51.  Frankly we don't need this situation, especially not from a male standpoint and one, moreover, that is capable of standing up for its freedom and denouncing as pernicious and immoral all that, rooted in not-self, would hinder the progress of self towards self-accommodation and make it no more than a humbled spectator of someone else's crimes and follies.  We don't need to be dominated, in Western and, more specifically, Anglo-American fashion, by female-hegemonic criteria in which not only is the State freely independent of the Church or, at the very least, hegemonic over it, but the pretence of physical freedom by masculine males (lower than divine ones) is regularly exposed as a fraud by the antichemical subversion of physics at the behest of a metachemistry gleefully triumphant over antimetaphysics in the interests of somatic emphasis, whether freely for the radical Few or in binding for the conservative Many.


52.  A world characterized and dominated by such criteria would, from a male standpoint, not be worth living in, since life would have been reduced, even without communistic aberrations, to the lowest-common-somatic-denominator of a degree and type of commercial consumerism which outlawed anything that properly appertained to life, to the well-being of the self, the soul, from standpoints inimical to life, not least in respect of the aiding and abetting of the immorally vicious radicalism of Eternal Death by the immorally virtuous conservatism of temporal death at the expense not simply of the morally virtuous radicalism of Eternal Life but, more immediately, of the morally vicious conservatism of temporal life, of the bound-psychic life of sin and pseudo-crime which, for the meek, is the precondition, according with gender, of salvation to Grace and pseudo-Punishment but which, under pressure from the somatically free predators whose free-enterprise 'culture' scales all but the greatest heights of stellar hell and solar antiheaven, is eclipsed, all too often, by somatic freedom, and thus rendered paradoxically subordinate, if not invalid, as the immoral exploiters tap-in to the People's reserves of folly and pseudo-evil to the end of seducing them towards a perpetual acquiescence in the Evil and pseudo-Folly which rule a noumenally sensual roost from the vicious standpoints of metachemistry and antimetaphysics, and turn both chemistry and antiphysics against itself, as well as, more generally, against anything that would condition it to psychic binding from a metaphysical and antimetachemical vantage-point diagonally forward 'on high'.


53.  Hence everything godly and antidevilish must be undermined and marginalized, not simply through attacking it directly, for that would be difficult if not impossible to do, but more indirectly in terms of vitiating the People's capacity for psychic binding and seducing them to somatic freedom, the predatory methodology which is not incompatible, where the Vain are concerned, with certain inflated claims as to their own divine and/or antidiabolic pretensions, not least when backed or encouraged by scriptural authority.


54.  For the Church, despite its noble intentions to save the meek, has always been 'up against it' in relation to scriptural authority, and only implicitly given to transcendentalism and antifundamentalism, never to the extent that it could call a spade a spade and 'come clean' about God the Father and the Antidaughter of the Antidevil as totally antithetical entities to anything rooted, Bible-wise, in Devil the Mother and the Antison of Antigod, the Old Testament presumptions about God and the Devil which take the forms of Jehovah and Satan and have no bearing whatsoever on anything genuinely divine or antidiabolic, being, to all stellar/solar intents and purposes, the alpha-most height of the Diabolic and the Antidivine, and thus the sort of cosmic anchors that hold the Church back from ever properly or fully embracing the Divine and Antidiabolic, hold it back even from a mankind 'take' on transcendentalism such that would embrace, in radical Buddhist fashion, transcendental meditation, and instead keep it pegged to some indeterminate or implicit transcendentalism, not to mention (for females) antifundamentalism, which dare not speak its name for fear that it infringes scripture and gives the game away, 'comes out', as they say, as that which has long been implicitly in revolt against Devil the Mother hyped as God and the Antison of Antigod defamed as the Devil, and therefore the ideological enemy of everything Judaic and noumenally sensual.


55.  The Church fails even much of mankind as it tacitly repudiates nature and the Cosmos, and thus the Old Testament, from the standpoint of Christ or, at any rate, the New Testament.  For its claims to universality are tenuous, to say the least, when such transcendentalism as it implicitly embraces falls short of transcendental meditation and therefore of the possibility of doing justice to those who, no less of mankind, if from a more divinely-elevated than antihumanist standpoint, would require of religion something more than verbal absolution for penitential contrition in what amounts to an accommodation of the world, and of the world conceived primarily from a Western point of view, not in relation to the Buddhist East, where upper-class religious criteria are more pronounced and it would be an impertinence, indeed, to suppose that universality could be achieved independently of such criteria and simply in terms of Christianity, which has always been, for whatever reason, if not specifically lower class then certainly of the Western world and hence a worldly, or person-based, type of religion that, in typically linear fashion from Father to Son, Old Testament to New, finds its devotional fulcrum in the idolatry of Christ, not to mention the other so-called 'Persons' of the Trinity, and its grace by and large not in the respiratory space of airy meditation but in the cerebral activity of prayer.


56.  Clearly, you do not achieve global universality by riding roughshod over people or peoples who have the capacity, on whatever grounds, for a higher approach to religion, but, on the contrary, by being sufficiently upper- and lower-class to provisionally appeal to most if not all those who would want religion to be both global and genuinely universal, which it can only be when it is beyond mankind and, via the democratic endorsement of the urban proletariat, effectively committed to a cyborg stage of life which can speak the name of its God and Antidevil openly because they will be the most evolved and effectively per se manifestations of God and the Antidevil that are only possible when religion is no longer held back by the Devil and Antigod posing or posed as God and the Devil but when, through Social Theocracy, whatever would hold religion back from its full potential and development - not, of course, for the sake of religion but on account of the lasting salvation of the meek - has been rejected and effectively consigned to the rubbish heap of history.


57.  For you cannot have God the Father, never mind the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, if Devil the Mother and her antimetaphysical 'fall guy' for diabolic denigration, the Antison of Antigod, are still officially in situ in religion and thereby arrogating to themselves, via scripture, attributes properly appertaining to their space/time antitheses, least of all on an explicit and fully developed basis, the basis that lies beyond mankind and which requires, in almost Nietzschean vein, that 'man should be overcome' in order that the cyborgization of life to a divine end may come more sensibly and morally to pass. 


58.  You have to reject explicitly and categorically every manifestation of this crime against religion which, despite theocratic pretences in respect of monotheism, is rooted, stellar-wise, in cosmic science, and would have people believe that Devil the Mother was God and that God or, rather, godliness was all-powerful, was, indeed, commensurate with the hideously wilful concept of an 'Almighty' and not rather an ultimate manifestation of psychic form which, rejecting ego as an end-in-itself (unlike the more militantly physical), sought its sublime redemption in soul, in an ultimate psychic contentment which stands to the ultimate manifestation of psychic form as joy to truth, or Heaven to God, the attainment of Heaven being God's raison d'être and chief if not sole justification.


59.  And if, by bringing to pass the paradoxical election within certain religiously-biased states that could result in a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, you find that you are in a position officially to develop the properly religious and antiscientific alternatives to the Lie, then it won't be long before the Truth emerges triumphantly into the open and you can turn against whatever would oppose and restrict its development, the Biblical evidence of the Lie not least of all, since the Lie (of Devil the Mother as God ... the Father) has always bedevilled any attempt to categorically establish the Truth as that which can alone liberate from the Lie, not to mention the anti-truth (and half-lie) of the worldly meek, and simultaneously bring the anti-lie (and half-truth) of the worldly just into moral disrepute, exposing it as the somatically good counter-measure to Evil which can never, no matter how long it exists, categorically defeat the Eternal Lie which, through somatic freedom,  brought it into temporal existence in the first place.


60.  Only God the Father can do that, but God can only do that indirectly, by getting His own graceful house in order and leading the meek, the preyed-upon ignorant and weak, towards a degree and type of Truth which is no mere implicit mode of transcendentalism in the Catholic manner, nor even an explicitly penultimate mode of genuine transcendentalism in radical Buddhist fashion (hamstrung as that often is by cosmic tradition and Hindu convention), but the most explicit mode of transcendentalism there could ever be, a mode which takes the antiphysical precondition of metaphysics or, in primary psychic emphasis, the antihumanist precondition of transcendentalism, not to mention the chemical precondition of antimetachemistry or, in secondary psychic emphasis, the nonconformist precondition of anti-fundamentalism, to an altogether new and ultimate plane, making of the antiman precondition of God and the womanly precondition of the Antidevil who dwells beneath God ... what will amount to the virtuous circle of metaphysical and antimetachemical beatitude in which both the truth of God the Father and the beautiful approach to truth of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil will live, via their respective not-selves, for the joy of Heaven the Holy Soul and the loving approach to joy of the Unclear Soul of Antihell, eternally twined in the perfection of ultimate yang and antiyin which is the omega point of evolutionary consummation and thus of everything blessed with psychic peace in the virtuous morality of the most perfect freedom of which it were possible to conceive, freedom not only from the anti-peace of sin and pseudo-crime but, more importantly, for the pro-peace of grace and pseudo-punishment which will constitute the psychic monism of a gender complementarity that raises culture to the pre-eminent status to which, as something divine, it is fully entitled.


61.  Only thus will the barbarity of Evil be defeated, and with it the pseudo-Folly that puts males at barbarous loggerheads with their gender actuality (of psyche preceding and predominating over soma) and causes them to tag along beneath that primary barbarism which is less an illusory approach to ugliness or a woeful approach to hatred, as with them, than ugliness and hatred metachemically enthroned in autocratic contempt not only of the antimetaphysical 'fall guy' for diabolic denigration, but of the plutocratic and/or democratic masses who constitute the good antichemical and pseudo-wise physical retort to such Evil and pseudo-Folly without being able to rise above their lower-class status and be a real match for anything somatically free.


62.  In fact, when we come to analyze the distinction between the two axes more closely, the ascending axis of church-hegemonic psychic criteria, and the descending axis of state-hegemonic somatic criteria, we find that in both cases space and mass have the better of time and volume, though in diametrically antithetical ways, in accordance with the gender differential that enables us to characterize the ascending axis as conditioned by male elements and the descending one as conditioned by female elements, whether in respect, either way, of dominion or subversion.


63.  Certainly the ascending axis bears testimony to the control of the male form of mass, which is massive, by the male form of space, which is spaced, so that the female form of time, which is repetitive, is subordinate to spaced space as the female form of volume, which is volumetric, is subverted by massive mass, in consequence of which church-hegemonic criteria in respect of salvation from bound psyche to free psyche are premised upon a mass-space axial ascent in the primary terms of antihumanism to transcendentalism and upon a volume-time axial ascent in the secondary terms of nonconformism to antifundamentalism, while state-subordinate criteria in respect of what could be called a counter-damnation from free soma to bound soma are likewise premised upon a mass-volume axial ascent in the primary terms of antinaturalism to idealism and upon a volume-time axial ascent in the secondary terms of realism to antimaterialism, which enables us not only to distinguish sin from grace and pseudo-crime from pseudo-punishment in respect of primary and secondary modes of psyche but, where soma is concerned, folly from wisdom and pseudo-evil from pseudo-good on a similar basis, the Church always being principally concerned with psyche, the mind, and the State, by contrast, with soma, the body, whether on a free or a bound basis, and in relation to both male and female elements.


64.  By contrast, the descending axis bears testimony to the control of the female form of mass, which is massed, by the female form of space, which is spatial, so that the male form of time, which is sequential, is subordinate to spatial space as the male form of volume, which is voluminous, is subverted by massed mass, in consequence of which state-hegemonic criteria in respect of damnation from free soma to bound soma are premised upon a space-mass axial descent in the primary terms of materialism to antirealism and upon a time-volume axial descent in the secondary terms of anti-idealism to naturalism, while church-subordinate criteria in respect of what could be called a counter-salvation from bound psyche to free psyche are likewise premised upon a space-mass axial descent in the primary terms of fundamentalism to antinonconformism  and upon a time-volume axial descent in the secondary terms of antitranscendentalism to humanism, which enables us to distinguish not only evil from good and pseudo-folly from pseudo-wisdom in respect of primary and secondary modes of soma but, where psyche is concerned, crime from punishment and pseudo-sin from pseudo-grace on a similar basis, the State always being principally concerned with soma, the body, and the Church, by contrast, with psyche, the soul, whether on a free or a bound basis, and in relation to both female and male elements.


65.  Of course, there are further complications which I shan't elaborate on here, though I believe I have touched upon these in certain previous texts, including the extents to which the State is either subverted by the Church or, on the descending axis, the Church by the State when the one is free and the other bound, or vice versa, and I think it fair to add that freedom of manoeuvre for the State in a church-hegemonic context is bound to be greater when free soma (as the necessary corollary of bound psyche) is not simply free in relation to bound psyche but is subjected to the kinds of predatory pressures which constantly emanate from any State which is metachemically and/or antimetaphysically free in state-hegemonic vein, so that, despite its apparent disadvantages from a church-hegemonic standpoint, there is, in such times and circumstances, enhanced scope for political manoeuvre independently of the Church both for worse and, conversely, for better, as and when the externally expanded degree of state freedom is exploited to a new religious end properly regarded, by its devotees, as superior to the existing religious framework in its evolutionary implications and likely to lead, in the event of majority support, to the possibility of a more permanent salvation from just the sort of worldly predicament that the traditional religious framework is unable to ameliorate or rectify, but which is now perceived as being so detrimental to the People's moral welfare in general that a more efficacious and lasting remedy is required such that only a revolutionary religion could provide.


66.  Thus not only bad things but good things, so to speak, can step into the vacuum created by the expansion of free soma beneath or behind its normal state-subordinate parameters, and appeal to those who are most victimized by such a paradoxically retrograde expansion to do the sensible thing and vote, when the opportunity presents itself (as it surely must), for religious sovereignty, in order that they may be lifted, slowly but surely, beyond the predatory scope of the more freely somatic and embrace religion afresh, embrace it in the fullness of a psychic freedom which will have its own bound somatic corollary, and thus state subordination, as a new order of Church is developed at the expense of the old one which will be not just another church, in Protestant schismatic fashion, but a Church to end all churches - what I have called the Centre, and regard as being as posterior to the Christian Church as the temples of heathen antiquity were anterior to it, and therefore as pertaining to an altogether different and more evolved civilization, a civilization which, with global pretensions, is already there in post-Western secular form, thanks in no small part to the free radicals of somatic seduction, but which now requires to be religiously overhauled in order that synthetic artificiality, as germane to the urban proletariat, may progress towards a sensible culmination, and the People be saved not only from their worldly shortcomings but from the kinds of netherworldly predators who, with eagle-like rapacity, now exploit them to an immoral end, the end of financial wealth through power and fame, from which, incidentally, the just cannot be exonerated, since they are the ones who more usually subsidize the very scientific freedoms to which the meek are perforce exposed and by which they are often worsted, turned from bound psyche towards a blatantly immoral form of free soma which barbarously contests their own philistine predilection and exploits it in a most shamelessly cynical fashion.


67.  Thus there is still hope of significant amelioration of the People's lot even in the midst of the most blatant predatory exploitation of their ignorance and weakness, their Achilles heel, one might say, as worldly somatic freedom suffers at the hands of that greater somatic freedom and provides opportunities for both disillusionment and a reaffirmation, on the part of more insightful elements, of the desirability and, indeed, necessity of an altogether more genuine order of divine truth if they, the meek, are to be more lastingly and efficaciously delivered from immoral exploitation and returned to their rightful inheritance in God and, for females, the Antidevil who would dwell beneath God as Antihell beneath Heaven and antimetachemistry beneath metaphysics, bearing psychic witness to the beautiful approach to truth as surely as truth bears witness to God.


68.  Hence it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise that there is now, thanks to metachemical and antimetaphysical exploitation of the chemical and antiphysical, a wider somatic gap between state-subordinate and church-hegemonic criteria than was formerly the case, and that others, besides the Evil and pseudo-Foolish, should exploit or, rather, utilize that gap in order to prevail upon the politically sovereign meek, no longer on that account quite as meek as before, to opt for religious sovereignty when the opportunity arises and thus forfeit the very sovereignty which, in state-subordinate vein, keeps them pegged to the world and in no position to achieve contemporary and meaningful deliverance from it in the interests of an altogether contrary order of radicalism, and hence freedom, from that to which they are perforce subjected at present, an order centred in psyche and thus all that is culturally best in civilization rather than, as with its somatic counterpart, barbarously worst.


69.  Thus will a people come alive to their souls and their rightful destiny in a peace which can transcend their own anti-peace predicament in the sinful world, as well as deliver them from the pro-war predations to which they are evilly subjected by the Vain, who have no moral standing but only a certain superficial disdain for those who would justly clip their wings out of 'self-interest' as they profess to a certain anti-war stance which is still, no matter what they may say or think, as distinct from anti-peace as pro-peace from pro-war, God from the Devil, and no more than the downside of an axis upon which the just are generally an ethnically-aligned accomplice in the conspiracy against the meek which they prosecute together with the Vain to their mutual somatic, or material and financial, advantage.


70.  Bourgeois justice for the meek is not even a half-truth but an anti-lie which punishes the effects of crime without being able to remedy its causes, and all because it is Evil, and not good, that 'calls the shots' and establishes the criteria by which a somatic conspiracy may be maintained at the expense of the meek and, not least, their rightful entitlement to both psychic binding and, more importantly, psychic freedom 'on high'.


71.  How the Christian Church has failed the meek in combating this conspiracy and exposing it as the immoral impostor and enemy of life it is!  Enemy, above all, of the male sex and of everything that would lead to the eternal peace of cultural contentment through psychic freedom!  For even the implicit transcendentalism that the Church officially still offers from the standpoint of mankind, anterior as that is to the post-human and superficially cyborg mentality of the urban proletariat, is explicitly contradicted in Old Testament scripture by an implacable fundamentalism and even materialism which is the long-standing enemy of everything genuinely Christian and 'reborn', and which can still be used, hypocritically and cynically, by the perpetrators of those grosser somatic freedoms of unrestricted metachemical enterprise to justify what could be called their crimes if not against humanity then certainly against post-humanity as the product, in their twisted minds, of some kind of divine sanction.


72.  Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth!  But then there is nothing further from the truth than the fact-obsessed perpetrators of Evil  and pseudo-Folly who, not being able or indeed prone to warring on the just, on their good and pseudo-wise somatic counterparts, dedicate all or most of their considerable somatic energies to warring on the meek, on the ignorant and weak, and to reducing them to quasi-foolish and quasi-evil acquiescence in the rule of Crime and pseudo-Sin, the very converse of what they should be acquiescing in through bound psyche as and when the church-hegemonic commitments to sin and pseudo-crime put them in line for salvation to Grace and pseudo-Punishment diagonally forward 'on high', while folly and pseudo-evil keep them in line for counter-damnation from such state-subordinate free soma to the Wise and pseudo-Good bound-somatic corollaries of that free psyche which is commensurate, no matter how implicitly, with a metaphysical hegemony over antimetachemistry - the very antithesis of the metachemical hegemony over antimetaphysics which bears Old Testament-like witness to the rule not merely of fundamentalism over antitranscendentalism but, in freely somatic vein, of materialism over anti-idealism, of Devil the Mother over the Antison of Antigod, which subordinates the bound psyche of the fundamentalist Daughter of the Devil and of the antitranscendentalist Antigod the Antifather to a materialist and anti-idealist freedom commensurate, in soma, with Evil and pseudo-Folly, from which there is no salvationist escape!


73.  All of which brings us back, of course, to the contemporary forms of Devil the Mother and the Antison of Antigod which, in superficially cyborg secular vein, prey upon the embattled meek, the urban proletariat, and continue to do so, for all we know, with the connivance of that very same Church which is scripturally bound to the Old Testament and even given, these days more than ever, to a New Testament form of perpendicular triangularity which would be the 'Christian' equivalent, for mankind, to anything either cosmically or naturally triangular in the Old Testament or, for that matter, synthetically triangular with regard to sensual cyborgization in contemporary New World-inspired civilization which, though still fundamentally Western, has global pretensions in respect of the spread of secular consumerism at the proletariat's moral and religious expense, the proletariat not being credited with any moral or religious aspirations at all, which, up to a point, is quite understandable, if a shade cynical and over-confident from an exploiter's standpoint.


74.  However that may be, it is evident that the Church has been swept along by this torrent of secular Heathenism, and that it often thinks in parallel with the exploiters and would be capable, one feels, of siding with the rich and powerful against the meek, of 'selling out' to the forces of market exploitation which plunder the People and suck them dry of all that would replenish and nourish the soul, condemning them to a perpetual worship of death, which is the 'essence', superficial and immoral though it be, of perpendicular triangularity anyway, whether of the Cosmos, nature, mankind, or Cyborgkind, since all such contexts can be dominated, in such fashion, by a female hegemony which rides roughshod over a 'fall guy' for denigration who is, in turn, deprecated by the other female component of the triangle, what I would call the antimetachemical one that, lacking anything properly metaphysical over it to be psychically deferential towards, is somatically roped-in to an uneasy acquiescence in the metachemical hegemony at the expense of antimetaphysics, so that it exists, whether as Allah in the Cosmos, Mohammed in nature, the so-called Sacred Heart of the Risen Christ in mankind, or whoever or whatever it may be in Cyborgkind, in a resentful relationship with the more blatantly somatic and sensual aspects of perpendicular triangularity, whether as Jehovah over Satan in the Cosmos, Saul over David in nature, the so-called Risen Virgin over the so-called Father in mankind, or even, in contemporary New World guise, some camera-besotted Republican over a microphone-besotted Democrat in Cyborgkind, without the benefit of redress or release to some more sensible orientation that, besides embracing metaphysics, enabled it to transcend its own soma in the interests of that psychic freedom which is alone commensurate with salvation and, for the female context in question, the pseudo-punishing form of Grace which may be equated with a beautiful approach to truth and, in soul, with a loving approach to joy.


75.  I do not like or approve of perpendicular triangles, whether of the Saturn-excluding order of the Cosmic, the winged-seedpod excluding order of nature, the lung-excluding order or mankind, or the respirator-excluding order of Cyborgkind, for they are always heathenistic in their female-hegemonic suggestion of numerological triads in which 888 is locked-in to 999 over 666, or something to that largely sensual effect,  and leave to be desired that which is genuinely divine and alone commensurate, on any level of metaphysical sensibility (whether least, less, more or most evolved), with God the Father and Heaven the Holy Soul for self, for psyche, and with the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven for not-self, for soma, of which the lungs/breath and artificial respirators/oxygen containers are doubtless the more and most evolved instances respectively.