1.   Since the outer metachemical self, the sensual soul, is superfeminine, it is such in relation to the super-unnature (spatial space) of the eyes and the super-unconsciousness (optical emotions) of the light.


2.   Since the inner metachemical self, the sensible soul, is subfeminine, it is such in relation to the sub-unnature (repetitive time) of the heart and the sub-unconsciousness (soulful emotions) of the blood.


3.   Since the outer chemical self, the sensual id, is upper feminine, it is such in relation to the upper unnature (volumetric volume) of the tongue and the upper unconsciousness (verbal sensations) of saliva.


4.   Since the inner chemical self, the sensible id, is lower feminine, it is such in relation to the lower unnature (massed mass) of the womb and the lower unconsciousness (instinctual sensations) of the placenta.


5.   Since the outer physical self, the sensual ego, is lower masculine, it is such in relation to the lower nature (massive mass) of the phallus and the lower consciousness (carnal knowledge) of orgasm.


6.   Since the inner physical self, the sensible ego, is upper masculine, it is such in relation to the upper nature (voluminous volume) of the brain and the upper consciousness (intellectual knowledge) of thought.


7.   Since the outer metaphysical self, the sensual mind, is submasculine, it is such in relation to the subnature (sequential time) of the ears and the subconsciousness (aural feeling) of sound.


8.   Since the inner metaphysical self, the sensible mind, is supermasculine, it is such in relation to the supernature (spaced space) of the lungs and the superconsciousness (spiritual feeling) of the breath.


9.   The sensible mind takes air and transforms it, via the breath, into spirit, with which it is superconsciously aware of itself as a spiritual entity capable of experiencing the utmost joy, that ultimate feeling called bliss.


10.  The superconscious, or spiritual mind, differs from the conscious mind of the intellectual ego as superman from man, or Heaven from the Earth, or bliss from pleasure, or truth from knowledge, or being from taking, or air from vegetation.


11.  The sensible ego is glorified through thought, but the sensible mind, the superconscious, is glorified through spirit, which derives as oxygen from and returns as breath to a universal source in the air that is all around one and yet nowhere visible.


12.  It is because of its essential and therefore mystical nature that air can be taken for granted, treated as if it didn't exist, polluted and desecrated by morally ignorant and irresponsible persons who, lacking idealism, have little or no inclination towards metaphysics.


13.  The extent to which the air and even the sky, that optical illusion created by sunlight, was polluted and desecrated by morally irresponsible persons in the twentieth century ... is all the proof one could need of how lacking in philosophy, and hence wisdom, modern society actually is, even to the extent of excluding or banishing the philosopher as, when genuine, an undesirable irrelevance and obstacle to the criminal pursuit of fame, the punishing pursuit of power, and the foolish pursuit of wealth in the interests, one can only suppose, of World-bolstering heathenism.


14.  Alas for the World! the philosophers do not entirely go away, nor can they be banished for ever; for a day is approaching when the work of this particular philosopher will be available for consideration, and then the World will be obliged to come to terms with it and, if it cannot disprove him, accept his wisdom as the only viable alternative to the criminal fame, punishing power, and foolish wealth to which it unwisely subscribes in the absence of graceful glory.


15.  Only then will there be anything like a Final Judgement, a Last Judgement, as the World comes to terms with the truth and elects, if sensible, to democratically do away with itself in the interests of 'Kingdom Come', and hence the promise of Eternity to which the triadic Beyond lays claim.


16.  Only when giving, taking, and even doing (acting) bow their heads to being ... will the philosopher be truly vindicated and a new age of wisdom be born, an age when not the Church but the Centre takes upon itself the spiritual guidance of mankind under the ideological auspices of Social Transcendentalism.


17.  This is the ideological philosophy of Social Transcendentalism, and the Social Transcendentalist is one who has taken knowledge to the brink of truth and shown how gnosticism can be transmuted into mysticism by those who are determined to experience the Life Eternal, the life of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, more completely, and hence beingfully, than the wisdom of philosophers has hitherto allowed.



LONDON 1997 (Revised 2012)