1.   A person is only fully a human being in being.  In doing, giving, and taking, one is less than fully human.  Indeed, some people, predominantly into one or another of the alternatives to being, would be more accurately described as human doings, human givings, and human takings.  A human being, on the other hand, is really someone for whom being is the chief purpose and end of life.


2.   To do is to extensively diverge and/or converge, depending on the context (outer or inner), as noumenal objectivity in metachemical materialism.


3.   To give is to extensively diverge and/or converge as phenomenal objectivity in chemical realism.


4.   To take is to intensively diverge and/or converge as phenomenal subjectivity in physical naturalism.


5.   To be is to intensively diverge and/or converge as noumenal subjectivity in metaphysical idealism.


6.   As a rule, women give to do, whereas men take to be.


7.   Hence, in general terms, the sexes draw together only to drift apart, as from feminine to diabolic on the one hand, and from masculine to divine on the other hand.


8.   Men take what women have to give, but they do so in order to achieve enhanced being (relative to their vegetative bent).


9.   A woman achieves enhanced doing through giving, for she may well reap the reward of motherhood for her romantic pains, and thus come to rear that which, as offspring, is more disposed to doing than to anything else.


10.  Men have more to gain by keeping women pregnant than by leaving them sensually aloof from motherhood, after the fashion of whores.


11.  The vegetative brain rises over the womb only when the latter is sufficiently watery to be committed to humanist sensibility, not when the latter is devoid of life and the tongue accordingly rules the flesh in sensual fashion.


12.  There is undoubtedly something pseudo-Christian, and thus anglo-catholic, about the use of condoms, whose rubbery texture, suggestive of a watery imposition on the flesh, precludes the possibility of maternal sensibility, thereby maintaining the tongue-over-phallus hierarchy, within an inverted triangle, of heathenistic sensuality.


13.  Vegetation is only beneath water in heathenistic sensuality.  In Christian sensibility, on the other hand, it is - or has the capacity to rise - above it, standing at a sinful remove from the grace of true wisdom.


14.  Christianity does not really provide a solution to the problem, from a male standpoint, of sin, but, rather, serves to perpetuate it in relation to sensibility.


15.  Keeping women pregnant does not free-up men for God, but keeps them confined to phenomenal criteria in vegetative vein.  For God is not really Christ, and although cerebral knowledge can be enhanced when women are brought to instinctual sensibility, at the end of the day such knowledge is a far cry from genuine spirituality, being but a radical nonconformist shortfall, in Christian atheism, from that which appertains, through ultimate Godhead, the Lung-God Father of inner metaphysical willpower, to the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


16.  Obviously, it is better from a Christian standpoint that women should be encouraged towards instinctual sensibility in the womb than either left to sensuality or granted maximum freedom to dissent from such sensibility through, for example, recourse to abortion.  But the problem of sin in sensibility still remains a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to the development, by greater numbers of men, of genuine grace through meditative praxis.  For such grace as they may be capable of is subsequently undermined by the doingful criminality of offspring, who detract from it in proportion to the extent of their Cupidian devility.


17.  What ultimately matters, from the standpoint of religious progress, is the expansion of morality at immorality's expense, so that there will be more grace and less crime, as well, 'down below', as more sin and less punishment.  By which I of course mean more meditative grace and less agitative crime on the one hand, and more cogitative sin and less instinctive punishment on the other hand.


18.  Ultimately, substantial progress will only come from the substitution of artificial methods of reproduction for natural reproductive practices, and from the development, within a more advanced manifestation of artificial reproduction, of genetic discrimination that disfavours the female seed and favours the male one, thereby decreasing the metachemical/chemical side of life as the physical/metaphysical side of it is increased.


19.  For as long as things remain in an 'open society' alpha-stemming mode, there will always be a disproportionate number of females to males, with a corresponding bias, fuelled by cosmic pressures, towards immorality of one degree and/or kind or another.


20.  We need both to increase the moral (in both vicious and virtuous modes) and to decrease the immoral (in both vicious and virtuous modes), and I have suggested, in earlier texts, ways and means by which this may be achieved.  Only thus will the triadic Beyond properly come to pass, on a distinctly post-worldly basis of effective feminine, masculine, and supermasculine tiers.


21.  Discrimination by itself is not wrong; it is how and why and who you discriminate against that is the significant factor.  Not to be capable of discriminating in certain matters would be a mark of imbecility, if not blatant immorality.  We all discriminate one way or another, even if only to prefer taking to being, or giving to doing, or vice versa in each case.


22.  If, in the future, society is geared to most being, more taking, less giving, and least doing, then it will be because certain men have dedicated their lives to the realization of this ultimate scheme and have stood up for that which they believe in most profoundly, even at the risk of misunderstanding, denigration, and persecution.


23.  This ultimate scheme, which is commensurate with 'Kingdom Come', will not come about by itself, nor is it very much in evidence in the contemporary world, where the ratio of elemental factors is pretty much the reverse of what I have projected as closer, overall, to the ideal.  But it can come about, and the People, especially those of Ireland and the Gaelic countries in general, should have an important role to play in determining whether or not it will.


24.  I have effectively completed my theoretical task in this regard, and it only remains now for enough people to approve of it before we begin to witness a move in the direction pointed.  Judgement will be about deciding whether to go forward, democratically and officially, into 'Kingdom Come', not least of all within the broader Gaelic framework of a Centrist Federation, or whether to reject the opportunity of religious sovereignty (in relation to a three-tier structure) in favour of the amoral world and its democratic 'sin'.  I must leave the People to judge me and to judge themselves, before there can be any prospect of implementing Judgement on their behalf.