'Supersex' focusing on the artificial extremes

Of supernatural sex - namely the lowest extreme

In vibrator stimulation, and the highest extreme

In vagina-based computer erotica.

There are, however, two types

Of supersex coming in-between these extremes -

Namely a higher, female-superman extreme

In penis-based computer erotica,

And a lower, male-superman extreme

In plastic inflatable intercourse.

Taking a type from each category separately,

One could distinguish between

Moderate female-superman sex, in vibrator stimulation,

And radical female-superman sex

In penis-based pornography, as intended for females;

Just so, one could distinguish between

Moderate male-superman sex in inflatable intercourse,

And radical male-superman sex

In vagina-based erotica, as intended for males.

Thus each gender, whether superhumanly female or male,

Would have a lower and a higher type of

Sexual indulgence from which to choose,

Depending on their temperaments and/or capabilities.

Just as vibrators and plastic inflatables are

Antithetical equivalents within

An artificial physical context, so penis- and vagina-based

Modes of computer erotica would be

Antithetical equivalents within

An artificial psychic context, the latter superior to

Their respective counterparts in the former context,

The spiritual morally preferable to the physical,

Sublimated voyeuristic stimulation morally preferable

To artificial physical stimulation.

So for the less intelligent and/or more physical

Male supermen, who may find the sublimated ideal

Too transcendent, there will be the lower male supersex

Of artificial intercourse to fall back on.

Conversely, for the more intelligent and/or less physical

Female supermen, who might find vibrator stimulation

A bore, there will be the higher female supersex

Of penis-based erotica to get into - assuming

The superperson in question wasn't already

More disposed to such a supersex in any case.