1.   What can be deduced from the above contentions is that whereas art will be most 'true' to itself when there is most form and least content, as in apparent form, music will only be most 'true' to itself when there is most content and least form, as in essential content.


2.   Likewise, we can deduce that whereas literature will be most 'true' to itself when there is most or, rather, more (compared to most) form and less (compared to least) content, as in quantitative form, sculpture will only be most 'true' to itself when there is more (compared to most) content and less (compared to least) form, as in qualitative content.


3.   Art will accordingly be most 'true' to itself in completely opposite fashion to music, and we can safely maintain that in neither context will there be much evidence of 'molecular' relativity but, rather, of 'elemental' absolutism such that smacks of contrary orders of abstraction - the one with respect to appearance, the other with respect to essence.


4.   Literature will accordingly be most 'true' to itself in completely opposite fashion to sculpture, and we can safely maintain that in neither context will there be much evidence of 'elemental' absolutism but, rather, of 'molecular' relativity such that smacks of contrary orders of representation - the one with respect to quantity, the other with respect to quality.


5.   One could argue, in political terms, that whereas the per se of art will be extreme left-wing, the per se of music, by contrast, will be extreme right-wing, since we are dealing with an elemental dichotomy between apparent form and essential content, as between most form/least content and most content/least form.


6.   Likewise, one could argue that whereas the per se of literature will be left wing, the per se of sculpture, by contrast, will be right wing, since we are dealing with a molecular dichotomy between quantitative form and qualitative content, as between more (compared to most) form/less (compared to least) content and more (compared to most) content/less (compared to least) form.


7.   In subatomic terms, form is equivalent to particles and content to wavicles, so that most form/least content is commensurate with most particles/least wavicles, while most content/least form is commensurate with most wavicles/least particles.


8.   Similarly, more (compared to most) form/less (compared to least) content is commensurate with more particles/less wavicles, while more (compared to most) content/less (compared to least) form is commensurate with more wavicles/less particles.


9.   Since art is in its per se manifestation in most form/least content, it follows that, corresponding to most particles/least wavicles, art is a scientific mode of cultural creativity which will be 'once bovaryized' in more (compared to most) form/less (compared to least) content, 'twice bovaryized' in less (compared to least) form/more (compared to most) content, and 'thrice bovaryized' in least form/most content.


10.  These three 'bovaryized' options are respectively political, economic, and religious subdivisions of fiery metachemistry in relation to more (compared to most) particles/less (compared to least) wavicles, less (compared to least) particles/more (compared to most) wavicles, and least particles/most wavicles within the photon-photino axis of space-time objectivity.


11.  Since literature is in its per se manifestation in more (compared to most) form/less (compared to least) content, it follows that, corresponding to more (compared to most) particles/less (compared to least) wavicles, literature is a political mode of cultural creativity which will be 'once bovaryized' in most form/least content, 'twice bovaryized' in least form/most content, and 'thrice bovaryized' in less (compared to least) form/more (compared to most) content.


12.  These three 'bovaryized' options are respectively scientific, religious, and economic subdivisions of watery chemistry in relation to most particles/least wavicles, least particles/most wavicles, and less (compared to least) particles/more (compared to most) wavicles within the electron-electrino (conventional) and/or positron-positrino (radical) axis of volume-mass objectivity.


13.  Since sculpture is in its per se manifestation in more (compared to most) content/less (compared to least) form, it follows that, corresponding to more (compared to most) wavicles/less (compared to least) particles, sculpture is an economic mode of cultural creativity which will be 'once bovaryized' in most content/least form, 'twice bovaryized' in least content/most form, and 'thrice bovaryized' in less (compared to least) content/more (compared to most) form.


14.  These three 'bovaryized' options are respectively religious, scientific, and political subdivisions of vegetative physics in relation to most wavicles/least particles, least wavicles/most particles, and less (compared to least) wavicles/more (compared to most) particles within the neutron-neutrino (conventional) and/or deuteron/deuterino (radical) axis of mass-volume subjectivity.


15.  Since music is in its per se manifestation in most content/least form, it follows that, corresponding to most wavicles/least particles, music is a religious mode of cultural creativity which will be 'once bovaryized' in more (compared to most) content/less (compared to least) form, 'twice bovaryized' in less (compared to least) content/more (compared to most) form, and 'thrice bovaryized' in least content/most form.


16.  These three 'bovaryized' options are respectively economic, political, and scientific subdivisions of airy metaphysics in relation to more (compared to most) wavicles/less (compared to least) particles, less (compared to least) wavicles/more (compared to most) particles, and least wavicles/most particles within the proton-protino axis of time-space subjectivity.


17.  In brief, art ceases to be authentic in proportion to the extent to which it departs science for politics, economics, or religion, becoming progressively less authentic and/or more inauthentic the further it moves from its elemental basis in apparent form.


18.  Likewise, literature ceases to be authentic in proportion to the extent to which it departs politics for science, religion, or economics, becoming progressively less authentic and/or more inauthentic the further it moves from its molecular basis in quantitative form.


19.  Similarly, sculpture ceases to be authentic in proportion to the extent to which it departs economics for religion, science, or politics, becoming progressively less authentic and/or more inauthentic the further it moves from its molecular basis in qualitative content.


20.  Finally, music ceases to be authentic in proportion to the extent to which it departs religion for economics, politics, or science, becoming progressively less authentic and/or more inauthentic the further it moves from its elemental basis in essential content.


21.  Art that is non-scientific, in its departure from apparent form, will be quasi-political, quasi-economic, or quasi-religious, as the case may be.


22.  Literature that is non-political, in its departure from quantitative form, will be quasi-scientific, quasi-religious, or quasi-economic, as the case may be.


23.  Sculpture that is non-economic, in its departure from qualitative content, will be quasi-religious, quasi-scientific, or quasi-political, as the case may be.


24.  Music that is non-religious, in its departure from essential content, will be quasi-economic, quasi-political, or quasi-scientific, as the case may be.


25.  Art is the scientific art form par excellence, in which fire is granted cultural illustration.


26.  Literature is the political art form par excellence, in which water is granted cultural illustration.


27.  Sculpture is the economic art form par excellence, in which vegetation (earth) is granted cultural illustration.


28.  Music is the religious art form par excellence, in which air is granted cultural illustration.


29.  The artist relates to the world, whether negatively or positively, from the standpoint of fire, and thus in relation, principally, to ugliness and/or beauty.


30.  The writer relates to the world, whether negatively or positively, from the standpoint of water, and thus in relation, principally, to weakness and/or strength.


31.  The sculptor relates to the world, whether negatively or positively, from the standpoint of vegetation (earth), and thus in relation, principally, to ignorance and/or knowledge.


32.  The musician relates to the world, whether negatively or positively, from the standpoint of air, and thus in relation, principally, to falsity and/or truth.


33.  The genuine artist is a kind of cultural Devil (superfeminine-to-subfeminine) who, interpreting life from the standpoint of fire, affirms the scientific perspective of apparent form in relation to space-time objectivity.


34.  The genuine writer is a kind of cultural woman (upper-feminine-to-lower-feminine) who, interpreting life from the standpoint of water, affirms the political perspective of quantitative form in relation to volume-mass objectivity.


35.  The genuine sculptor is a kind of cultural man (lower-masculine-to-upper-masculine) who, interpreting life from the standpoint of vegetation, affirms the economic perspective of qualitative content in relation to mass-volume subjectivity.


36.  The genuine musician is a kind of cultural God (submasculine-to-supermasculine) who, interpreting life from the standpoint of air, affirms the religious perspective of essential content in relation to time-space subjectivity.