1.   Curious how I refer to or utilize slang and even what some would regard as indecent terminology when it suits me.  But I do so, after all, to make a point, to encapsulate a philosophical or moral position, to succinctly affirm a category that may then be more immediately intelligible, rather than just to show off or seek to scandalize.


2.   I don't believe in slang or casual indecency for its own sake, and I would not consider such concessions as I make to the realm of indecently populist slang to be wilfully obscene.


3.   Neither do I entirely approve of it, however, since it tends towards a cynical dead-end (as in relation to the notion of 'bums', who, in actuality, may well be the closest category of humanity to the divine), but if I occasionally make use of the enemy's weapons it is partly with intent to 'return the ticket', as John Cowper Powys would say, to those who, through moral ignorance or malicious prejudice, imagine that they or, more usually, oneself is one thing when, in point of fact, one is really something else, and often enough something completely beyond their ken or consideration.


4.   How many people, for instance, would have thought up the idea of 'cowpiss', never mind 'bullgas', as a way of encapsulating more succinctly, if crudely, a given moral or philosophical category.  Life is, to repeat, a gender struggle, in which 'cunts' and 'pricks', not to mention 'jerks' and 'bums', are constantly at odds or in conflict with one another, agreeing to disagree when they cannot bring themselves to agree.


5.   I have never sought, as a self-made philosopher, to hide the truth from myself, nor to deny it.  I consider such people base and immoral because they are either literally female or effectively so, having been bent away from their literal gender in 'gentlemanly' fashion.


6.   A man who cannot call a spade a spade, a 'bent male' a 'cunt', is no man at all, but a self-deceiving liar and moral hypocrite only good for spouting cant.


7.   Such can be the case, and in England actually is so, with a whole society, a civilization, which is so feminine in its objective structures that it resents critical or blunt terminological intrusions, and does what it can to either avoid or condemn them.


8.   Obviously it doesn't want to 'cut its own throat' by being honest or forthright in this manner, so it makes a point of suppressing the issue or of pretending that it is of no moral consequence or intellectual value.


9.   The truth, of course, is rather different, but then there are always plenty of people who, through one degree or another of female perversity, will shy away from truth and do what they can to prevent it from being aired.


10.  The philosopher's duty, however, is to proclaim truth in any and every manner that best illustrates and advances it, so that people may come, through him, to think more logically and rationally about life or, at any rate, to accept, in the absence of such an ability themselves, that there is an alternative to the usual taboos or generalizations or terms of common usage which it is as well to know about, and which certain men have every right to, in view of their greater honesty and capacity for a more comprehensive insight.


11.  If there is to be significant world progress, then the insights of these men, the 'philosopher-kings', will be instrumental in effecting it.  For all higher progress is the result of leadership, not of democratic accountability or referenda or socialism, but of leadership by exceptional men who pioneer new discoveries, in whatever field.


12.  Thus I like to think that such seemingly indecent but, in actuality, concisely succinct terms as 'cowpuss', 'cowpiss', 'bullshit', and 'bullgas' will help to clarify issues which could otherwise - and with me sometimes do - get caught-up in overly technical jargon or complex logical procedures, to the detriment of easier understanding.


13.  I don't say that I write for others; for I am, above all, a philosopher, and thus highly subjective.  But I still believe that one should strive to be as concise and distinct as possible, even at the expense, from time to time, of 'good taste' or belle lettres or grammatical propriety.  Colourful language is simply one of a number of useful stratagems for making or underlining a significant point.


14.  Thus such words as 'cowpuss', 'cowpiss', 'bullshit', and 'bullgas' have the advantage over more conservative terminology of waking one up to the actuality of life as a gender struggle in which female and male parallels can be adduced not merely in relation to men and women, or masculine and feminine, but, more comprehensively, in relation to the Devil, or devils, and to God, or gods, and thus diabolic (superfeminine-to-subfeminine) and divine (submasculine-to-supermasculine).


15.  We should come to understand how gender operates not only on the phenomenal planes of Volume and Mass, but also on the noumenal planes of Time and Space.  Then we will not make the indecent mistake of reducing everything, in virtually American vein, to one plane, say, 'bullshit' in relation to vegetation, but will come to realize that beyond this there is also 'bullgas' in relation to air, whilst above and behind it there are two female elemental parallels, viz. 'cowpiss' in relation to water and 'cowpuss' in relation to fire.


16.  There is even such a thing, metaphor, analogy, or whatever, as 'cowshit' in relation to watery, or Anglican, vegetation, and 'bullpiss' in relation to sensible, or re-born, water, as in connection with Catholic Marianism and Camogie, which are really 'masculinized' forms of femininity, in keeping with their pseudo-Heathen status at the base of a Christian, and hence non-triangular, hierarchy.


17.  In this respect, they contrast with Anglicanism and Association Football, those 'feminized' forms of masculinity whose watery vegetation invokes the analogy with 'cowshit', and which are no-less pseudo-Christian, in Anglo-Catholic fashion, than Marianism and Camogie are pseudo-Heathen.


18.  But even pseudo-Christian phenomena are morally preferable, in their compromised subjectivity, to overly Heathen phenomena, like Puritanism/Rugby Union and Dissenterism/Rugby League, where water and fire enter objectively into the overall phenomenal framework.


19.  Better the pseudo-Christian 'cowshit' than the anti-Christian 'cowpiss' or the antispiritual 'cowpuss'.  Better, from a Christian standpoint, the watery man than the watery woman or the fiery woman (subfeminine).


20.  But best of all, the airy man or, rather, superman, whose 'bullgas' can be regarded as lying beyond the 'bullshit' of the vegetative man, the natural man of a genuinely Christian disposition who stands to the superman pretty much as Gaelic Football to Hurling or, in religious terms, Christian nonconformism to Christian transcendentalism.