1.   Thus, in relation to the above contentions, it is really the size of the atomic element that determines the ratio of particle to wavicle, as well as its gender predilection towards either objective (if female) or subjective (if male) behaviour.


2.   The objective elements and elementinos, being extensive, will always favour the particle at the expense of the wavicle, whereas the subjective elements and elementinos, being intensive, will favour the wavicle at the expense of the particle.


3.   It is this fact which renders the objective elements/elementinos more suited to science and politics, but the subjective elements/elementinos more suited, by contrast, to economics and religion.


4.   Fire is the per se of science and water the per se of politics, whereas vegetation (earth) is the per se of economics and air the per se of religion.


5.   When you do not have a per se manifestation of any given discipline, you have a 'bovaryization' of it which is of subordinate status not only to its per se manifestation, but to the per se manifestation of the discipline to which it is elementally affiliated.


6.   Thus each element, or axis of all the elemental elementary positions, will have a per se discipline and three 'bovaryized' disciplines in both outer and inner contexts.


7.   Metachemistry will have a scientific per se characterized by a most particle/least wavicle ratio of elemental components in relation to photons and/or photinos, but 'bovaryized' manifestations of politics, economics, and religion.


8.   Chemistry will have a political per se characterized by a more (relative to most) particle/less (relative to least) wavicle ratio of elemental components in relation to electrons and/or electrinos (conventional) or positrons and/or positrinos (radical), but 'bovaryized' manifestations of science, economics, and religion.


9.   Physics will have an economic per se characterized by a more (relative to most) wavicle/less (relative to least) particle ratio of elemental components in relation to neutrons and/or neutrinos (conventional) or deuterons and/or deuterinos (radical), but 'bovaryized' manifestations of science, politics, and religion.


10.  Metaphysics will have a religious per se characterized by a most wavicle/least particle ratio of elemental components in relation to protons and/or protinos, but 'bovaryized' manifestations of science, politics, and economics.


11.  Since science is in its per se manifestation only in metachemistry, it is 'once bovaryized' in chemistry, 'twice bovaryized' in physics, and 'thrice bovaryized' in metaphysics.


12.  Since politics is in its per se manifestation only in chemistry, it is 'once bovaryized' in metachemistry, 'twice bovaryized' in metaphysics, and 'thrice bovaryized' in physics.


13.  Since economics is in its per se manifestation only in physics, it is 'once bovaryized' in metaphysics, 'twice bovaryized' in metachemistry, and 'thrice bovaryized' in chemistry.


14.  Since religion is in its per se manifestation only in metaphysics, it is 'once bovaryized' in physics, 'twice bovaryized' in chemistry, and 'thrice bovaryized' in metachemistry.


15.  Put in similar, if blunter terms, this means that compared to metachemical science, chemical science is second-rate, physical science third-rate and metaphysical science fourth-rate.


16.  Compared to chemical politics, metachemical politics is second-rate, metaphysical politics third-rate, and physical politics fourth-rate.


17.  Compared to physical economics, metaphysical economics is second-rate, metachemical economics third-rate, and chemical economics fourth-rate.


18.  Compared to metaphysical religion, physical religion is second-rate, chemical religion third-rate, and metachemical religion fourth-rate.


19.  Thus from the metachemically extensive space-time objective per se of science to the 'ultimate bovaryization' of science in relation to metaphysically intensive time-space subjectivity via the 'intermediate bovaryizations' ... of a chemically extensive volume-mass objectivity and a physically intensive mass-volume subjectivity.


20.  Thus from the chemically extensive volume-mass objective per se of politics to the 'ultimate bovaryization' of politics in relation to physically intensive mass-volume subjectivity via the 'intermediate bovaryizations' ... of a metachemically extensive space-time objectivity and a metaphysically intensive time-space subjectivity.


21.  Thus from the physically intensive mass-volume subjective per se of economics to the 'ultimate bovaryization' of economics in relation to chemically extensive volume-mass objectivity via the 'intermediate bovaryizations' ... of a metaphysically intensive time-space subjectivity and a metachemically extensive space-time objectivity.


22.  Thus from the metaphysically intensive time-space subjective per se of religion to the 'ultimate bovaryization' of religion in relation to metachemically extensive space-time objectivity via the 'intermediate bovaryizations' ... of a physically intensive mass-volume subjectivity and a chemically extensive volume-mass objectivity.


23.  The tendency to evaluate objective elements subjectively and, conversely, subjective ones objectively, in terms of a contrary order of elemental ratios, is probably due, in no small measure, to one's gender: females tending towards an objective bias in this matter and males, by contrast, towards a subjective one.


24.  Hence, instead of evaluating objective elements from a particle-based devolutionary perspective, males would be more inclined, I feel, to evaluate them from their own subjective bias towards the wavicle, deeming metachemical religion, for example, to reflect most wavicle/least particle rather than, as is objectively the case, least particle/most wavicle.


25.  Conversely, females would be more inclined, from their objective point of view, to evaluate physical religion, say, in terms of least particle/most wavicle rather than in the subjectively more accurate manner of most wavicle/least particle.


26.  Thus while males are more likely to have an optimistic, if not inflated, view of the objective elements, the innate objectivity of the female will lead her to take a pessimistic, if not deflated, view of the subjective elements.  The former are likely to hype-up or exaggerate the positive aspect of what are fundamentally negative elements, while the latter will incline to be cynically dismissive of the positive aspect of positive elements from a negative point of view.


27.  The net result is that males, whether divine or masculine, deceive themselves as to the true worth of, say, love or pride in relation to beauty and strength, while females, whether diabolic or feminine, continue to undervalue the true worth of joy or pleasure in relation to truth and knowledge.  Each sex effectively approaches the elements from their own standpoint, as dupes and cynics respectively, and the biggest losers, at the end of the day, are males.


28.  For it is worse, as a male, to exaggerate the importance of the Devil, and thereby deprive oneself of God, than to undervalue the significance of God, and thereby still have the benefits, as a female, of the Devil.


29.  In actuality, metachemical religion is fundamentally least particle/most wavicle, not most wavicle/least particle, and therefore something that remains on the opposite side of the gender fence from that which, being metaphysical, is most wavicle/least particle.


30.  The pursuit of love through beauty is a fourth-rate religion compared to the pursuit of joy through truth.  You may, as a male, be able to twist it around to a degree, so that there is more love than beauty, more wavicle than particle or, rather, most wavicle/least particle as opposed to least particle/most wavicle, but it is doubtful that the female with whom you have romantic associations will be either able or feel inclined to follow suit.


31.  She, remember, is the beauty, not you, and consequently she has less incentive to develop love in relation to you than you have in relation to her.  Her love will largely be in response to yours, not a love of your (dubious) beauty as such.  She will be effectively loving your love of her, while reserving her direct love, so to speak, for the child to which she aspires as a female.