1.   When culture leads, there can be no place for barbarism to rule, to rule both civilization and nature, since the latter, corresponding to feminine and masculine alternatives, will be transvaluated forwards on a basis that allows nature to rise up over civilization, as over civility, in support of and deference to the supernaturalism of culture.


2.   There is nothing mysterious about the supernatural, at least not when it is a leading aspect of things and properly understood in relation to airy transcendentalism.


3.   The mystification of the supernatural, or supernature, occurs when there is insufficient understanding, due to lack of commitment, as to what it actually is.


4.   People demonize the supernatural when it is 'beyond the pale' of the system to which they pertain, as and when that system is rooted in the devil of super-unnatural-to-sub-unnatural free will, but the Devil is hyped as God.


5.   It is as if the persons concerned were unable to remove the 'beam' from their own eyes and too inclined, in consequence, to condemn the 'mote' in the eyes of those who are identifiable with that which lies 'beyond the pale' of their system.


6.   Even the expression 'beyond the pale' conveys a negative connotation, which suggests that it is significant of what is evil or undesirable or somehow immoral.  In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth when such an expression has reference to genuine supernaturalism, the metaphysical essence of which conduces to wisdom.


7.   People get so used to the Devil who rules over them ... that they are afraid to substitute God for him or, rather, her, because they know comparatively little about the latter.  Instead, they tolerate the divinization of the Devil and the demonization of God, as much from habit as from ignorance or fear.


8.   Hence not only is God 'beyond the (theistic) pale' of the society to which they subscribe, but anything supernatural must be endowed with a mysterious significance, in keeping with its remoteness from their lives.


9.   Yet, in actuality, nothing could be less mysterious than supernature, which has little to do with ghosts or bogeymen, and everything to do with the air and one's relationship to it, including the conscious commitment to breathing which is called transcendental meditation.


10.  There may well be more mystery in the super-unnatural Behind ... of cosmic fundamentalism, given our physical remoteness from the starry universe and, exceptions to the general rule notwithstanding, comparative ignorance of stellar behaviour.


11.  Likewise, females retain a certain mysterious quality, or mystique, which derives more basically from the very cosmos whose fundamentalist materialism is synonymous with Hell.


12.  Females are mysterious to males only because, when they are not wilfully deceiving themselves out of spiritual laziness, the latter think in a contrary way, with a capacity - except in the case of the more earthbound, whether or not with a Lockean hue - for Heaven which is demonstrably lacking in the opposite sex, the very sex who nonetheless waste no opportunity to arrogate divine attributes to themselves, the better to enhance their own prospects of dominion over males!


13.  In actuality, females are more basic than males, with few if any claims to intellectual or gnostical sophistication, for which a higher quota of natural determinism than free will is required, in order that things may be thought through sufficiently over a sufficiently long period of time - and by a larger brain without a psychological fear of wrinkles - to enable truly profound insights to occur.


14.  It is a testimony to the woefully superficial nature of the age that creatures as innately superficial as women should be taken so seriously and hold such high positions in society!  A profounder age, not rooted in or characterized by the cathode-ray tube, would find the current situation largely, if not totally, unacceptable!


15.  Even the nineteenth century was comparatively deeper in the way it allowed, if not encouraged, men of genuine intellectual calibre, like Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Huysmans, and Baudelaire, to air views on women (as, if you will, on females generally, whether diabolic or feminine) that would embarrass, if not horrify, minds accustomed, in late twentieth-century fashion, to feminist rhetoric, and the more or less complacent acquiescence in sexual equalitarianism.


16.  How few twentieth-century minds there were whom one could consult with any confidence of receiving an accurate and subjectively responsible account of women!  The greater proportion of prominent men would seem to have 'sold out' to trendy equalitarianism, preferring to defer to female prejudices than to stand up for their own sex in its hour of greatest need and expose the diabolical platform upon which feminism proclaimed its hatred of men, and above all God, as of the godly, from a metachemical base rooted in, and to some extent legitimized by, the cathode-ray tube of light-emitting vacuousness.


17.  Females are less subjectively self-contained than males, less naturalistic/idealistic, or masculine/divine, and much more disposed to materialistic/realistic prejudices which, stemming from diabolic/feminine affinities, reduce everything, sooner or later, to tyrannical impositions of an overly objective order, castigating natural determinism from the morally dubious vantage-point of free will.


18.  Females claim to have been oppressed by Christianity, especially by the Roman Catholic form of Christianity which, compared to Protestantism, is alone genuinely Christian.  But it is far better for males that their diabolical and/or feminine genie should be bottled up than that it should be given free rein, in contemporary fashion, to puss and/or piss upon anything moral as a matter of feminist course!


19.  For now it is males who increasingly feel the oppression of liberated females, and no self-respecting man, with an iota of genuine intellect, could possibly be complacent with a situation that is the reverse of the Christian one, and an open invitation, in consequence, for the Devil to do her damnedest.


20.  That is why, if life is to return to a moral platform, the diabolical genie of feminism that first Protestantism and then Liberalism let out of the Christian bottle must be bottled up anew, only this time more firmly and with greater resolve on the part of males, both masculine and divine, than ever before, in order to ensure that nothing comparably immoral ever happens again!


21.  For if it is one thing for females to lose out to males, it is quite another for males to lose out to females, since the outcome is morally disastrous for that sex which, centred in determinism, is alone genuinely capable of God and Heaven, and never more so than when fully male in divine terms.


22.  The choice between the Devil's rule and God's lead is there at all times, though only a Christian-type re-born society, more given to sensibility than to sensuality, would consciously strive to further and retain the latter, at the expense of free will and all that is anti-male.


23.  Only that society which resolutely clings to supernatural determinism, the divine determinism of airy transcendentalism, has any chance of keeping the Devil of super-unnatural-to-sub-unnatural freedom, the diabolic freedom of fiery fundamentalism, at bay and under firm wraps.  Such a society is more than Christian: it is effectively Superchristian, and thus commensurate with that Social Transcendentalism which I have been advocating, in Messianic vein, all along.


24.  A 'free society', rooted in polytheistic objectivity, is one which believes in granting the Devil free rein to rule over mankind from a basis in cosmic super-unnaturalism.  It is a society in which the superfeminine is held in high regard to the detriment, if not exclusion, of anything supermasculine.  It is as far removed from positive deism as it is humanly possible to get!


25.  In fact, one is obliged to regard the concept of 'human beings' as a Christian anachronism in a society which is ruled, to all intents and purposes, by 'human doings', by people who esteem the Cupidian free will of superfeminine-to-subfeminine materialism above all else, and have scant regard, in consequence, for being.


26.  Such a radically Western society is likely to remain the last refuge of the Devil so long as it continues in its polytheistic tracks and rejects deistic alternatives to its diabolical will, the will to freedom from supernatural determinism at any cost.  Ethnically red, it will be the born enemy of anything yellow, and hence radically Eastern.