1.   Contrary to what I wrote yesterday, it is debatable whether the British or, at any rate, English people really think at all.  For it seems to me that they do anything they can to avoid thinking, praying, cogitating, etc., by dint of their civilized allegiance to a parliament which is effectively feminine, even with a numerical majority of members of the male sex.  In actuality, most of those males will, as we have shown, be feminized in one degree or another, and these days their numbers are being swelled by an ever-growing number of women, who are probably more at home in the 'Mother of Parliaments' than their nominally male counterparts.


2.   Be that as it may, there can be no doubt that in a country where the tongue governs the flesh, in typically parliamentary or debating-chamber fashion, the resulting intellect will be less masculine (and 'Martian' in its cosmic or solar-system parallel) than feminine, since it is the nature of Parliamentarians to vigorously enter into verbal debate, and the tongue is nothing if not feminine in its overall phenomenal objectivity.


3.   Thus it is or effectively becomes the 'brain that wags the tongue' which characterizes the English sense of intellect, rather than the 'brain that is made for cogitating with', this latter being more Christian than Heathen and thus, by implication, more Irish than English/British, a potentially subversive threat to a society whose political system reflects the governance of phenomenal objectivity, in due feminine fashion.


4.   The 'Martian' brain is accordingly subordinated to, if not effectively outlawed from contact with, the 'lunar' brain, as one may call the 'brain that wags the tongue', and intellectuality is consequently identified with speech rather than thought.


5.   This is especially so of those whose preponderant affiliation is with water or fire, whether as Conservatives/Puritans or as Labourites/Dissenters, though even the fleshy 'fall guys' of a Liberal/Anglican persuasion are not immune to its enticements, bearing in mind the extent to which they are accustomed to deferring to a female hegemony.


6.   But there is also a certain amount of cynicism from 'down below', in the Liberal/Anglican 'footballing' ranks, with regard to this watery intellect which typifies the parliamentary norm of a civilization dominated by the feminine/subfeminine elements of life, and accordingly a kind of generalized opposition exists to verbal intellectuality as such.


7.   On the one hand, this is of course intelligible within the restricted parameters of the inverted triangle, since it is what dominates it from a rugby-union/rugby-league vantage-point 'on high', and is in direct conflict with, if not masculine intellectuality, then certainly masculine instinctuality.  But, on the other hand, these Liberal/Anglican types are not that masculine themselves, since they relate to a somewhat watery type of vegetation that I have succinctly, if rather crudely, identified with 'cowshit'.


8.   The 'cowpiss' of a cold-blooded tongue and the 'cowpuss' of an emotional tongue, the former symbolically dark blue and the latter red, may not be quite to their taste, but it is at any rate intelligible to them within the Heathen parameters of the civilization to which they pertain.


9.   They may prefer fleshy 'cowshit' to the feminine intellect, but they nevertheless continue to vote the latter back into office - seemingly with reason - at the expense of their own fleshiness.


10.  They may be cynically dismissive of the tongue-wagging of more patently feminine or feminized types 'up above' in the watery and fiery reaches of the inverted triangle of protestant/parliamentary solidarity, but they are less than generous towards the masculine intellect and its 'paddy bullshit', feeling, as I guess they must, that it is largely irrelevant to themselves, since effectively lying 'beyond the pale' in what amounts to a different type of system/society from the one to which they are habitually accustomed.


11.  At least this is how I sometimes regard the problem, although the frequency with which one hears the intellect or intellectuality identified with lunacy, or of one's being a 'lune' in the event of preferring to use one's brain than to, say, have sex or play football, suggests that little or nothing is known about the 'Martian' brain by such people anyway, and that they only have a rather limited and ethnically-conditioned notion of intellectuality in consequence!


12.  Certainly I do not feel grateful to anyone who slags me off as a 'lune' when I am effectively more 'Martian' in terms of the extent to which my intellect is masculine and conditioned not by talk but by thought, more specifically the philosophical cogitation that is my life's endeavour.


13.  No, I resent being underestimated in such fashion by people who, if not maliciously determined to underestimate one and perhaps co-opt one to their system, are simply ignorant of the difference or, indeed, the existence of any difference between the feminine and the masculine forms of intellect, whether because they are too feminine themselves or just because they are plain stupid ... I leave for others to decide.


14.  Well, if I am not against the intellect it is because I regard it from a masculine standpoint in properly vegetative terms, not as one who is at cross-purposes with his gender in subjection to an intellectuality that is predominantly feminine.  I rejoice in this masculine intellect, because it has served my pursuit of spiritual liberation and led me to an unequivocal affirmation of meditative truth.  It may not be the ne plus ultra of self-realization, but it can - and in my case demonstrably has - led to what is such, and therein lies its true significance!