Every human being stems from the Diabolic Alpha

And also aspires towards the Divine Omega,

But no two human beings stem from

Or aspire towards to exactly the same extent.

The higher the man, the more will he

Aspire towards the Divine Omega.

The lower the man, the more he will

Stem from the Diabolic Alpha.

Generally speaking, babies, children, youths,

Women, and tyrants stem from the Diabolic Alpha

To a greater extent than they aspire

Towards its antithesis in transcendent spirit,

And for this reason such creatures

Will rarely be popular with higher men,

Who as often as not lead a saint-like existence,

Scorning all but the minimum of sensuality

In allegiance to their spiritual aspirations.

But higher men are comparatively rare

Even in this ostensibly advanced age,

And are generally regarded as cranks or perverts

By the vulgar majority.

Nevertheless evolutionary progress requires

That an aspiration towards the Divine Omega

Be stepped-up at the expense of

A stemming from the Diabolic Alpha,

And therefore that mankind become

More spiritual the higher they evolve.

Doubtless babies, children, youths, women,

And tyrants will remain victims

Of a certain inescapable level of sensuality

For as long as they exist.

Nonetheless the pressure will be on adults

To improve their level of commitment

To the Divine Omega over the coming centuries.

Eventually there will be no human beings at all

But only Supermen, and so man

Will have been 'overcome' in the interests

Of a greater spiritual commitment

Than ever he could manage, what with

His natural body and sensual obligations.

Only a brain artificially supported and sustained

Would really be in an evolutionary position

To expand spirit to any radical extent,

An expansion which could only presuppose

Subsequent transformations ... as appertaining

To still higher stages of post-human life.

But there will be fools and ignoramuses among

The People who will persist

In trying to thwart evolutionary progress

And prevent such an eventuality

From finally coming to pass.

These fools and ignoramuses will stem

From the Diabolic Alpha to a greater extent

Than they aspire towards the Divine Omega,

Opposing those who are morally above them.

Life is often a struggle between

These two opposing tendencies,

Which respectively reflect 'the bad' and 'the good'.

No matter what the situation 'the good'

Must continue their struggle against 'the bad'

In order to improve the quality of life

In this world, and should eventually

Triumph over them altogether, bringing

Higher life on earth closer

To salvation in spiritual transcendence.

To the extent that the world is natural

It is bad, because barbarous.

To the extent that the world is artificial

It is good, because civilized.

The world only becomes better to the extent

That the artificial predominates over the natural.

For the more artificial it becomes,

The closer it draws to the Supernatural, and thus

To the attainment of the highest life form,

In the guise of collectivized new-brains

Artificially supported and sustained, to

The transcendental Beyond in which, ultimately,

Only the Omega Absolute

Of undifferentiated transcendent spirit

Will prevail for all eternity.