A true brotherhood of man

Doesn't imply that homosexuality

Should come to replace heterosexuality,

The antinatural the natural,

But, rather, that supernatural sex, or supersex,

Should replace natural sex,

And thus a sublimated heterosexuality ...

The concrete heterosexuality of before.

In other words, the absolute must take over

From the relative, as men and women

Cease to be directly dependent on each other

For either sexual or propagative satisfaction.

The essence of a brotherhood of man

Isn't, of course, sensual but ... spiritual,

And signifies an approximation to

The indivisible unity of the Holy Spirit.

A spiritual essence demands a spiritualized appearance,

And so all sex would have to be supernatural,

Reflecting a distinctive electron bias.

For men-become-supermen, this would entail recourse,

Via VDU screens, to higher types of pornography ...

From soft-core mature teenage supernaturalism

To hard-core mature teenage supra-naturalism (the latter

particularly relevant to the centripetal focus

of a radically theocratic society), and for

Women-become-supermen it would entail

The use of vibrators - a supernatural penis,

Intended to function in succession to the natural one.

As a logical corollary of this, propagation would

Proceed on a supernatural basis,

The female supermen granted access

To sperm banks from which the appropriate sperm,

Donated by male supermen, would be extracted

And artificially inseminated into the mother-to-be,

Thereby precluding the necessity of direct involvement

Between the sexes, now having effectively

Become one sex (unisexual), neither of whom

Should have any intention of demeaning the other ...

Through a regression to naturalistic criteria.