



1.   From the autocratic and the democratic to the theocratic; from the monarch and the prime minister and/or president to the dictator.


2.   From the monarchic and the prime ministerial and/or presidential to the dictatorial; from rule and representation to service.


3.   From autocratic and democratic economics to theocratic economics; from Feudalism and Capitalism and/or Socialism to Centrism (Centre trusteeship of the means of production).


4.   From autocratic and democratic politics to theocratic politics; from Authoritarianism and Parliamentarianism to Totalitarianism.


5.   From autocratic and democratic religion to theocratic religion; from Paganism and/or Roman Catholicism and Protestantism and/or Communism to Social Transcendentalism and/or Super-transcendentalism.


6.   From autocratic economics and democratic politics to theocratic religion; from Feudalism and Parliamentarianism to Social Transcendentalism.


7.   From autocratic politics and democratic religion to theocratic economics; from Authoritarianism and Protestantism and/or Communism to Centrism.


8.   From autocratic religion and democratic economics to theocratic politics; from Paganism and/or Roman Catholicism and Capitalism and/or Socialism to Totalitarianism.


9.   From autocratic economics and politics to autocratic religion; from Feudalism and Authoritarianism to Roman Catholicism.


10.  From democratic economics and politics to democratic religion; from Capitalism and/or Socialism and Parliamentarianism to Protestantism and/or Communism.


11.  From theocratic economics and politics to theocratic religion; from Centrism and Totalitarianism to Social Transcendentalism.


12.  From an economic (proton) root and a political (atomic) stem to a religious (electron) flower; from soul and matter to spirit.


13.  In Ireland, where Social Transcendentalism should first take root, economics and politics will be subordinated to religion.  Hence, while being centrist and totalitarian, Social Transcendentalism should remain primarily religious.  In other words, Social Transcendentalism comes first, because in Ireland, traditionally, religion takes precedence over economics and politics. (Unlike, for example, in Britain, where politics and economics [in that order] take precedence over religion.)


14.  Social Transcendentalism is the first phase of a proletarian religion, the relative (LSD-induced visionary awareness) phase leading, in due course, to Super-transcendentalism, in which hypermeditation becomes the absolute focus of religious endeavour.


15.  With the attainment to the second phase of proletarian religion, both economics and politics will effectively cease to exist in any recognizable sense.  However, while Social Transcendentalism is the order of the day, centrism and totalitarianism will continue to prevail, though in a subordinate capacity to the religious essence of the movement.  Social Transcendentalism is not politically centrist (in the middle-ground sense of that term), but religiously cent(e)rist.  For the Centre, as defined by me in relation to Social Transcendentalism, is the most radically omega-orientated of all phenomena.


16.  Although embracing both economic and political responsibilities, the Social Transcendentalist leader will predominantly remain what he had been (before assuming office), namely an electron equivalent, and this because he is not simply a dictator but, more importantly, a religious guide, the embodiment, as it were, of the Holy Spirit.  Thus his sovereignty is primarily justified on religious grounds, in contrast to the sovereignty of a political and/or economic dictator like Hitler or Mussolini, who puts politics first, whether in terms of Nazism or Fascism.


17.  Instead of subordinating religion - Protestant and/or Catholic - to politics, as did Fascism, Social Transcendentalism will subordinate politics to religion and economics to politics.  Both of these fundamentally diabolical phenomena will be eclipsed by religion and absorbed into the Leader, who, alone, should have the moral and spiritual strength to bear them in the name of truth and the concomitant development by the People of their spiritual potential.  Neither economics nor politics can corrupt the Social Transcendental Messiah, who will subordinate these proton and atomic phenomena to his electron will, which is divine.


18.  Thus he who represents the Divine Will is the true approximation to the Second Coming and/or True World Messiah.  Neither Hitler nor Mussolini can be said to have done so!  Only the Leader of Social Transcendentalism can be accredited true messianic status; for he is essentially an electron equivalent, who must subordinate politics and economics to his will.


19.  Consequently, he forms an antithesis to the true kings of autocratic antiquity, monarchs who were proton equivalents ruling the populace in their own, largely soulful interests.  Such kings may have been surrounded, in time, by an electron-biased ruling nobility, or aristocracy, but their responsibilities of state ensured a less hedonistic, and therefore more stoical, lifestyle.  Likewise the leader of a Social Transcendentalist society may find himself, in the relative nature of things, surrounded by a proton-biased serving nobility, or bureaucracy, who must execute his will and thus serve the People.  But for all his dictatorial responsibilities, he will remain predominantly an electron equivalent, in spiritual touch with the electron-biased proletariat to a no-less significant extent than (was) the ruling monarch of autocratic antiquity in soulful touch with the proton-biased peasantry of his kingdom.


20.  Monarch - aristocracy - peasantry/soldiery: a proton - electron - proton-biased atomicity indicating a distinct bias for the proton side of matter.  Leader - bureaucracy - proletariat/police: an electron - proton - electron-biased atomicity indicating a distinct bias for the electron side of matter.  The former stemming from the proton-proton reactions of pure soul; the latter aspiring towards the electron-electron attractions of pure spirit.  From the Father to the Holy Ghost, as from the First Cause to the Final Effect.


21.  And yet one should never forget that such atomic divisions and structures are but rough guides to basic realities rather than immutable absolutes.  There is an electron side to every proton equivalent; a proton side to every electron equivalent.  The king, too, can be hedonistically self-indulgent when it suits him.  The leader can also be ruthlessly dictatorial when he considers it appropriate to be so.  True absolutes are both anterior and posterior to material evolution, though flame can consume it.  The real purpose of our being here is to get spirit beyond material constraints and, worse still, its exposure to soul.  For pure spirit is indestructible!


22.  Ideal slogan for the true Irish people: Forever theocratic!


23.  Militant propaganda slogan against the false Irish people: Democrats beware, theocrats are here!


24.  Just as, for the revolutionary democrat struggling on behalf of socialist ideology in a liberal democracy, the most appropriate slogan would be: Forward to a People’s democracy! so, for the revolutionary theocrat struggling on behalf of Social Transcendentalism in a Catholic theocracy, the most appropriate slogan must be: Forward to a People’s theocracy!


25.  As liberal democracy to the socialist revolutionary, so Roman Catholicism to the revolutionary theocrat.  You do not extend the democratic spectrum (from liberal to social democracy) without a struggle with the liberal status quo.  Similarly, you will not extend the theocratic spectrum (from Roman Catholicism to Social Transcendentalism) without a struggle with the Catholic status quo.  Needless to say, both struggles are mutually exclusive.


26.  Catholicism corresponds to a grand-bourgeois autocratic (feudal) theocracy.  By contrast, Social Transcendentalism will correspond to a proletarian theocratic (centrist) theocracy.  There is all the difference between the Middle Ages and the twenty-first century in these two theocracies.


27.  People have often spoken of a Jewish world conspiracy, but, in reality, there can be no such thing.  The Jew will never dominate the world, for the simple reason that we are evolving towards an ideological identification and away, in consequence, from tribal roots.  Social Transcendentalists of Jewish descent may well be in highly influential positions in the world to-come, but to regard them as Jews would be to fall into an anachronistic trap nothing short of slanderous!


28.  An Israeli Social Transcendentalist would be as far from being a Jew as an Irish Social Transcendentalist from being a Celt.  As far as I am concerned, Israelis and Irishmen are but passing (nationalist) phenomena in between tribal and ideological extremes.  In the coming age, there will be neither Jews nor Celts, neither Israelis nor Irishmen, but regional components of supra-national federations of Social Transcendental Centres.


29.  One should perhaps distinguish between worker and proletarian, reserving the use of the latter term for citizens of socialist states, with the implication that they signify a transformation from the proton to the electron side of an atomic integrity, and are therefore essentially different from and superior to the proton-biased masses of a bourgeois state who, by contrast, are but an evolutionary stage further along from peasants (serfs), as a liberal manifestation of proton enslavement.


30.  In this respect, nothing could be more subjective and slanderous than to refer to proletarians in socialist states as 'mob', 'rabble', 'herd', etc., as some Western writers, of liberal tendency, are only too disposed to doing.  If such terms are ever applicable to the people at all, they would seem more relevant to the proton masses, or workers, of a liberal society, who are simply the exploited and exploitable victims of a bourgeois elite, and may accordingly come to reflect this fact, from time to time, in uncivilized conduct and speech.


31.  Social Transcendentalism in Ireland cannot solely appeal to proletarians, but must be regarded as an Irish Movement, a movement intended to extend theocracy in a Social Transcendentalist direction, rather than to extend democracy in a socialist one, and consequently aimed at the supersession of all democracy and, by implication, republicanism, which is but an acknowledgement of the People’s political sovereignty, the very sovereignty Social Transcendentalism looks down upon from its theocratic vantage-point.


32.  For its founder knows that religious sovereignty signifies a superior evolutionary development, being a reflection of post-republican and  truly theocratic thinking, in which the Leader comes to embody and/or intimate of the Holy Spirit in his correspondence to a Second Coming, beyond and above any democratic sovereignty, the kind that every true Irishman will know, in his heart of hearts, to be a Protestant phenomenon, more relevant to the British than to the time-honoured upholders of a theocratic bias.