101.   Therefore I do not regard the formation of a Gaelic federation as a fanciful aspiration which religious divisions could only obstruct, because although I fully acknowledge the existence of such divisions - and have allowed for them in the overall structural integrity of our projected triadic Beyond - it is important, it seems to me, to distinguish the Celts from their Anglo-Saxon neighbours, as one would, in topographical terms,  distinguish highlanders from lowlanders, and to grant them the benefit of the doubt that, when push comes to shove, they would rather cooperate with one another in a new order that ideologically did away with Catholic/Protestant divisions than continue to be divided and ruled by the English from Westminster, the seat not only of Her Majesty's Government but of the Monarchy itself.


102.   Such a new order would of course be Social Theocratic, and it would have to take the form of a Gaelic federation which was fundamentally republican, though of a new elevated order of republicanism compared to that which exists in the current Irish Republic, capable of adequately serving the religiously sovereign People should the electorates so elect, in the paradoxical election or series of elections we have equated with 'Judgement', and thereby acquire rights in relation to religion which would not only absolve them from worldly sin and deliver them from all forms of religious tradition and primitivity, but ensure, where applicable, that such pseudo-grace and pseudo-sin as some of them might alternatively have been partial to would find a redemptive niche in the triadic Beyond of 'Kingdom Come', in reality a republican theocracy with an executive presidency responsible to the religiously sovereign People and their future spiritual (or, rather, antispiritual), intellectual, and emotional well-being.


103.   Therefore if 'Kingdom Come' is not really a 'Kingdom', neither would the Gaelic federation be a monarchy, even under a sort of Messianic 'Philosopher-King' or 'God-King', the nearest equivalent to a Second Coming, but a new type of republic which is able to address the heights as well as the depths, with a bias for the heights in true Celtic, highlander fashion.  Strictly speaking, I guess a term like Federation of Social Theocratic Centres would make more sense within the ideological context of 'the Centre'; though it should not be forgotten that before any such Centrist federation could be forged, the Celts themselves, particularly in Ireland, must be persuaded of the desirability and even moral necessity of it, in order that it can develop from there to the other proposed countries of the federation and, hopefully thereafter, even abroad, not least in respect of the European Union, or certain countries thereof, like France and Germany, which might initially be more enthusiastic about such a prospect and desirous that Europe in general should become more civilized, which is to say, sensibly orientated.


104.   But in England, even in the not altogether implausible event of a truncated England following regional devolution, there would be opposition to such a development, not least in terms of the extent to which monarchy still persisted and either prevented or inhibited, through its executive government, any democratic move by the People to vote for a republic. 


105.   Frankly, even in the event of England democratically losing Scotland, Wales, etc., to a Gaelic federation (which in any case might initially be under legal constraints in respect of the position of monarchy vis-à-vis the Scots and Welsh and the position of the Scots and Welsh, as subjects of the Crown, vis-à-vis the monarchy), there would still be those in power who would resist the threat, as they saw it, of republicanism and maintain that the People, as electorate, had no right to vote to get rid of the Monarchy when they were subjects of the reigning monarch and had voted, in the General Election, for a specific HM Government which, as a manifestation of the overall state-hegemonic integrity of Great Britain, would be unable, if not unwilling, to put forward meaningful legislation in that regard, the acting Government not being in a position to 'bite the hand that feeds it', so to speak, but being an executive instrument of the monarch's reign.


106.   Therefore short of the Monarchy opting to wind itself up, with the People's consent, it is difficult if not impossible to foresee a situation (even in the event of England being threatened with the loss of Scotland, Wales, etc., should the peoples of those countries succeed in democratically ridding themselves of monarchic constraints in the interests of religious freedom), in which the English people could just vote, at parliament's behest, to get rid of the monarchy. 


107.   It will, I think, be necessary for the Monarchy to make a gesture to that end before any meaningful prospect of republican change can be entertained in England, never mind Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.  And if the Monarchy, or leading members of the Royal Family, do come to any such decision in the interests of the English or British people, it would not be independently of what has been outlined in this and other texts concerning the desirability, if true progress is to be achieved, of 'Kingdom Come' as here interpreted, but in relation to confidence in both the logical necessity and moral desirability of such a 'Kingdom', both as an alternative to the sinful/pseudo-punishing 'world' of the existing Irish Republic and as a means of making amends for the heretical aberration of Henry VIII which, subsequently reinforced 'down below' by Cromwell, led to the schismatic autocratic-plutocratic diagonally descending axis in the first place and ensured that the Church, whether Anglican or Puritan, would ever afterwards remain subordinate to the State, whether monarchic or parliamentary, with pseudo-graceful and pseudo-sinful consequences, not least in terms of damnation from the fiery ungodliness of the one to the he-devil earthly profanity of the other.


108.   It is, I think, for the monarchy, for the reigning British Monarch, to decide at the end of the day whether or not the time has come to right the wrongs of the past and assist in the dismantlement of the system which has barred the greater percentage of the British people from any prospect of salvation from authentic sin to authentic grace, as from unholiness to God, and politics itself of any likelihood of release from pseudo-punishment to pseudo-crime, as from injustice to the Law, as germane to the diagonally rising axis of meritocracy-theocracy and, in state-subordinate vein, bureaucracy-technocracy. 


109.   It is for the Monarchy, I maintain, to admit of its own responsibilities in relation to this heretical situation which an English monarch foisted, through his own wilful perversity, upon England and subsequently the peoples of the British Isles in general, at a terrible cost to peace and stability, and for both it and the Royal Family in general to take the necessary steps to facilitate the rectification of this heathenistic aberration which, several centuries later, still leaves a majority of the people of these islands in want of true self-respect and an end to the female-hegemonic freedoms of pro-notself - wrongly identified with selfishness to the detriment of the true self - and anti-notself which twist the male against himself, as against his self, and render him physically subordinate to the reign of crime and punishment in state-hegemonic vein.


110.   Only when the majority of people on these isles - and not only on the island of Ireland - are in a position to vote for religious sovereignty at the expense of such worldly sovereignty as, contrary to what punishingly and pseudo-sinfully obtains on the other side of the worldly fence, holds them to sin and pseudo-punishment at the expense of enhanced grace and pseudo-crime ... will there be any prospect of true self-respect, and such self-respecting selfishness, no longer compromised or eclipsed by a false concept of self owing much if not everything to the somatic not-self, will bring them the grace not simply of God but, more importantly, of that resurrection of metaphysical ego in metaphysical soul which is commensurate with Heaven the Holy Soul and thus with the universal goal of life in the bliss of perfect being, transcendent and supreme for ever and ever and ever ... eternity-without-sublime-end. 


111.   So be it!  May history provide and leave the People to decide for themselves in what will be the biggest turning point, the greatest decision in their lives.  For afterwards, if judgement favours Heaven, there will be no more history but simply ... eternal being of an ever-more perfect and summational order, a beingful supremacy destined to culminate in the 'space-centre' omega point of our projected ultimate universality.



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)