1.   To contrast the expression of emotion through perceptions with the reception of impressions through awareness, as one would contrast fire with air, or metachemical devility with metaphysical divinity.


2.   To contrast the compression of instinct through deceptions with the conception of depressions through intellect, as one would contrast water with vegetation, or chemical femininity with physical masculinity.


3.   Females flatter to deceive, falling back from chemical femininity to metachemical devility, wherein emotional expression has its perceptual throne.


4.   Males flatter to conceive, rising up from physical masculinity to metaphysical divinity, wherein spiritual impression has its receptual throne.


5.   People are, to a large extent, reflections of the type of society and/or system in which they live, which conditions their psychology accordingly.


6.   British and, in particular, English psychology is significantly conditioned by the heathenistic criteria which accrue to the retention of a system in which water and fire exist above vegetation in what amounts to an inverted triangular structure whose dominating elements are female.


7.   It is for this reason that the generality of Englishmen, superficially identified with vegetation 'down below' at the base of the inverted triangle, are especially vulnerable to denigratory abuse from females, whose watery and fiery bias 'rides high', in heathenistic freedom, at their expense.


8.   It is hard to imagine males being held in such contempt in Catholic countries, but in Britain males are very much under a denigratory cosh from females who, instead of being 'pegged down' to feminine sensibility, are granted too much freedom, in due heathenistic fashion, and express it in no uncertain terms.


9.   Freedom is really the heathenistic battle-cry of female-dominated societies, since females have most to gain from it and males most to lose, as the degree to which they are held in contempt by 'free women' should adequately confirm.


10.  As victims of crude denigration, males naturally feel a strong resentment towards females in countries like Britain, and will more easily resort to anti-feminine expletives in consequence of their hurt.


11.  Romance or romanticism is virtually impossible in a heathenistic or protestant society, because masculine resentment against denigratory abuse from females is so strong, that the emotional positivity necessary to any romantic attitude towards women is demonstrably lacking, in consequence of which males enter into negative or unloving relationships with females that are characteristic of promiscuity or 'free love' or 'one-night stands'.


12.  The importance attached to contraception in Britain is significant of the extent to which relationships remain heathenistically aloof from sensibility in deference to Protestant-dominated criteria having more to do with sensuality.


13.  Catholic males are less likely to be resentfully disdainful of (catholic) females in view of the extent to which the latter are 'pegged down' to a pseudo-Heathen/quasi-Christian deference to men through Marianism, and are therefore less likely to be denigratory towards them than their Protestant counterparts.


14.  In fact, the usual anti-male denigration of 'shit' would be irrelevant to the Catholic male, since cerebral vegetation rises above uterine water as intellectual sensibility above instinctual sensibility, and one is less likely, as a woman, to denigrate that which is effectively 'above one', in Christian vein, as 'bullshit', than to denigrate that which is effectively 'beneath one', in heathenistic fashion, as 'cowshit'.


15.  Conversely, one is less likely, as a male, to resentfully denounce women when they are effectively 'beneath one', in quasi-Christian vein, as 'bullpiss', than when they are effectively 'above one', in heathenistic fashion, as either 'cowpiss' or 'cowpuss' (though the latter will more usually be directed against the Catholic or, at any rate, Celtic threat of 'bullgas' rather than at Anglican pseudo-Christians, since its correspondence is rather more subfeminine, and hence antispiritual, than feminine, and hence anti-intellectual, so that anything recognizably supermasculine will be perceived as a potential threat to its power-base in the inverted triangle).


16.  Be that as it may, few Protestant or British women will bother to make the distinction, noted above, between 'cowshit' and 'bullshit', but will simply denigrate men in terms of 'shit', which is effectively to lump them all together, in protestant fashion, as 'cowshit'.


17.  Yet one can only be denigratory from a heathenistic vantage-point in 'cowpiss' towards what is perceived, rightly or wrongly, as being vulnerable to such abuse, which obviously excludes the more vegetative masculinity of that which, corresponding to 'bullshit', lies beyond the Protestant's triangular pale, in what amounts to a sensible elevation over the sensible mode of femininity.


18.  One cannot be denigratory, in such anti-masculine fashion, to Catholic males, although the Irish Catholic male unfortunate enough to live in England may well be subject to heathenistic abuse the same as any other male, and have to live with the unenviable consequences, including a diminution of romanticism vis-à-vis the opposite sex.


19.  In Ireland, on the other hand, one could be forgiven for imagining the contrary, since quasi-Christian deference by women towards the properly Christian male will make for a healthier overall situation, in which there may well be more mutual admiration and respect than would otherwise be possible.


20.  But in England, by contrast, the Anglo-Catholic or pseudo-Christian 'fall guy' will continue to be the butt of female denigration in the manner described, and his attitude towards the generality of women will reflect his grievance in relation to the heathenistic system that, through Protestantism-proper, viz. Puritanism in water and Dissenterism in fire, grants the female the sort of antichristic and/or antispiritual elevation over the male which makes for such an unhappy psychology, a psychology, alas, which is so pervasive, in latter-day England, that one begins to expect the worst every time one comes into public contact with both men and women alike, the one given to 'cunt' and the other to 'shit' in what amounts to a vicious circle of denigratory cynicism.


21.  Frankly, people are conditioned by the system in which they live, and if the system is bad and heathenistic to begin with, then one can't very well expect the majority of people to be much better.  Their negative psychology can only be ended with the dawn of a new system, one necessarily more sensible in structure.