1.   The reasons why the Gael cannot be happy with the rule of monarchic Devility within the United Kingdom ... is that he is, as already described, essentially a cultural being, for whom the barbarism of British rule through Anglo-Irish, Anglo-Scotch, and Anglo-Welsh henchmen of the English nation can only prove grossly subversive of his culture.


2.   The English themselves may, by and large, be a civilized people, given to watery femininity, but their conquest and rule of the Gaels within Gaelic territory has been perpetuated through British barbarism, the barbarity of Anglo-Irish, Anglo-Scotch, and Anglo-Welsh suppression and, where possible, extirpation of Gaelic culture.


3.   Thus the English are not as innocent as might at first appear, but are doubly guilty, if anything, of barbarously interfering in countries with which they have neither gender sympathy nor cultural appreciation, but only a diabolical will to undermine and effectively destroy, cutting them off from one another through the false attributions of Irish, Scottish, and Welsh nationalism within the United Kingdom.


4.   But outside British circles there is not and never has been an Irish nation; there is not and never has been a Scottish nation; there is not and never has been a Welsh nation.  There was only a Gaelic nation which inhabited what have since become known as Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.


5.   This nation, although divided and ruled by England, still exists, and is even making a come-back, demanding its right to cultural self-determination and freedom from outside interference.  The one is inseparable from the other, for cultural self-determination is impossible to achieve, as history has painfully shown, if there is significant outside interference to thwart and undermine it.


6.   Cultural self-determination for the Gaels cannot exist, in short, within the British framework, and that is why they must unite, under Social Transcendentalism, within a Centrist Federation - a federation of Social Transcendental Centres - of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, which will be pledged to the protection and expansion/development of Gaelic culture, allowing this people to rise to its true nationhood.


7.   Delivered from British barbarism, the Gael will discover or rediscover his cultural worth, and this culture will be commensurate with 'Kingdom Come' within the Centrist framework ... of a regionally autonomous federation within the wider context of the European Union.


8.   Nationalism has no higher purpose than the protection and development of culture, and only within the framework of genuine culture is nationhood truly defined.


9.   Judgement Day for the Gael has still to come, but when it does ... there will be an end to barbarism, and consequently to the British rule that is its political corollary.  The Anglo-Irishman, Anglo-Scotsman, and Anglo-Welshman will no longer find a role for himself in the service of English civilization, a civilization barbarously sustained at the Gael's cultural expense, but may well feel obliged, sooner or later, to return from whence his ancestors came, and suffer the consequences.


10.  Social Transcendentalism has no sympathy with the British 'nation', but only an overriding concern to liberate the Gaelic peoples from British dominion ... that they may be returned to their rightful stature in God's 'Kingdom', a Centrist federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales which, under religious sovereignty, would have rights in relation to cultural self-determination and, hopefully, a 'philosopher-king', the effective Second Coming whose pledge it will be to institute means whereby those rights may be protected for all Eternity.


11.  Such rights could only be adequately protected within the three-tier framework of the triadic Beyond, thus allowing Gaels of both Catholic and Protestant descent to unite under Social Transcendentalism in the advancement of their respective commitments to self-realization.


12.  The enemy of the Gael, as before, is not the catholic Gael or the protestant Gael, but the British ruler who divided him of old and whose continuing rule within the United Kingdom can only perpetuate his ethnic division at the expense of national self-determination for the Gaelic people in general.


13.  But this enemy can be defeated, democratically and officially, and it is with this in mind that Social Transcendentalism will appeal to the Gaelic people to unite against their common foe and elect for religious sovereignty within a Centrist Federation, or Federation of Social Transcendental Centres.


14.  Anything and everything, including devolution for Scotland and Wales, that peacefully conduces towards this Divine End, this transcendent goal, is to be encouraged, since there must first be a weakening of British nationalism (sic.) before there can be a dissolution of Great Britain/the United Kingdom and concomitant deliverance of the Gael from English control.


15.  But devolution for Scotland and Wales is not enough in itself, only a means to a higher end, in which Scottish and Welsh Gaels will be restored to their true nationhood in conjunction with their fellow Gaels across the Irish Sea.


16.  Only a Centrist federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales can deliver the Gael from Great Britain, for on these islands political republicanism is only viable (within liberal parameters) in connection with the Catholic Church and, hence, the papacy.  Where this is not possible, as in predominantly protestant Scotland and Wales, it will not happen, and Scotland and Wales will consequently remain within the United Kingdom as British countries.


17.  Only a recognized 'God-King', no less noumenal than kings and popes but effectively transmuting and transcending monarchic and papal standings, in keeping with his uniquely Messianic destiny, can serve to deliver the Scots and the Welsh from monarchic allegiance, the next best thing, with due respect to the peoples concerned, after papal allegiance through Catholicism.


18.  Thus, with their consent, will he free the Scots and the Welsh from Britain, bringing them to a rapprochement with their cousins across the Irish Sea through a Centrist federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, where neither papacy nor monarchy would have any place, but only loyalty to the messianic 'God-King' in relation to the democratic assumption, by the People, of religious sovereignty and its correlative rights concerning self-realization within the context of Social Transcendentalism.


19.  The People would defer to this messianic 'God-King', this philosopher-of-philosophers and Second Coming equivalence whose teachings are commensurate with the bringing of 'Kingdom Come', but they would be their own religious masters/mistresses, with due freedom to cultivate spirit (or intellectual and instinctual deferences to it) independently of Biblical tradition, and on a sort of religiously republican basis.