A young religious writer named Timothy Byrne accepts an invitation from a certain Lord Handon, an aristocratic admirer of his work, to spend New Year's Eve in the company of a select gathering at Rothermore House, Handon's country retreat, and winds up first dancing and then falling in love with one of his fellow guests, who happens to be an opera singer. Much debate and festivity take place before Timothy discovers, in conjunction with the other guests, that the real motive for their presence there is to learn of and offer their services to the 'Voice Museum', an extraordinary project situated in London's Piccadilly which houses voice recordings of famous people in soundproofed booths where, for a small sum, the public can sample words of wisdom and/or folly at the touch of a button. Thus it is that Timothy agrees to allow his voice to be recorded for future use by the museum's principal director, Girish O'Donnell - as, of course, do each of the other guests, all of whom are either established or budding talents in the arts. Meanwhile Lord Handon has been attempting to conduct a low-key relationship with Sarah Field, the opera singer, though with little success, in view of her preference for Timothy and knowledge of the viscount's secret – a secret which has more than a little to do with the strange nature of his relations, necessarily sublimated, with women. Equally unsuccessful are Handon's attempts to subvert Timothy Byrne's spiritual standing as a self-styled guru through his daughter, Geraldine, though, unbeknownst to anyone else, the writer has already undermined it through Sarah and has no need of further seductions! Another of my philosophic-turned-romantic novels, SUBLIMATED RELATIONS is nevertheless much bolder and freer than the others.


Copyright © 2011 John O'Loughlin