Appendix II


Since we have described the moral ramifications of a descent from above (amoral) vis-à-vis an ascent from below (immoral) in relation to knives and handguns, whether with respect to the southwest or the southeast points of our intercardinal axial compass, we may as well conclude by giving the ale and beer equivalents of such descending and ascending behaviour, though not before reminding ourselves that light ale was adjudged to be morally hegemonic over lager at the southwest point of the said compass, specifically in terms of bottles over cans, while stout was adjudged to be the hegemonic beer vis-à-vis brown ale across the axial divide at what transpired to being the southeast point, and specifically in terms of cans over bottles.


Thus bottled light ale over canner lager at the southwest point of our intercardinal axial compass was adjudged to be equivalent to chemical morality (heathen) over pseudo-physical unmorality (unchristian) in relation to feminine and pseudo-masculine criteria, the former elementally akin to water and the latter to pseudo-earth (pseudo-vegetation).


However, if one were to have an amoral descent from above (chemistry) it would be in terms of canned light ale, and such a descent would logically correlate with the possibility – indeed likelihood – of an ascent from below (pseudo-physics) that would, in this particular elemental context, take the form of bottled lager, the immoral counterpart to canned light ale, insofar as we would have the logical right to infer a pseudo-masculine ratio of 1½: 2½ free soma to bound psyche, as germane to a quasi-chemical departure from pseudo-physics which, by analogy, could be inferred as likely to give bottled light ale a bad name or, more correctly, to cast immoral aspersions upon chemistry.


Thus as with the quasi-chemical departure from pseudo-physical handguns (straight handled) to straight knife-wielding on the part of pseudo-masculine males, any departure, whether motivated by amoral pressure from above or otherwise, from canned lager to bottled lager by such males will be of equivalent significance, being, in a sense, no less immoral.


Likewise, if from a contrary gender standpoint, canned stout over bottled brown ale at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass was adjudged to be equivalent to physical morality (christian) over pseudo-chemical unmorality (unheathen) in relation to masculine and pseudo-feminine criteria, the former elementally akin to earth (vegetation) and the latter to pseudo-water.


But if we were to have an amoral descent from above (physics) it would be in terms of bottled stout, and such a descent would logically correlate with the possibility – indeed likelihood – of an ascent from below (pseudo-chemistry) that would, in this particular elemental context, take the form of canned brown ale, the immoral counterpart to canned stout, insofar as we would have the logical right infer a pseudo-feminine ratio of 2½:1½ bound soma to free psyche, as germane to a quasi-physical departure from pseudo-chemistry which, by analogy, could be inferred as likely to give canned stout a bad name or, more correctly, to cast immoral aspersions upon physics.


Thus as with the quasi-physical departure from pseudo-chemical retractable knives to curve-handled handguns on the part of pseudo-feminine females, any departure, whether motivated by amoral pressure from above or otherwise, from bottled brown ale to canned brown ale by such females will be of equivalent significance, being, in a sense, no less immoral.


Thus, in overall phenomenal axial terms, any amoral departure from the hegemonic positions that is likely to encourage or result in an immoral backlash, whether in terms of canned light ale vis-à-vis bottled lager or in terms, axially contrary to that, of bottled stout vis-à-vis canned brown ale, can only be bad for the hegemonic positions, whose moral advantage, whether heathen or christian, is likely to be undermined if not dissipated by its immoral counterpart, and should accordingly, here as in other analogous contexts, be systematically avoided.


Clearly the reputation of bottled light ale, although heathenistically moral in view of its chemical parallelism, would stand in better stead if not confronted by bottled lager, just as the reputation of canned stout, with its physical parallelism to christian morality, can only stand if not confronted by canned brown ale, neither of which confrontational departures from below, we can logically contend, would be anything like as likely if not sparked off by an amoral descent - in the antithetical terms of canned light ale and bottled stout – from above.


As for glasses, glasses are a way of moving from can over bottle or, depending on the axial context, bottle over can to a common ground somewhere in between, but they also come in different shapes and sizes, which is a topic outside the scope of this supplementary appendix.