KEITH: Apparently there is more to the old brain than just a subconscious, and more to the new brain than simply a superconscious, if I understand you correctly.

CHRIS: There is, though traditional psychology has failed to stress that fact.  The old brain is divisible between a subconscious and a feeling/visionary body, while the new brain is likewise divisible between a superconscious and a feeling/visionary body, the principal difference being that whereas in the old brain the subconscious is dominated by the feeling/visionary body, in the new brain it is the superconscious which dominates its alpha-stemming antithesis.  And this is because the ratio of protons and neutrons to electrons, or vice versa, is dissimilar in each of the brains - the atomic integrity of the old brain being heavily biased towards the proton/neutron ingredients, that of the new brain being biased towards the electron ingredient, so that whereas protons and neutrons dominate electrons in the former, electrons dominate protons and neutrons in the latter.

KEITH: Presumably that is why the old brain is a predominantly feeling/visionary phenomenon and the new brain, by contrast, a superconscious phenomenon or, more correctly, essential noumenon?

CHRIS: Absolutely!  Being antithetically constituted, the old and the new brains function in different ways, according to their respective atomic integrities.  Egocentricity, as we customarily understand it, is a combination of these two disparate functions; feelings and visions/thoughts coming up from below, and awareness coming down from above, each of which meet in the corpus callosum, that psychological link between the two brains - the cerebellum and the cerebrum.

KEITH: Whereas the cultivation of pure consciousness, as the mystics understand it, depends upon our ability to transcend feelings and visions/thoughts, and presupposes a deeper commitment to the superconscious - in other words, to a consciousness undiluted by feelings and visions/thoughts.

CHRIS: Yes, to superconsciousness purely and simply, since we do not feel with our superconscious mind.  We register feelings in our body through the agency of soul, the body's mind, as it were, which consciousness becomes aware of, to the detriment of its own expansion.

KEITH: Thus consciousness and superconsciousness are approximately the same?

CHRIS: No, consciousness is our superconsciousness existing as a bound-electron equivalent in a day-to-day context of ordinary utilitarian and/or relaxed receptive awareness.  When, however, we strive to tune-in to our superconscious in order to cultivate awareness for its own sake, divorced from will, we experience superconsciousness, or consciousness elevated above feelings and thoughts, in a free-electron context, to a higher pitch of awareness.  Ordinarily our consciousness, although originating in the superconscious, is less elevated and therefore encumbered by feelings and thoughts, which impinge upon it, causing us to respond to them in some way.  If we haven't habitually sought to develop our consciousness, we will be more exposed to the encroachments of feelings and thoughts than otherwise.  Indeed, we may become our feelings or thoughts rather than our consciousness of them.  Consequently we will be more exposed to the encroachments of feelings/thoughts than otherwise, and therefore become enslaved to the flesh, the body/brain, at such times.  The object of evolutionary progress, however, is to become free of this enslavement, to cultivate consciousness independently of the body, and thus aspire towards the Divine, which would be pure consciousness.

KEITH: And therefore completely beyond the flesh, beyond all manifestations of atomicity, with their proton/neutron roots?

CHRIS: Precisely!  When we purposely cultivate awareness by tuning-in to our superconscious we achieve a free-electron consciousness, an absolutely post-atomic consciousness elevated above the usual relatively post-atomic consciousness of the everyday conscious mind, which, when we aren't enslaved by or succumbing to feelings, emotions, sensations, thoughts, fantasies, et cetera, functions as a relatively bound-electron consciousness - as when we watch television or listen to the radio.  This is the consciousness which is contiguous with the subconscious, that part of the conscious mind which pertains to the old brain and exists there as an absolutely bound-electron equivalent enslaved to and dominated by the majority proton/neutron content of the feeling/visionary body.

KEITH: As when we sleep and witness the dreams that the majority proton/neutron content of the old brain foists upon our subconscious.

CHRIS: Yes, our subconscious is, at such times, the passive spectator of the dream process, which takes place independently of conscious volition, and is thereby absolutely bound to the proton/neutron control, unable to transcend it in any way.

KEITH: Thus one could speak of an old brain/subconscious dichotomy as applying to this distinction between the feeling/visionary body and the subconscious, phenomenon and noumenon, idea and will, but a will so enslaved to and dominated by the proton/neutron root ... as generally to be incapable of conscious volition.

CHRIS: Correct!  Though there are occasions when, under duress from a particularly oppressive dream, even the subconscious can muster the necessary resolve to revolt against its oppressor, and we wake-up before matters in the nightmare have come to a grisly pass, or so it seems!  Even the subconscious has willpower, though nowhere near as much as the conscious mind, which is relatively free to direct the body along any desired channel of activity.  When the conscious mind is turned away from the body, however, it ceases to function as will but becomes the free-electron consciousness of the superconscious.

KEITH: Interesting how there is a spectrum of consciousness from the subconscious to the superconscious via an intermediate level of everyday consciousness, a spectrum which pertains to the spirit or psyche as opposed to the body/soul, and is therefore separate from feelings and dreams.

CHRIS: Indeed!  And in its highest reach, that of the superconscious, separate from thoughts and visions as well!  For we do not think with our superconscious but use it, as awareness directed towards a conceptual end, to elicit and order thoughts from the minority neutron content of the new brain, in which such concepts are housed.  What feelings are to consciousness in the old brain, thoughts are to consciousness in the new one, which is to say, its antithesis, except that whereas in the former context feelings tend, through the medium of the senses, to condition consciousness, in the latter context it is generally consciousness which, through the agency of the will, conditions thought - at least during waking-life periods.  For during sleep the old brain prefers to indulge in dreams, which are feelings made manifest to the subconscious through perceptual images.

KEITH: Then what of new-brain visions, particularly with regard to synthetically-induced ones?

CHRIS: These are thoughts made manifest to the superconscious through perceptual images, a kind of waking-life dream state in which consciousness perceives the visual contents of the new brain as the minority neutron content is freed from majority electron control and thus from the will, which, though not entirely neutralized, is rendered passive before the highly intriguing spectacle of the synthetically-induced visions that we refer to as the 'trip'.  An hallucinogen like LSD directly appeals to the new brain, where it reduces the threshold of the minority proton/neutron content from the level of concepts to the level of visions, from the quasi-essential to the apparent, albeit an appearance rendered static by dint of its proximity to the majority electron content.  Just as sleep lowers the threshold of consciousness to the subconscious and thereby allows the old brain free play, so LSD lowers the threshold of the new brain and thereby permits the superconscious to contemplate the visionary contents of its antithesis.  From being a thought-mechanism, the new brain becomes a vision-mechanism.  With sleep, the old brain is raised from a feeling bias to a dreaming bias.  With 'trips', the new brain is lowered from a conceptual bias to a perceptual bias.  Sleep lowers consciousness, whereas LSD raises it.

KEITH: Though the latter doesn't raise it as far, I presume, as would transcendental meditation.

CHRIS: No, since LSD directly appeals to the new brain and only indirectly to the superconscious, whereas transcendental meditation directly appeals to the superconscious and not at all to the new brain, i.e. to the minority proton/neutron content of its atomic structure.  The 'trip' is a quasi-occult experience, the meditation state, by contrast, a hypermetaphysical one - the difference, in a sense, between the phenomenal at its furthest reach and the noumenal at or near its inception.  The 'trip' is the culmination of an alpha-stemming tradition, the meditation state the beginning of an exclusively omega-oriented aspiration.  The one is basically Occidental, the other Oriental.  The one stems from a tradition of proton indulgence in the use of alcohol, the other from a tradition of electron indulgence in the use of hashish and kindred mind-expanding drugs.  The former tradition lowers consciousness by weighting the proton/neutron content with increased sensuality, whereas the latter tradition expands consciousness by imposing increased awareness upon the electron content.  In the first context, the distilled, i.e. alcohol, is used to sensualize the old brain and, following on its heels, the synthesized, i.e. LSD, is used to visualize the new brain.  In the second context, the naturalistic, i.e. hashish, is used to increase sensual consciousness and, following on its heels, the supernaturalistic, i.e. transcendental meditation, is used to increase spiritual consciousness.  Alcohol leads to LSD as surely as dope to meditation in the evolutionary progression of each tradition!  Of course, neither tradition is absolute.  For, in a certain sense, tobacco is the occidental equivalent to dope and, conversely, tea the oriental equivalent to alcohol, though both tobacco and tea are considerably milder than their respective counterparts.  Tobacco does not raise sensual consciousness to anything like the same extent as hashish or marijuana.  Conversely, tea does not lower consciousness, by appealing to the old brain, to anything like the same extent as alcohol, particularly the wines and spirits.  So whilst a relativity has prevailed in each tradition, it has not prevented a bias, one way or the other, from emerging in accordance with the use of stronger drugs, so that the Occident has remained predominantly alcoholic and the Orient, by contrast, predominantly hashistic, despite the recourse of each civilization to tobacco and tea respectively.  The one tradition has mainly stemmed from the Diabolic Alpha, while the other one has mainly aspired towards the Divine Omega.

KEITH: Though the Occident presumably began by directly stemming from the Diabolic Alpha and has now reached or is approaching a stage of indirectly stemming from it, whereas the Orient began by indirectly aspiring towards the Divine Omega and then proceeded, in due course of time, to directly aspire towards it - a distinction, in the one case, between distilled alcohol and synthesized LSD, and, in the other case, between naturalistic hashish and supernaturalistic transcendental meditation.

CHRIS: Yes, which we may alternatively define, in atomic terms, as a progression from a proton equivalent to a pseudo-electron equivalent in the case of the Occident, and from a bound-electron equivalent to a free-electron equivalent in the case of the Orient.  It is the example of the Orient that we must follow in regard to the development of a transcendental civilization.

KEITH: Then the final human civilization will be entirely metaphysical, with regard to the practice of transcendental meditation?

CHRIS: Correct!  And it will lead, in due course of time, to the Host-human Millennium, the first phase of which - a quasi-occult one - will entail the widespread use of synthetic hallucinogens like LSD by the Supermen, the first of two life forms who, created by millennial technicians, will be human brains artificially supported and sustained in communal contexts.  With the subsequent establishment, however, of the second of the post-human life forms, the superbeingful new-brain collectivizations, millennial evolution will progress to its highest phase, a wholly metaphysical phase involving the practice of hypermeditation - a more intensive and purer form of meditation than was practised, if I may be permitted to anticipate the future, by the transcendental proletarians of the civilization preceding the post-Human Millennium.  This hypermeditation will lead to transcendence, to the freeing of the majority electron content of the new brain from its minority proton/neutron content - in other words, to the freeing of superconsciousness from the new brain, so that pure spirit can soar heavenwards towards its ultimate goal in the Omega Beyond, a goal, however, which is unlikely to be attained to for some considerable period of supra-atomic evolution, as the various Spiritual Globes from whichever Superbeing on whichever habitable planet converge towards and expand into one another in a continuous process leading from separateness to unity.  As you can see, life has a long way to go before it becomes a candidate for transcendence!  But at least it is slowly evolving, in the guise of men, towards that distant goal in a truly superconscious mind.  Both the old and new brains are destined to be discarded, as the superconscious continues to expand towards the omega goal of evolution.  From discarding them relatively, evolving life will proceed to discard them absolutely, the removal of the old brain preceding the transcendence of the new!