardness, are even now convinced that they are the solution to the world's problems and that only when the world is made-over in their secular image will it be at peace with itself.


113.   Nothing, however, could be further from the truth!  For the world will not go quietly into the dark night of a soulless materialism presided over by this final manifestation of Devil the Mother who is able to draw all previous manifestations of metachemical sensuality after her and to subsume them into her post-human synthetic artificiality in the name of freedom; albeit the freedom, as we have seen, is anything but virtuous and moral, being the very opposite, whose will, now as before, is martial and imperialistic, determined to use brutality as the means to achieving her viciously immoral end of somatic freedom for all, irrespective of class or nationality.


114.   But such freedom is the worst of all possible freedoms and no more than a sort of juvenile beginning to the overall development of that civilization which, because of its synthetic artificiality in relation to the urban proletariat, has the capacity to become global and truly universal.  Such freedom, stemming in the main - though by no means exclusively - from America, is the freedom of the eagle, not the freedom of the dove, and until the eagle is defeated and ceases therewith the dominate the world stage, the dove cannot be at peace with itself or in any degree confident for its own lasting peace and security.


115.   We who are of the diagonally ascending axis, the axis of church-hegemonic criteria traditionally rising, in primary salvation, from sin to grace and, in secondary vein for females, from pseudo-crime to pseudo-punishment (the punishment of psychic emphasis contrary to the female gender actuality of soma preceding and predominating over psyche), have no choice but to stand up for what we believe to be right and likely to conduce towards world peace in truth and beauty or, more correctly, the beautiful approach to truth that is the antimetachemical concomitant  of a metaphysical hegemony, and that behoves us to accept, through Social Theocracy, the resurrection of the ascending axis from out the Roman Catholic shadow under which it has languished for many a long century and, in the interests of globalization, to bring it to a new and revolutionary stage in which it is not simply beyond anything Catholic but also distinct from Buddhism, so that it is both higher and more radical than anything that has characterized Western civilization traditionally, as well as simultaneously beyond what has characterized the best of what the East has had to offer, and thus something that has the capacity to become fully and truly global, transcending and superseding both East and West alike in the interests of what is genuinely universal.


116.   Such a resurrection can only transpire once democracy is recognized, by those countries and peoples which have a traditional bias towards transcendentalism, whether Western or Eastern, not as an end-in-itself but as a means to a new and altogether higher end, an end resurrecting the concept of republicanism itself from politics to religion, so that the People can be delivered from the worldly bog of political sovereignty to the otherworldly salvation of religious sovereignty in which they would have rights applicable to that ultimate sovereignty, not the least of which would ensure their liberation, for ever more, from such religious falsehoods and scientific tyrannies as is evidenced by the presumption of Godhead in a cosmic first mover, which I have equated with Devil the Mother and logically maintain to be the antithesis of everything divine and genuinely godly.


117.   For genuine godliness is not to be found in metachemical sensuality, whether in the Cosmos, in nature, in mankind, or in Cyborgkind, but only - and for ever - in metaphysical sensibility, the sphere of God the Father and, via the bound soma of the Son of God in antiwill and the Holy Spirit of Heaven in antispirit, the free psychic redemption of divine ego and resurrection of self in Heaven the Holy Soul, the actual raison d'être of the meditative process in which transcendentalism achieves, through utilization of idealism, of the relevant soma, its psychic goal in the maximum freedom from all that is not self and unity, by contrast, with that which is most profoundly self, the emotional seat of which can only be in the spinal cord and not at all in the egoistic brain stem from which, through the godly ego, one has sought heavenly release.


118.   Therefore the urban proletariat should be brought to an accommodation with the concept of religious sovereignty if the diagonally ascending axis is to be resurrected on terms which will enable it to legitimately and credibly challenge the contemporary manifestations of the diagonally descending axis for global control and what might be called alternative globalization, the globalization not of Devil the Mother but of God the Father, not of somatic freedom for evil but of psychic freedom for grace, not of vicious immorality but of virtuous morality, the only morality which is commensurate with eternity and thus the possibility not merely of lasting but of everlasting peace, of joyful contentment in the soul.


119.   I have described the terms by which this can happen often enough in previous texts for the reader not to require any repetition here, but the People of such traditionally and predominantly religious countries as alluded to above will come to believe that, for them, democracy is simply a means to a higher end, the end of religious sovereignty which will make both their liberation from religious falsehood and elevation to religious truth possible within the framework of what has been metaphorically described as 'Kingdom Come' but which, in actuality, would be the furthermost development of republicanism whereby a religiously sovereign People had rights in relation to religious self-determination which ensured that never again would the People have to bow before falsehoods, whether worldly or netherworldly, overly physical or overly metachemical, and all because they had opted for an ideology that, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in an election so paradoxical as to be effectively commensurate with judgement, would take steps to remove the evidence of such falsehoods from society, as well as to deliver them, more lastingly and satisfactorily, from the predations to which they are perforce now exposed in consequence of their worldly status and want of a viable alternative, an alternative ultimately presupposing the extension of synthetic artificiality to sensibility in such fashion that the afterlife itself will eventually become a product, in large measure, of synthetic artificiality and be subject to both technocratic and transcendentalist control.


120.   For until they are given both the necessary incentive and means to stay up rather than to slide back down the ascending diagonal, they will continue to be easy prey to the unscrupulous predators whose eagle-like attributes ensure that nothing dove-like stands much of a chance of surviving, never mind being taken seriously as a viable alternative to themselves.


121.   Therefore their incentive to opt for this new and ultimate type of salvation is not simply in order to achieve a superior graceful and/or pseudo-punishing deal than anything they might have received, via penitential contrition, in the past but, bearing in mind the extent to which even that is rendered all but impossible by the scientific distractions that currently rule the metachemical roost at their expense, in order to be delivered from those very predations which currently 'rip them off' with such merciless cynicism, with such eagle-like venom, and keep them confused and bemused, ever vulnerable to the latest evil distraction which can only drive the nail deeper into the coffin of their soul and render them all the more unlikely of turning from the war-mongering glitter of noumenal objectivity towards the peace-loving numinous freedom of noumenal subjectivity, not least in traditional Catholic or even Buddhist terms.


122.   Therefore only the resurrection of this church-hegemonic axis in relation to the Social Theocratic Centre - the concept of 'the Centre' being for me as posterior to the Church as that of the Temple was arguably anterior to it - can ultimately deliver them from Devil the Mother in order, as Nietzsche would say, that they may be free for God the Father in what, through sensible cyborgization, I hold to be His most evolved and therefore per se manifestation, the manifestation that alone has the capacity to take universality to its global and even space-centre omega point in which transcendentalism and idealism, coupled be it not forgotten to the secondary salvation of antifundamentalism and antimaterialism, will culminate in a heavenly joy the likes of which no God or godly individual has ever known, and thus bring evolution to its graceful peak in the most supreme being there could ever be or, for that matter, ever has been.


123.   When I began this text, I spoke about the distinctions between the concrete ethereal absolutism of metachemical sensuality and the abstract ethereal absolutism of metaphysical sensibility, of noumenal objectivity and noumenal subjectivity, and to this was added the phenomenal distinction, lower down, between the concrete corporeal relativity of chemical sensuality and the abstract corporeal relativity of physical sensibility, of phenomenal objectivity and phenomenal subjectivity.


124.   That is all very true and logically credible but not, alas, very revelatory of the other positions which accompany, in subordinate vein, each of these cardinal positions in the overall elemental compass of death and life.


125.   For in apparent complementarity to the concrete ethereal absolutism of metachemical sensuality one must allow for the anti-abstract ethereal absolutism of metaphysical sensuality, of antimetaphysics, which has less to do with evil and crime than with pseudo-folly and pseudo-sin, the anti-idealist and antitranscendentalist least particle/most wavicle corollaries of materialism and fundamentalism which, in metachemistry, have a most particle/least wavicle subatomic structure.