There is a self-destructive aspect to everyone,

By dint of the body having a proton ingredient.

But so, too, does everyone possess

A self-constructive aspect by dint of

The body having an electron ingredient

(Not to mention a self-instructive neutron

And a self-restrictive atomic ingredient).

Where the former contracts and reacts,

The latter expands and attracts, and we

Need not doubt that the more evolved the person

And the more civilized the civilization, the greater

Will be the preponderance of the self-constructive

Over the self-destructive, since evolution presupposes

The furtherance of electrons at the expense of protons,

And this no less in the individual than in society at large.

And yet, no matter how far man evolves

Within his human limitations, he will always retain

The self-destructive aspect to some extent,

If to a much lesser extent than his pagan forebears.

We need not regret this, for it also has its advantages,

Including furtherance of the spiritual life.

Without a self-destructive aspect it is doubtful that

Man would ever consent to becoming superman,

With a brain artificially supported and sustained.