101.   Now contrast this with the descending axis, where it can be maintained that one descends in state-hegemonic terms from free soma to bound soma, pro-war to anti-war, the church-subordinate corollary of which is to descend from bound psyche to free psyche, anti-peace to pro-peace, which is the counter-salvation counterpart to damnation, and therefore of lesser overall significance.  It is as though one descended from materialism and anti-idealism to antirealism and naturalism in damnation, but from fundamentalism and antitranscendentalism to antinonconformism and humanism in counter-salvation, which may well be equivalent to descending from autocracy and antitechnocracy to antibureaucracy and democracy in soma, in the State, but from aristocracy and antitheocracy to antiplutocracy and meritocracy in psyche, in the Church, which can only remain subordinate to the State.


102.   Hence the female meek, far from being antibureaucratic and antiplutocratic in antichemistry, given to bound soma and free psyche like their just counterparts, are plutocratic and bureaucratic in chemistry, given to bound psyche and free soma, whereas the male meek, far from being democratic and meritocratic in physics, given to bound soma and free psyche, are antimeritocratic and antidemocratic in antiphysics, given to bound psyche and free soma - and therefore antithetical, in every respect, to their just counterparts.


103.   Democracy and bureaucracy do not count for anything like as much with the antimeritocratic and plutocratic meek as they do with the just, albeit the antibureaucratic subversion of democracy and the antiplutocratic subversion of meritocracy ensure that the physical hegemony is rendered subordinate, through somatic emphasis, to the antichemical struggle, in female-conditioned state-hegemonic terms, with the metachemical and their antimetaphysical subordinates.


104.   Speaking of which, it is evident that the female vain, far from being anti-aristocratic and anti-autocratic in antimetachemistry, given to free psyche and bound soma like their beatific counterparts, are autocratic and aristocratic in metachemistry, given to free soma and bound psyche, whereas the male vain, far from being theocratic and technocratic in metaphysics, given to free psyche and bound soma, are antitechnocratic  and antitheocratic in antimetaphysics, given to free soma and bound psyche - and therefore antithetical, in every respect, to their beatific   counterparts.


105.   It hardly needs saying that theocracy and technocracy do not count for anything like as much with the antitechnocratic and antitheocratic male vain as they do with the male beatific, for their gender subordination to the female vain as antimetaphysical 'fall guys' ensures that autocracy and aristocracy serve the metachemical purpose of ruling the world both directly, in respect of the just, and indirectly, in respect of the meek, and of those, in particular, who are insufficiently minded of salvation as to be easy prey, in free soma, to such exploitative seductions as are commensurate with free soma of a primary, or ruling, nature.


106.   And yet, there is something almost grotesque and scarcely believable about the extents to which the Vain prey upon the meek; for it is as though a people given in bound psyche to, say, hurling suddenly found themselves being seduced towards an admiration of some game which, like rugby, signified, in its handling of an oval ball, a commitment to free soma, rather than turning, in admiring and even slightly envious vein, towards the sporting exemplification of free psyche which, in the context of the British Isles, and Ireland in particular, has to be Gaelic football, that game where there is a point above the bar which accords, unlike rugby or, for that matter, its American cousin, gridiron, with a subjective disposition on account of the spherical nature of the ball and the overall shape and nature of the goal, notwithstanding the significance of a containing net from a bound somatic standpoint.


107.   In fact, one could argue that in their different ways, objective and subjective, the upper-class, or noumenal, sports of rugby and Gaelic football, not to mention their arguably more radical offshoots, gridiron and Australian rules football, favour the scoring of points over the crossbar and between the extended uprights, whereas their lower-class, or phenomenal, counterparts in hurling and association football, not to mention their arguably more conservative counterparts in field hockey and soccer, compel or favour the scoring of goals under the crossbar and into the containing net (where applicable) either for want of extended uprights or because, even with them (as in the case of hurling) the structure and material terms of the game tend to encourage lower trajectories, the application of hurley to slitter confirming, it seems to me, a bound-psychic parallel which is nevertheless arguably more subject than its Gaelic counterpart to free soma and hence to the scoring of goals beneath the crossbar at the expense of points above it.


108.   However, rather than risk being drawn into describing my philosophical impressions or suppositions about these sports in greater detail, which is not the point of this text, I should like to return to the axial differentiations which I believe indubitably to exist between hurling and Gaelic football on the diagonally ascending axis of church-hegemonic criteria and, in somatic contrast, between rugby and association football on the diagonally descending axis of state-hegemonic criteria, and maintain that, in general terms, a distinction can be inferred between bound psyche and free psyche in respect of the Irish games and between free soma and bound soma in respect of the English or British games, football being, in marked contrast to rugby, somatically bound to the extent that the ball cannot be handled but only kicked or headed and then towards or away from a goal which, quite apart from its netted binding, does not extend above the crossbar but suggests a lower-class and mundane status which is the somatic antithesis, for the just, to anything freely open in rugby-like vein and likely to encourage equation, via its extended uprights, with upper-class objective criteria, if arguably to a lesser extent than its American offshoot, gridiron, America being a country where the descending axial bias tends to favour the Vain over the just, and hence gridiron over soccer, to a greater extent than in Britain, where it is incontestably the case that association football counts for more, in most people's estimations, than rugby, even if the latter sport, corresponding more closely, it seems to me, with monarchy and high anglicanism than, like football, with parliament and puritanism, would, one feels, be able to pull social rank on its more popular axial counterpart.


109.   Be that as it may, sport can be no less an indication of different axial affiliations than music or religion or politics, or what have you, and we may be sure that such sporting distinctions as were noted above are not without immense social and ethnic significance, and would not exist at all were there not substantial reasons, whether topographically or racially or culturally, for their existence in the first place, the likelihood that Ireland and Australia reflect a similar reverse emphasis to Britain and America in respect of the respective standings of hurling and Gaelic football in the one case and of field hockey and Australian rules football in the other, is something that I personally would not rule out, with my wager being on hurling at the expense of Gaelic football in Ireland and on Australian rules at the expense of hockey, or of some such hurling-equivalent, in Australia, though I would hope, as a Social Theocrat, that these things were subject to modification, and in no sense fixed in a mould that precluded progress to what I would regard as the more desirable game from a psychically free point of view, whether or not that meant a change in the terms of reference or transposition to indoor facilities, or whatever.


110.   One thing one can be sure about is that there could never be, under any circumstances, any justification for a sporting exemplification of free soma par excellence and of free psyche par excellence sharing the same stadium, whether in relation to rugby and Gaelic football or the arguably more radical contexts of gridiron and Australian rules; for it is not, and should not become, the business of noumenal sensibility to share the same facilities with noumenal sensuality, any more than it could possibly be acceptable - explicit Old Testament fundamentalism vis-à-vis implicit New Testament transcendentalism notwithstanding - for God the Father to share the same religious building with Devil the Mother, as though Catholic church and Judaic synagogue were to be rolled into one, the unfortunate juxtaposition of New Testament with Old not greatly helpful in this respect but still distinct, for all its shortcomings, from the unequivocal endorsement of metachemical sensuality as God which accords with the want of a New Testament altogether and the avoidance, in consequence, of any form of religious alternative, no matter how limited or implicitly contrary not merely to fundamentalism but to materialism the qualified transcendentalism of the Catholic Church may happen to be.


111.   But I write, after all, from the standpoint of an explicit transcendentalism that is more than both verbal absolution for penitential contrition and transcendental meditation and, on that account, the ultimate step for transcendentalism, as it embraces the cyborgization of life to a sensible end in respect of Social Theocracy and explicitly repudiates any form of fundamentalism or materialism likely to perpetuate the myth of Devil the Mother as God, while simultaneously repudiating the rejection of God from the humanistic, and effectively Marxist, standpoint of those who fell for the Lie and thought that when they rejected it they were rejecting God instead of Devil the Mother and had no other business with the concept of God in consequence, least of all in terms of building, perhaps for the first time, towards its genuine manifestation on a basis that left mankind behind, not merely the bourgeoisie but also the proletarian humanists who fancied that a better deal for the bulk of humanity was all that counted, and that this could be achieved independently of religion, not to mention Marxist rhetoric, in a state-hegemonic context.


112.   Well, let us rather say that for the antihumanist precondition of transcendentalism, coupled, in gender subordinate vein, to the nonconformist precondition of antifundamentalism, a better deal is possible, and precisely because they are not man and antiwoman at the physical and antichemical foot of the diagonally descending axis, but the antimasculine and feminine foot, in antiphysical and chemical terms, of the diagonally ascending axis, who have every reason, barring a paradoxical sell-out to the Vain and the just, to want to be delivered from their worldly plight as the meek to the otherworldly salvation and counter-damnation of the Elect of God and of the Antidevil, and that this will only stand a chance of coming to pass when once they are given the opportunity to vote for religious sovereignty at the expense of their (antidemocratic and bureaucratic) political sovereignty and, in the event of a majority mandate, acquire rights in relation to religious sovereignty which will not only enable them to be delivered from the worldly bog of their own unenviable political or social lot, but from everything that, however extrapolated out from the Lie ... of a divine cosmic Creator, would prey upon their ignorance and weakness and rip them off to its ugly and illusory satisfaction, maintaining the rule over the world of metachemical Evil and antimetaphysical pseudo-Folly, of noumenal sensuality, netherworld without cursed end!


113.   Therefore if the blessedness of the Elect of God and of the Antidevil is to prevail at the indirect expense of the cursedness of what could be called the Select of the Devil and of Antigod, or the sort of people who, from fear of being dragged down a descending axis, exclude rather than include others, then the People have only one choice, and it is a Social Theocratic one, so that not only a Social Theocratic Centre but, bit by bit, a Federation of Social Theocratic Centres, even a European Union of Social Theocratic Centres from out a Gaelic one, may duly arise, to stand up to those who would persist in upholding the Lie ... of Devil the Mother as God ... to the detriment if not indefinite postponement of global unity in that universality which is only possible on the basis of the utmost acceptance and development, via the most sensibly synthetic artificiality, of God the Father to the sublime end of Heaven the Holy Soul.



LONDON 2003–04 (Revised 2012)




