1.   Since noumenal form and content are manifestations of noumenal power and glory, it follows that form will be an expression of power and content an expression of glory when both the form and the content are apparent, as in art and science, but that form will be an impression of power and content an impression of glory when both the form and the content are essential, as in music and religion.


2.   Likewise, since phenomenal form and content are manifestations of phenomenal power and glory, it follows that form will be a compression of power and content a compression of glory when both the form and the content are quantitative, as in literature and politics, but that form will be a depression of power and content a depression of glory when both the form and the content are qualitative, as in sculpture and economics.


3.   Hence we cannot claim that form is always the expression of power and content the expression of glory, but, rather, that the correlation between form and power on the one hand, and content and glory on the other will be expressive in metachemical contexts, compressive in chemical ones, depressive in physical contexts, and impressive in metaphysical ones.


4.   Since power can be either objective or subjective, it follows that the form of power will be objective when it has a vacuous precondition but subjective when its precondition is plenumous, thereby diverging and/or converging, in external and/or internal contexts, in either a barbed or a curved manner.


5.   Similarly, since glory can be either objective or subjective, it follows that the content of glory will be objective when it has a vacuous precondition but subjective when its precondition is plenumous, thereby diverging and/or converging, in external and/or internal contexts, in either a barbed or a curved manner.


6.   Form and content will always be objective when associated metachemically with fire and chemically with water, but subjective when associated physically with vegetation and metaphysically with air.


7.   Thus the form of objective power will always derive from a barbed response to a vacuous precondition, and thereby make possible for the content of objective glory a rectilinear as opposed to a curvilinear mould.


8.   By contrast, the form of subjective power will always derive from a curved response to a plenumous precondition, and thereby make possible for the content of subjective glory a curvilinear as opposed to a rectilinear mould.


9.   Neither squares nor circles are forms but absolutist manifestations of content that were made possible by formful preconditions in the respective guises of noumenal lines and curves.


10.  Hence squares presuppose metachemical lines and circles presuppose metaphysical curves, as noumenal content presupposes noumenal form as the noumenal power that lies behind noumenal glory.


11.  Neither rectangles nor ellipses (ovals) are forms but relativistic manifestations of content that were made possible by formful preconditions in the respective guises of phenomenal lines and curves.


12.  Hence rectangles presuppose chemical lines and ellipses presuppose physical curves, as phenomenal content presupposes phenomenal form as the phenomenal power that lies behind phenomenal glory.


13.  Metachemical lines may be ugly or beautiful, but only squares can be hateful or lovely, depending on the ratio of photon and/or photino particles to wavicles.


14.  Chemical lines may be weak or strong, but only rectangles can be humble or proud, depending on the ratio of electron and/or electrino (if conventional) or positron and/or positrino (if radical) particles to wavicles.


15.  Physical curves may be knowledgeable or ignorant, but only ellipses can be pleasurable or painful, depending on the ratio of neutron and/or neutrino (if conventional) or deuteron and/or deuterino (if radical) wavicles to particles.


16.  Metaphysical curves may be truthful or false, but only circles can be joyful or woeful, depending on the ratio of proton and/or protino wavicles to particles.


17.  As a definition of noumenally objective behaviour, evil can only exist in relation to metachemical lines and squares.


18.  As a definition of phenomenally objective behaviour, goodness can only exist in relation to chemical lines and rectangles.


19.  As a definition of phenomenally subjective behaviour, folly can only exist in relation to physical curves and ellipses.


20.  As a definition of noumenally subjective behaviour, wisdom can only exist in relation to metaphysical curves and circles.


21.  Since noumenal content is proportionate to noumenal form, there will always be a proportionate relationship (as much to as many) of squares to metachemical lines and of circles to metaphysical curves, no matter what the ratio of antiform and anticontent to form and content, or vice versa, may happen to be.


22.  Since phenomenal content is proportionate to phenomenal form, there will always be a proportionate relationship (as much to as many) of rectangles to chemical lines and of ellipses to physical curves, no matter what the ratio of antiform and anticontent to form and content, or vice versa, may happen to be.